Anonymous8: The people running this pedo haven should not be to hard to hunt down. I know a few who exposed kiddy fuckers in the past. Dropped this site addy to a few of them.
Anonymous9: @Anonymous: You have absolutely no clue what you're talking about and your feeble attempts to sound intimidating or smart are falling flat on both counts. Touch grass fandom anti.
Anonymous11(9): @Anonymous: What a fall from grace. He got popular exposing predatory Club Penguin private servers, in videos where he seemed calm, collected and humble. Now he can be seen hysterically shitting his pants over Genshin Impact lolis. But it does perfectly encapsulate the "I can spell and know basic things about the Internet so people should fear me" attitude. Like dude you do IT tier work. You're even OK at it. But God damn, you're not a hacker or programmer. Go do SRE at a big boy company and come back.
A lot of these people including Muta are also pretending. Like sorry, you're either not an actual internet OG, or you are being dishonest. Rule34 has been around since 2006, and it is not a "haven" of any sort bro, it's just a less censored art site. Welcome to the internet we had before every fucking thing was on 5 different websites.
Anonymous14(9): @Anonymous: over Tor on Qubes no less. This man can't be stopped! He will enforce all obscenity laws through his untraceable IP that can't even be traced using a GUI written in Visual Basic!
Anonymous19: Oh this pedo stuff again. I just love how the kiddy fiddlers desperately tries to come off as decent human beings. "We do nothing wrong". Then come out you cunts! Share your obsession with your friends and and family because you do nothing wrong... No? Thought so. Look in the mirror. You are scum and the world hates you. Fucking losers.
Anonymous20: Didn't this site get a warning about being black listed for this shite? I remember them droning on about it. Seems that will be the case if this is allowed here.
Anonymous29: Actually not anonymus-
Leon J Sheeter of Findlay Ohio
"oh someone created something took the time ... here it is .. and a cartoon ... & those commenters are like "heyyyy ...i've been waiting so long to find something to bitch about!!!"
A lot of these people including Muta are also pretending. Like sorry, you're either not an actual internet OG, or you are being dishonest. Rule34 has been around since 2006, and it is not a "haven" of any sort bro, it's just a less censored art site. Welcome to the internet we had before every fucking thing was on 5 different websites.
Leon J Sheeter of Findlay Ohio
"oh someone created something took the time ... here it is .. and a cartoon ... & those commenters are like "heyyyy ...i've been waiting so long to find something to bitch about!!!"