Anonymous5: why is it always black on white or white on white edits, why is it never black on black edits, in fact, never mind the edits, I don't think I've ever seen a porn animation featuring two black people, why is that, bunch of racists here if you ask me.
Anonymous6: @Anonymous: Homophobia is no where near as bad as racism, and if you think otherwise you're probably a brainwashed fat white American. Gay people aren't vicitims but they sure want to be.
Anonymous7(4): @Anonymous: Or, alternatively.... we do the easiest possible fucking solution and not hate anyone for things they can't control? It literally takes 100% LESS effort to not be a homophobic cunt
Anonymous10: @anonymous6 racism and homophobia/transphobia are both bad. and yes, queer people are victimized. members of the lgbt community are slaughtered all over the world daily just for loving someone. its illegal to be homosexual in 70+ countries, with the death penalty being a punishment in over a quarter of those. lgbt people are also 4 times as likely to be victims of bullying, bigotry and violence than people are are heterosexual. theres laws worldwide and in the united states that prohibit gay people from basic human rights like medical procedures and adoption, and even more laws against transgender people especially when it comes to medical care. lgbt people are victimized, raped, brutalized, killed, beaten, abused and bullied every day. people of color and members of the lgbt community are both oppressed minorities. do your research before commenting hateful things.
Anonymous13(4): @Anonymous: @Anonymous: both of you prove anon10's point that gay people still get discriminated against, cunts like you are why they get a month
Anonymous18: edit? so these characters were white originally and then turned black? okay now im not a big fan , this is literally the left woke social justice bullshit , this is black washing.
Anonymous21: @Anonymous: Yes. I've never seen two attractive and successful Africans fucking each other on this sight. Always some combination with other races. Almost always blatant racism aka SHITTED which is fine apparently but wrong if reversed or edits to others works from talent-less losers literally masturbating to race, often filling comment section with self righteous bs while being completely oblivious to their own racism to boot.
As for the homophobia bullshit, the race baiting/raceplay/whatever fetish porn almost always comes from the alphabet people. Essentially every racist fetish on this site stinks of a poor, discriminated, snowflake whos hate runs so deep its become a fetish. Think what you will of the rest of us but you clowns are fooling yourselves by pretending to be cut from a different cloth. The racists/racebaiters/tranny haters and fags are all every bit the same ilk.
@Anonymous: Is a tranny faggot.
Convince me otherwise.
mald harder you lonely douchebags
- Reply
Other than that, I think this is a pretty hot edit of one of my favorite Minus8 videos
-slightly less than half the people that use this site lol
As for the homophobia bullshit, the race baiting/raceplay/whatever fetish porn almost always comes from the alphabet people. Essentially every racist fetish on this site stinks of a poor, discriminated, snowflake whos hate runs so deep its become a fetish. Think what you will of the rest of us but you clowns are fooling yourselves by pretending to be cut from a different cloth. The racists/racebaiters/tranny haters and fags are all every bit the same ilk.