recteik: I get the connection between Stalin and Obama since both are Communists. But Why The Fuck is House there? He's not a Communist, He's just. . . He's House It doesn't get much more awesome.
Anonymous44(43): You idiots. House represents the lack of 'religious values' (fuck' em, they're useless) when it comes to medical and scientific progress (stem cell research, abortion, ...).
Anonymous50: So apparently Obama is going to strip down, and ride a unicorn bareback, whilst destroying Washington DC with his magic sword.
All of this will apparently turn the sky red, resurrecting Stalin, who will steal Gregory House's pills and taunt him with his fur cap, which will make House sad.
Anonymous68(53): "Who will go down in the anals of history as the worst president of modern times! Even worse than peanut picker, Jimmy Carter." u forgot cowboy Bush
Urbane_Guerrilla: Anon47 is without understanding. Likewise Anon67 -- GWB dismayed the great idiots, but not the people of freedom. Thanks for playing.
Obama is basically moderate, but has spent the entirety of the past two years trying to appease the Republicans, so effectively he's been center-right since election. This is, of course, a stupid move, because Republicans will never like him due to a deep-rooted sense of racism and anti-intellectualism that pervades them, and all it does is alienate his base, read: everyone who isn't psychotic or a moron.
Jimmy Carter wasn't a bad President, but wasn't too great either - in office anyway. The real benefit to Carter's presidency is it gave him clout, credentials, and a wealth of insight into how world politics works that have enabled him to become our most respected and effective diplomat ever.
Finally, George W. Bush's presidency was possibly the most damaging thing to ever happen to the USA, though solely blaming him for it is obviously not correct, since it was much more the handiwork of Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, Donald Rumsfeld, John Ashcroft, etc. etc. Anyone who thinks Bush's presidency did not "dismay" people who love freedom has obviously never heard of the Patriot Act, one of if not THE most flagrant violations of freedom in American history.
Anonymous71(53): Urbane_Guerrilla: Anon47 is without understanding. Likewise Anon67 -- GWB dismayed the great idiots, but not the people of freedom. Thanks for playing.
whats the freedom for u ? a right to choose ur car, OS, drink beer and fap to americunt flag?
forget this word, freedom is nothing but an illusion to make people belive that they arent slaves of the system, presidents,kings, dictators are the same shit they keep u in their hands, theres nothing what u can call "yours" except maybe ur family, even ur mind is fucking brainwashed by this "freedom" and other democratic shit, ur country doesnt belong to u, it belongs to jews and ZOG.
read a mothafucking book be anarchist fap to communism!
Anonymous73(53): patriotism is a violence of freedom, patriotism must be considered as a sort of racism, respect other countries and others opinions, read a book instead watching tv with a bottle of beer
LadyStardust: @Getter the Great: "Trying to appease Republicans" my ass, he's one of the most far left presidents we've ever had, and his policies reflect that.
Titanium: Anon47 is correct. Urbane_Gorilla, I suggest you check in on what the political spectrum is. Obama is a capitalist and a centralist through and through.
LSD - Not true. Not true at all. FDR was more left than him. And many of the issues Obama is pushing were pushed by Reagan himself (health care, nuclear disarmorment, etc).
Everyone, please learn history. I know the public memory of politics is similar to that of the news cycle, but that does not mean you have to buy into it all.
PS - I, personally, am more liberal than Obama and the dems. I am not trying to say that "my president" is "normal" and a "centralist". I call him such because he is far away from the liberal and conservative ends both.
-jack: OK! if u were paying attention to my last contest, then u know a new contest is starting on this page. same rules as before.
subject: what needs to happen? there is no specific topic, just whatever you think needs to happen in the world (ex.obama bitchslapping bush).
Anonymous85(48): LSD, I suggest you get off the...well, LSD.
If Obama were a far leftist:
The banks would be nationalized
Forget public option, there would be single payer health care.
America would pull out of its wars.
DADT would've been repealed by now.
Gays would be allowed to marry nationwide.
The criminals of Blackwater would've been barred from contracting with the DOD ever again.
The criminals of the Bush Administration would've been tried.
He would've stood by Acorn during he smear campaign conducted against it.
Obama ain't a lefty, no matter what the snake, the toad and the crying man-baby may tell you.
Anonymous88: All the Wallmart's consumers are much communists than Barack; they're Maoists whit the 850 Billions Debt of US Gov to China communist's regime...
Modern society enhances several cancers, and old dependent persons; healthcare state plan is a paramount necessity...
But all this discution is not Rule 34, Comrades!!!
CaptainButtface: anon 84: he's the president, not a king. he still has to follow the rules. those are things he's working on, though.
by the way, the dems that are saying nedative things about obama, just watch as they go back kissing his ass as soon as this is over.
also, yay 'nother feature.
Anonymous94: @Anon90: If you'd been on this site for more than a day, you would know that the case of not porn is covered by rule 8, which states that if a subject in a picture has less than two pages of hardcore porn, "softcore" porn is allowed to stay. Seeing as all three subjects have less than two pages, it's covered by rule 8 on three levels, newfag.
Anonymous96: so you dont like tosh. would you seriously rather dane cook have a show? the world would fully realize in less than a month that hes not funny on that lvl. If you still worship dane, you have no right to talk about comedy as you dont really know what your talking about. Go red hammer.
Getter_the_Great: @LadyStardust - you mean the policies of gutting health care reform to try and make it attractive to Republicans at the cost of any real progress towards providing affordable, quality health care to Americans? Or of refusing to fight for the civil rights of homosexual Americans because Republicans are homophobic?
TheAnt: It's hilarious when the country hits a slump everyone fucking treats it like the end of the world. That's what I got out of the message from this picture, with the Capitol building nearly in ruins and the US flag falling. People have no fucking faith or trust anymore because they're all a bunch of depressed whiners (AKA Republicans).
CaptainAwesome: lulz @ anon88
fukn n00b.
man that was awful,simply deplorable.i cant bare typing like a felt like losing several iq points.scary shit.
Anonymous114: "Now, there's one thing you might have noticed I don't complain about: politicians. Everybody complains about politicians. Everybody says they suck. Well, where do people think these politicians come from? They don't fall out of the sky. They don't pass through a membrane from another reality. They come from American parents and American families, American homes, American schools, American churches, American businesses and American universities, and they are elected by American citizens. This is the best we can do folks. This is what we have to offer. It's what our system produces: Garbage in, garbage out. If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you're going to get selfish, ignorant leaders. Term limits ain't going to do any good; you're just going to end up with a brand new bunch of selfish, ignorant Americans. So, maybe, maybe, maybe, it's not the politicians who suck. Maybe something else sucks around here... like, the public. Yeah, the public sucks. There's a nice campaign slogan for somebody: 'The Public Sucks. Fuck Hope.'"
Anonymous118: this is just dumb and pretentious you faggots who are members to a porn site that promotes pedophellia and animal sex would like this though because you are all sick fucks
Anonymous122: To all who who think that Obama is a centralist: are you high, or something? if you mean a European Centralist, then I would agree, since:
1) He took over two major auto industries.
2) He increased governmental regulation over the financial sector including taking over mortgage and student loan sector, so that the government can make money off the interest.
3) He put a moratorium on oil production, until it became political necessary to undo it.
4) He's in bed with the unions.
5) He proposed lifting the ban on gays in the military, even while the restrictions were sued to lift it immediately.
5) He has repeatedly stated, even before becoming US President, that any nationalized healthcare plan WILL lead to single payer. In fact, businesses are already on the way to dropping plans that would put people on the government rolls.
6) There is a provision in the existing healthcare reform package that would allow insurance companies to pay for abortion on demand.
7) He has appointed czars that believe in wealth redistribution, and are admirers of dictators like Mao or Chavez.
8) Under Obama's FCC, Net Neutrality and the Fairness Doctrine have been proposed.
9) Obama's economic advisers are suggesting a VAT tax and/or national sales tax in order to pay for the 3 TRILLION DOLLAR SPENDING that Obama has already made. There is a proposal to tax private retirement accounts such as IRAs and 401Ks.
10) He taught the radical Saul Alinski's tactics on agitation politics, made famous by SEIU and the defunct ACORN.
Say what you will about the Republicans, but Obama isn't a centrist. He's a Leftist. Bill Clinton is centrist, if there is a comparison. And the only reason why Obama is close to certain Financial houses like Goldman-Sachs, is because they stand to make money on cap-and-trade through the exchanges. And, he grew up with radicals all his life, so don't tell me Obama isn't a Leftist. He is certainly a statist, you know...
Anonymous123(87): So what's the deal with visiting a porn site to bash people who visit porn sites?
And what's the deal with talking politics on a porn site? Especially bashing Obama. I was certain that people who oppose Obama have family values that are just too strong to allow them to jeopardize their immortal soul by looking at boobies and dicks.
Really, people. Shut up about politics and enjoy the nekkidness.
Anonymous129(127): @anon120
Many independent voters are opposed to Obama as well. Polls indicate that roughly 20% of Americans are progressive; whereas, 40% are independent and 40% are conservative.
TheBigMansini: Definitely one of the funniest and coolest pieces I've seen featured in a long time...
Biggest thing Americans will have to figure out is that the political system, no matter what party it is, even outside of dems, and the GOP, will never work as long as corporations and lobbyists can pour in as much money as they want to the candidates during the elections. Americans need to figure out a way to stop lobbyists and corporations and cut off their contributions and make election media coverage FREE, so anyone with proper credentials can run for president.
Kill the greed, make the system work, it's that simple... Course, it may take, ahwile, but if there's enough people to support that theory, it could come sooner than you think.
Titanium: Anon119 -
1) Republican would have done it.
2) Lack of regulation caused collapse.
3) A second oil spill would have been beyond catastrophe
4) Really?
5) The political move was before the court ruling
5) What's wrong with that?
6) Oh noes... abortion? You mean the thing that doesn't cause people to bat an eye in any other country except those with the highest religiousity?
7) This made me laugh.
8) ... you are against Net Neutrality?
9) You realize the debt reached record levels on republican watch... every time.
10) [citation needed]
LadyStardust: *Sigh.* Titanium you wouldn't understand us. I'm right of center, Anon119 seems to be fairly conservative, we're never going to see things eye to eye. Ironically though I ended up voting for a lot of Democrats here in CA because I decided to use a voting guide put out by the peace officer's union, and I trust law enforcement not to point me in the wrong direction, but I'm very happy with the Republican takeover of the house. Balance in the branches ftw.
Anonymous133: Balance in the branches eh? Still where was all of this balance in the branches talk when Republicans were in power a few years ago. Oh well Alfred always has short term memory anyways.
Anonymous141: this must mean something .... a clue hidden in the art .... I GOT IT !!! obama loves g@y unicorns and does a bunch of drugs and supports communisim ..... i knew it !!
Aaron69z: @quingling they said bush was a one term president too, and look what happened hell he didnt even win the first time he got put in office, and then he left a mess on his way out
Aaron69z: also how come i dont have freedom of speech on here i keep trying to name government types and stuff to correct things and it says comment contains banned terms. people can drop the N-word but i can't name 2 types of governments and why this pic is one type and not the other type, that's BS
Getter_the_Great: Anon119 - you think a moderate wouldn't push Net Neutrality and the Fairness Doctrine? Only a psychotic Conservative would ever try to stop either of those things. If you honestly think that supporting them makes Obama a leftist, you're so far to the right there's no reasoning with you.
Consolamentum: Speaking as a European, I can only laugh derisively at the accusations that Obama is a Communist. Any Americans who seriously believe this to be the case obviously don't have a clue what Communism really is.
He's illegal, thus he can't vote. Is that the reason you hate illegal immigrants? Because they can't vote?
Fat, retarded, and proud huh? and by "people" you should speak for yourself faggot, nobody is as racist as you are (You said Mexicans, not illegal immigrants). They are not hated everywhere XD the USA is. You faggots are the laughing stock of the world. Besides, illegals slipped in while BUSH was during an interview on how "safe" the border is.. they jumped right behind your old president. Is that how easy it is to get into your fucking hole of a country? Hell, you people have to pay for the illegals to slip in.. inflation is nice huh faggot?
Fuckin Fantastic! And people wonder why Americans are hated everywhere, they even hate eachother. :/
Anonymous155: Willful ignorance armour at 100% !!! Their beams of pure reason had no effect!!! Muahahahahahaha!!!
It's funny how very little most of you Americans know about politics.
*There's a reason why Obama is on a horse. JibJab did a parody video of the last running for the Presidency and Obama appeared riding on a Unicorn galloping across a rainbow. Just check " - Time for Some Campaignin".
Krawczyk: anon151: Watch the documentary "The Fence"
you will lulz, and lulz greatly.
some trailers
Anonymous159: You people are all idiots
This is a PORN site not a political debate site
And it's obvious what the picture is of it's "the world according to paheal"
So get over yourselves, besides, the way American politics works is:
One party gets in power
They do a bunch of good stuff and stupid shit
People get mad at them for their stupid shit
The other party gets control because of this
They undo all the good stuff done by the previous party while ignoring all the stupid shit (hoping it'll go away) and do some good stuff and stupid shit of their own
The cycle repeats……
also funny its tag communist because its true
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I'll get this on a fucking t-shirt
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Too much health care for unicorns?
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Seriously, It wasn't even a minute before the pic changed.
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Republican can go suck a dick
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do want
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is there a youtube video of it?
All of this will apparently turn the sky red, resurrecting Stalin, who will steal Gregory House's pills and taunt him with his fur cap, which will make House sad.
....not quite how I was expecting things to go.
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it don't matter what you pick,your shit will go fuck all anyways,with the idiots you pick for leader positions.
man am i glad i live in Norway.
Obama is basically moderate, but has spent the entirety of the past two years trying to appease the Republicans, so effectively he's been center-right since election. This is, of course, a stupid move, because Republicans will never like him due to a deep-rooted sense of racism and anti-intellectualism that pervades them, and all it does is alienate his base, read: everyone who isn't psychotic or a moron.
Jimmy Carter wasn't a bad President, but wasn't too great either - in office anyway. The real benefit to Carter's presidency is it gave him clout, credentials, and a wealth of insight into how world politics works that have enabled him to become our most respected and effective diplomat ever.
Finally, George W. Bush's presidency was possibly the most damaging thing to ever happen to the USA, though solely blaming him for it is obviously not correct, since it was much more the handiwork of Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, Donald Rumsfeld, John Ashcroft, etc. etc. Anyone who thinks Bush's presidency did not "dismay" people who love freedom has obviously never heard of the Patriot Act, one of if not THE most flagrant violations of freedom in American history.
whats the freedom for u ? a right to choose ur car, OS, drink beer and fap to americunt flag?
forget this word, freedom is nothing but an illusion to make people belive that they arent slaves of the system, presidents,kings, dictators are the same shit they keep u in their hands, theres nothing what u can call "yours" except maybe ur family, even ur mind is fucking brainwashed by this "freedom" and other democratic shit, ur country doesnt belong to u, it belongs to jews and ZOG.
read a mothafucking book be anarchist fap to communism!
it don't matter what you pick,your shit will go fuck all anyways,with the idiots you pick for leader positions.
man am i glad i live in Norway.
-be glad that ur shthole is overrun by muslims, norway will become 3r world country and doesnt matter what party u vote, ur right
The MAN is watching you while you fap!
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LSD - Not true. Not true at all. FDR was more left than him. And many of the issues Obama is pushing were pushed by Reagan himself (health care, nuclear disarmorment, etc).
Everyone, please learn history. I know the public memory of politics is similar to that of the news cycle, but that does not mean you have to buy into it all.
PS - I, personally, am more liberal than Obama and the dems. I am not trying to say that "my president" is "normal" and a "centralist". I call him such because he is far away from the liberal and conservative ends both.
These are clearly machamps
subject: what needs to happen? there is no specific topic, just whatever you think needs to happen in the world (ex.obama bitchslapping bush).
1- im illegal
2- polititians are retarded
3- i trust no1
4- fuck the gov't
5- *classified*
im on a unicorn!!!
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Let's make our voices heard.
We've been given the right to choose,
between a douche and a turd.
It’s democracy in action!
Put your freedom to the test.
A big fat turd or a stupid douche,
Which do you like best?
If Obama were a far leftist:
The banks would be nationalized
Forget public option, there would be single payer health care.
America would pull out of its wars.
DADT would've been repealed by now.
Gays would be allowed to marry nationwide.
The criminals of Blackwater would've been barred from contracting with the DOD ever again.
The criminals of the Bush Administration would've been tried.
He would've stood by Acorn during he smear campaign conducted against it.
Obama ain't a lefty, no matter what the snake, the toad and the crying man-baby may tell you.
Modern society enhances several cancers, and old dependent persons; healthcare state plan is a paramount necessity...
But all this discution is not Rule 34, Comrades!!!
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by the way, the dems that are saying nedative things about obama, just watch as they go back kissing his ass as soon as this is over.
also, yay 'nother feature.
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by the time i was done reading all those comments i forgot what the picture looked like.
I AM ANON 100~ O.o
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fukn n00b.
man that was awful,simply deplorable.i cant bare typing like a felt like losing several iq points.scary shit.
-George Carlin
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perfect song for this pic and other obama porn
1) He took over two major auto industries.
2) He increased governmental regulation over the financial sector including taking over mortgage and student loan sector, so that the government can make money off the interest.
3) He put a moratorium on oil production, until it became political necessary to undo it.
4) He's in bed with the unions.
5) He proposed lifting the ban on gays in the military, even while the restrictions were sued to lift it immediately.
5) He has repeatedly stated, even before becoming US President, that any nationalized healthcare plan WILL lead to single payer. In fact, businesses are already on the way to dropping plans that would put people on the government rolls.
6) There is a provision in the existing healthcare reform package that would allow insurance companies to pay for abortion on demand.
7) He has appointed czars that believe in wealth redistribution, and are admirers of dictators like Mao or Chavez.
8) Under Obama's FCC, Net Neutrality and the Fairness Doctrine have been proposed.
9) Obama's economic advisers are suggesting a VAT tax and/or national sales tax in order to pay for the 3 TRILLION DOLLAR SPENDING that Obama has already made. There is a proposal to tax private retirement accounts such as IRAs and 401Ks.
10) He taught the radical Saul Alinski's tactics on agitation politics, made famous by SEIU and the defunct ACORN.
Say what you will about the Republicans, but Obama isn't a centrist. He's a Leftist. Bill Clinton is centrist, if there is a comparison. And the only reason why Obama is close to certain Financial houses like Goldman-Sachs, is because they stand to make money on cap-and-trade through the exchanges. And, he grew up with radicals all his life, so don't tell me Obama isn't a Leftist. He is certainly a statist, you know...
And what's the deal with talking politics on a porn site? Especially bashing Obama. I was certain that people who oppose Obama have family values that are just too strong to allow them to jeopardize their immortal soul by looking at boobies and dicks.
Really, people. Shut up about politics and enjoy the nekkidness.
BTW. I did notice Stalin holding his Vicodin. :D Hilarious.
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Many independent voters are opposed to Obama as well. Polls indicate that roughly 20% of Americans are progressive; whereas, 40% are independent and 40% are conservative.
Biggest thing Americans will have to figure out is that the political system, no matter what party it is, even outside of dems, and the GOP, will never work as long as corporations and lobbyists can pour in as much money as they want to the candidates during the elections. Americans need to figure out a way to stop lobbyists and corporations and cut off their contributions and make election media coverage FREE, so anyone with proper credentials can run for president.
Kill the greed, make the system work, it's that simple... Course, it may take, ahwile, but if there's enough people to support that theory, it could come sooner than you think.
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1) Republican would have done it.
2) Lack of regulation caused collapse.
3) A second oil spill would have been beyond catastrophe
4) Really?
5) The political move was before the court ruling
5) What's wrong with that?
6) Oh noes... abortion? You mean the thing that doesn't cause people to bat an eye in any other country except those with the highest religiousity?
7) This made me laugh.
8) ... you are against Net Neutrality?
9) You realize the debt reached record levels on republican watch... every time.
10) [citation needed]
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>>not wrong direction
I trollfaced like a motherfucker.
The only good pig, is a dead pig.
Cook'em Dano!
Arguing about politics on the internet.
Arguing about politics on a porn site.
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Amusing picture though!
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Fuckin fantastic! And people wonder why Mexicans are hated everywhere :/
He's illegal, thus he can't vote. Is that the reason you hate illegal immigrants? Because they can't vote?
Fat, retarded, and proud huh? and by "people" you should speak for yourself faggot, nobody is as racist as you are (You said Mexicans, not illegal immigrants). They are not hated everywhere XD the USA is. You faggots are the laughing stock of the world. Besides, illegals slipped in while BUSH was during an interview on how "safe" the border is.. they jumped right behind your old president. Is that how easy it is to get into your fucking hole of a country? Hell, you people have to pay for the illegals to slip in.. inflation is nice huh faggot?
Fuckin Fantastic! And people wonder why Americans are hated everywhere, they even hate eachother. :/
It's funny how very little most of you Americans know about politics.
*There's a reason why Obama is on a horse. JibJab did a parody video of the last running for the Presidency and Obama appeared riding on a Unicorn galloping across a rainbow. Just check " - Time for Some Campaignin".
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you will lulz, and lulz greatly.
some trailers
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Dems should be sent to Haiti
and America should start anew with less retards
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This is a PORN site not a political debate site
And it's obvious what the picture is of it's "the world according to paheal"
So get over yourselves, besides, the way American politics works is:
One party gets in power
They do a bunch of good stuff and stupid shit
People get mad at them for their stupid shit
The other party gets control because of this
They undo all the good stuff done by the previous party while ignoring all the stupid shit (hoping it'll go away) and do some good stuff and stupid shit of their own
The cycle repeats……
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