You’re up late. Working, studying, watching a movie, reading on the computer. It doesn’t matter what you’re doing, it’s the feeling you get. You’re tired, your eyes burn and, have the gritty feeling you get after not sleeping for a while.
Okay, you can’t go crawl into bed right now, but you close your eyes for a couple of minutes. Try to get a little moisture back into your eyes. That couldn’t hurt anything, right?
Then you’re falling. Like stepping off a cliff, you’re in free fall, though your body isn’t even moving.
Then like a bungee cord snapping back, you’re jerking awake, heart thumping a little faster, blinking quickly, wondering what just happened.
Doctors call it a hypnagogic jerk. A natural reaction, they say, to your brain thinking you’re dying, when your breathing and heart rate slow as you fall asleep.
What the doctors don’t know is, your brain is right. Every time you let yourself nod off, every time you feel that 'falling' sensation… You’re not falling. You’re being pulled down.
And one day… Your brain won’t be able to pull you back up.
bonerific: @Anonymous: It wasn't weebs, it was woke SJW leftists on Twitter that were causing a shitstorm about it. All your Tumblr SJWs just migrated to Twitter after Tumblr banned all porn on their site. That's why that site is such a shithole. Now I just wish the nips would ignore everything from western gaijin baizous.
bonerific: @Anonymous: Who cares? It's a drawing. It what fans want. Don't like it? Simply don't support it. Japan doesn't give a shit what you think, western Twitter/Tumblrfag. The arrogance of liberal westerners never ceases to amaze me. It's like they think they fucking own the place. I have seen the baizous & western liberals in their natural habitats. They are usually ugly fat pink or blue hair looking hobgoblins who only wish they were as attractive as the cartoon/anime girls they see on the screen. That's why all your feminist HR cunts can't get fucking laid.
You will never be an attractive woman, you pink hair fatfuck
Farfegnugen: @Anonymous: From what I heard about the show, I've already seen this show, a couple of times in fact. More than likely, done better.
Don't know why people are getting upset with a college girl with big tits, other than the fact she has big tits. Its anime, that sort of thing is like putting butter onto bread.
@bonerific: Wipe the spit from your computer screen, weeb.
Anonymous6: You weebtrads are honestly impressive even when you cocksuckers have a half decent point you make crap like this to remind the world how horrid and unpleasant you are.
Anonymous8: @bonerific: lmaooooo, first, clean those cum stains on your computer desk and second, try to talk without outing yourself as another degenerate weeb trash. wanna jack off to anime porn? don't visit this site you moron
Anonymous10(9): @bonerific: lmaooooo, first, don't clean those cum stains on your computer desk because there are none and second, try to talk without outing yourself as another morally upstanding Japanese media enthusiast. wanna jack off to anime porn? do visit this site my friend
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You’re up late. Working, studying, watching a movie, reading on the computer. It doesn’t matter what you’re doing, it’s the feeling you get. You’re tired, your eyes burn and, have the gritty feeling you get after not sleeping for a while.
Okay, you can’t go crawl into bed right now, but you close your eyes for a couple of minutes. Try to get a little moisture back into your eyes. That couldn’t hurt anything, right?
Then you’re falling. Like stepping off a cliff, you’re in free fall, though your body isn’t even moving.
Then like a bungee cord snapping back, you’re jerking awake, heart thumping a little faster, blinking quickly, wondering what just happened.
Doctors call it a hypnagogic jerk. A natural reaction, they say, to your brain thinking you’re dying, when your breathing and heart rate slow as you fall asleep.
What the doctors don’t know is, your brain is right. Every time you let yourself nod off, every time you feel that 'falling' sensation… You’re not falling. You’re being pulled down.
And one day… Your brain won’t be able to pull you back up.
They will have you.
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you're all retarded
literally no one cares
this is a rule34 site
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You will never be an attractive woman, you pink hair fatfuck
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Don't know why people are getting upset with a college girl with big tits, other than the fact she has big tits. Its anime, that sort of thing is like putting butter onto bread.
@bonerific: Wipe the spit from your computer screen, weeb.