Anonymous1: Naruto: So how was trying out something half my size and a tenth my endurance?
Hinata: I'm not actually sure. I couldn't feel a thing from Ay-chan here.
Anonymous3: Pot calls kettle so Anon2 being badmouthed by Anon3 is like a monkey being badmouthed by an insect maggot's cancerous pile of vomit and shit.
Anonymous4: Why does Anon5 claim that Anon4 is a sockpuppet when he admits he has been here all day every day in his life plus he spams the ''bro, get some help'' quote everywhere? Honestly, this makes Anon5 a hypocrite who deserves way more help instead.
Hinata: I'm not actually sure. I couldn't feel a thing from Ay-chan here.