Anonymous2: Hmmm earlier today I tried typing in the words oli-lay and ota-shay and they said they were "Banned terms". It's mind boggling how there are freaks that support underage yiff porn yet want us lol-icon lovers to be sent to prison and what not.
Anonymous3: Pletty sure "lol-icon" is in banned terms however i am not sure about shota. let me try to see if this comment don't say banned terms: shota
Violetty: @Anonymous: You do realize the Admins are not always the ones in charge, right? They literally got someone (or someones) over their head that tells them to remove a pic as they threaten to shut down this site. Don't be dick, managing this site can't possibly be easy when you have the literal government to deal with.
Anonymous5: Pretty sure the term loIi is just banned because they are finally trying to do something about 99% of comments being from underage kids pretending to be upset by drawings. Lots of other words for banned too. But idk.
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