MooBs: Living in a world where everyone can make a shit OC for Youtube and get famous by being turned into porn makes me want to kill myself. It's even worse than ugly OC commissions because now its for free.
Anonymous2: @MooBs: If it's free and easy, do it yourself. Make yourself a hot vtube model, set up a voice changer, be entertaining on stream, edit videos for Youtube, become the anime furry waifu and get paid with money and free porn. It's free and easy, right? Just do all of that 4Head.
Anonymous4: So.... dude's mad that that the character being railed in the video isn't created or (more likely) had their IP rights purchased by a corporation. Makes sense lol.
Anonymous5: @MooBs: y'know, it's way more sad that you get angry over something as trivial as this. what she does is not your problem nor will it ever be your problem. so you getting angry and cringe af over her doing what she wants to do speaks volumes of how you are as a person irl. your not only acting sad and pathetic, but you are sad and pathetic.
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