Anonymous3: @Anonymous: yeah whatever dude... ive seen this argument 1000 times on this site and i nor most dont give a crap about it since its a fantasy of drawn pixels and colors arranged in a specific way on a LCD display. you will always lose this argument im not sorry to say.
Anonymous5: Listen. It's a fictional character that isn't based on a real person. As such, an artist can say the character is -insert age here- without changing the look or using the aged up version of the character.
- Reply
if(firstPerson == "Gwen_Tennyson" && secondPerson == "Raven")
result true;
else if(firstPerson == "Raven" && secondPerson == "Gwen_Tennyson")
result true;
else result false;
- Reply
if(firstPerson == "Gwen_Tennyson" && secondPerson == "Raven")
return true;
else if(firstPerson == "Raven" && secondPerson == "Gwen_Tennyson")
return true;
else return false;