Anonymous2: @Anonymous4 Some people can draw people later on in their ages but keep the faces. Some anime lolis are actually above or are the age. This is a drawing on a porn site. If pedophilia is what you are worried about, do more research here. There are worse things on this site
Anonymous5: @Anonymous:
@Anonymous: I will never give up. until they have created the teen gwen from canon with raven since they are both of the same age. you stupit idiot this is pedophilia on this art. you mistake the original gwen for older if she officially isn't. where do you get this nonsense? they never met, according to the creators.
@Anonymous: drawing is not bad, but what is bad is that you confuse the original gwen for older if she is officially not, and is 10 years old. These kind of people are sick of their hair, just as they drew Catalina la Catrina since 2020, don't play innocent, Channel 5 was almost going to sue them for creating these kinds of images. They CANNOT draw people later on in their ages if their aged up from canon versions exist, you have to give respect to the aged up versions as well as they gave respect to the lolis and adult versions of simba, tarzan, bambi and etc; comparing them with other characters who are the same age, and they should learn the differences and choose. and you can't converse the face of a child, because that's not hot at all and denying their aged up versions. this is a pedophilia in this drawing on a porn site, almost all the people do not visit and complain about what you are doing. This is much worse, that's why they accuse you. and none of this will do you any good, just waste your time for nonsesne. The more there is this, I'm going to take them to school. I am fulfilling the promise to create future projects while you do not believe it, I already discovered your secrets.
Anonymous6: @Anonymous: listen Ivan don't you ever get tired of this I'm sure there are websites out there there are ten times worse than rule 34 how's about you complain about them instead
@Anonymous: I will never give up. until they have created the teen gwen from canon with raven since they are both of the same age. you stupit idiot this is pedophilia on this art. you mistake the original gwen for older if she officially isn't. where do you get this nonsense? they never met, according to the creators.
@Anonymous: drawing is not bad, but what is bad is that you confuse the original gwen for older if she is officially not, and is 10 years old. These kind of people are sick of their hair, just as they drew Catalina la Catrina since 2020, don't play innocent, Channel 5 was almost going to sue them for creating these kinds of images. They CANNOT draw people later on in their ages if their aged up from canon versions exist, you have to give respect to the aged up versions as well as they gave respect to the lolis and adult versions of simba, tarzan, bambi and etc; comparing them with other characters who are the same age, and they should learn the differences and choose. and you can't converse the face of a child, because that's not hot at all and denying their aged up versions. this is a pedophilia in this drawing on a porn site, almost all the people do not visit and complain about what you are doing. This is much worse, that's why they accuse you. and none of this will do you any good, just waste your time for nonsesne. The more there is this, I'm going to take them to school. I am fulfilling the promise to create future projects while you do not believe it, I already discovered your secrets.
Go to Roblox, Ivan.