Anonymous5: anon 2 the levels of irony saying anon 1 is racist when the whole British Broadcasting Corporation racebait fetish is around racism, 99% of this garbage protrays as white dood smol, blak man big haha cringefest that always features a white girl saying some incredibly cringe tier shit. The very image looks like an edit by a troll that took a wholesome sexy porn image an turned it into a cringe troll racist political message. black dicks are small, white dicks are big the whole British Broadcasting Corporation isint even a stereotype its nothing but lies. The amount of sites posting this cucked garbo and censoring the bkaclash comments only proves how racist driven the whole British Broadcasting Corporation crap is. anon 5/6 cry more triggered snowflake cuck.
I don't get the obsession with insecure racist, I say they be fired into the sun. adapt or die loser