Anonymous2(1): @Anonymous: Its hell, and she's a demon. I think there are more moral implications with that scenario. this is likely an every day thing down there.
Anonymous14: listen here Morally challenged people!
First off I am not interested in loli/shota content I prefer big boob's, dick girls and Hilda's Mom, but I am tired of seeing these kinds of hateful comments.
Have you even considered that people who are attracted to these contents are simply attracted to the drawings or the character itself simply cause they like it? I mean, when you see a drawing/cartoon of a murder would you immediately classify the artist and the people who liked it as murderers?. That's prejudice and you're promoting hate towards people with different ideas.
Morals are vague on what's wrong or right, seeing that these types of contents doesn't hurt anyone(except for you maybe) what makes it wrong? even the gov allows sex & murder on TV & Movies so what makes this worse?
Even eating meat is allowed on TV and they kill real living animals for that, and if you say it's different cause it's food, are you saying that we can't survive if we don't eat meat?
Why must you attack people with different ideals, that's authoritarian thinking your basically NAZIS telling them to be like you or die.
BTW disgusting comments doesn't help with these contents either.
Mitchellojello: People: getting pissed over people getting off to nonexistent furries and calling them a pedo, but somehow feel justified in saying they hope these people, who most likely aren't into real people, much less children, should be raped and hung and murdered for their taste in cartoon porn. Yeah, that's a no from me, chief.
Anonymous16: @Anonymous: and you are a stupid peedo for looking at this to comment. Great job. So Intelligent like all the other peedos that complain about this art yet look at it and keep it up on their computer screen to comment. Go win a Darwin Award with that level of intelligence. People need to stay off drugs if they can't handle it and learn to separate reality from fiction.
Anonymous17: Hi just to tell people to shut the fuck up cause this is a drwing mot reality and if you fell onnthat image its cause YOU were looking up heluva boss porn
Jesus fucking christ the comment section look like a Twitter conversation
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First off I am not interested in loli/shota content I prefer big boob's, dick girls and Hilda's Mom, but I am tired of seeing these kinds of hateful comments.
Have you even considered that people who are attracted to these contents are simply attracted to the drawings or the character itself simply cause they like it? I mean, when you see a drawing/cartoon of a murder would you immediately classify the artist and the people who liked it as murderers?. That's prejudice and you're promoting hate towards people with different ideas.
Morals are vague on what's wrong or right, seeing that these types of contents doesn't hurt anyone(except for you maybe) what makes it wrong? even the gov allows sex & murder on TV & Movies so what makes this worse?
Even eating meat is allowed on TV and they kill real living animals for that, and if you say it's different cause it's food, are you saying that we can't survive if we don't eat meat?
Why must you attack people with different ideals, that's authoritarian thinking your basically NAZIS telling them to be like you or die.
BTW disgusting comments doesn't help with these contents either.
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Jesus fucking christ the comment section look like a Twitter conversation