Anonymous10: @Anonymous: @Anonymous: Hey, If you don't like gay porn, cause your a fucking trash person that shows why humanity is screwed, then here is an idea: Just don't look at it and make comments showing that you don't like it. Crazy Idea, but maybe you should try it, instead of posting hateful comments that could affect others.
Good. Fucking. Riddance.
Anonymous17(1): Demoman: You know what! I can't fucking take it anymore! First I discovered Spy and Pyro being furries, than scout is addicted to hentai, Then Sniper has Piss Collection, And now this!!! I can't take it anymore!! I am leaving, and I only wish you guys is the best because I hope to never see you people ever again. So, with that, I say good fucking bye!!!
Anonymous27: @Anonymous: oooh who's an edgy boy? who's an edgy boy?! yes you are! oooh what a hot take! your statements are so controversial! what an edgy boy!
Good. Fucking. Riddance.
Gf: (Silently) What the frick did I just hear?
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