Anon-7: This is an old argument all the way back to the old USENET days. You'll never convince each other that your position is correct. Best to just drop it. (but if you really don't like loli and shota then visit another rule34 site where they just don't show it. simple, yes? )
Anonymous8: @Anon-7 This doesn't work. Censoreship is on the rise. You don't have to change the opinion of certain people, but you need to push back and kick them out.
Anon-7: ah, yes, censorship. Well, the only cure for that is to take it all to the dark web and hope they don't follow us there. Once they do we'll be back to trading Tijuana Bibles on the street corners.
ZELDAAA: This is what the movie looks like in a paralell universe where its ok for little girls to be nude all the time cause its just normal no one ever finds it sexy or hot so this movie was aloud to be made with nude little girls in this paralell universe
ZELDAAA: @Anonymous: Yea a world where nobody finds little kids nude sexual ever would be great they would be able to go anywere nude and no one would care cause it would never be seen as sexual by anyone
Anonymous24: There are three types of people that like this
1) People that get off on sexualizing characters they are familiar with and cartoons/shows they grew up with. (I fall into this camp. It's the same reason I like rule34 of MLP, Porkyman, and Family Guy)
2) Nudists, that just like seeing nude edits of everything.
3) P3dos, that only get off to this cause they fantasize about worlds where it's normal. Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with them using this kind of stuff. It doesn't hurt anyone, but if you fall in this category, you should seek therapy.
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1) People that get off on sexualizing characters they are familiar with and cartoons/shows they grew up with. (I fall into this camp. It's the same reason I like rule34 of MLP, Porkyman, and Family Guy)
2) Nudists, that just like seeing nude edits of everything.
3) P3dos, that only get off to this cause they fantasize about worlds where it's normal. Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with them using this kind of stuff. It doesn't hurt anyone, but if you fall in this category, you should seek therapy.