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Uploaderpurpleblastoise, avatar
TagsLillie, NeoCoill, Porkyman, blackedpixie, edit
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Anonymous1: That whole Stuff is BS. Darker Skintone is just the effect of longterm Solar Radiation. If your Family lives in a really sunny, hot Area for Generations, its no wonder that yor Bodies adapt to the Environment.
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Anonymous2: always put link to original >>4276883
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Anonymous3: Ridiculous how some people try to incite race wars even in porn, we're all the fuckin' same, just stardust
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H_Traitor: Look at the source link!, lol
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Anonymous4: Indeed, just ignore it and letit wash over you. There ain't know communicating with people who just want to see you angry.
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Anonymous5(3): @Anonymous: I know, it just feels so weird to me, I don't get race wars at all, and the fact that I can't tell if the person who posted this is black and really hates white people, or is a white racist who wants to prejudice black people even more scares me a lot.
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Nibesto: Most white people would never have sex with a disgusting, AIDS-infected jogger. Those are quadroons in the US half Mexican. Also more than 40% of white people are racist. Nice try, JEW.
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Anonymous6: @Anonymous: This is likely some freakish tranny, they have a tendency to post this shit everywhere
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Anonymous7(6): @Nibesto: Based.
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Anonymous8: Imagine someone changing the skintone on a hentai to a darker skintone so dark skinned people can enjoy their fap too and then some random cuck fetish obsessed femboy is going to further edit that and make it about race like with this image. Every single SHITTED obsessed profile I've come across is run by a femboy lmfao, so don't think it's us dark skinned guys doing that shit, and don't lump us together with those metally ill femboys who've never touched grass before
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Anonymous9: what the fuck
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Anonymous10: What the fuck is this? How has this user not been banned by now btw
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Anonymous11: @Blackwell *laughs in african american*
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Anonymous12: @Blackwell: and yet here you are lol.
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Anonymous13(12): @purpleblastoise: yeah right we are suppose to believe the race full of people who need to make racist edits to art on a rule 34 site just to feel validated are the "master race" get the fuck over yourself boi
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Anonymous14: Why is someone posting cringe?
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Anonymous15: When people are so stupid they don't realise breeding a type of people makes more of them.
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Anonymous16: @Anonymous:
White on black creates black
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Anonymous17: She's full Chinese you nimrod. Where do you think blond hair and green eyes came from. Aryan ain't worth shit. This bitch is celestial Chinese fucking moron. Shit character in a racist series. Only pussy that fits a black dick is Jewish. Aryan bitches cut anybody's throat, black, white, Asian. Aryan kill anybody whose not white. Japanese people are white. Chinese people are white. Jews are white. Even slavs are white. She's meant to represent a celestial Chinese woman you racist fuck. Never see a black man fucking a black woman in hentai. Never see the same skin tone fucking, ever. Slaves still scared of segregation in a free world. You should be dropped from a billboard next to the highway with a chain, naked, so we can all admire you for real. Show me black on black hentai fucking racist. Fucking racist piece of shit. Scared to fuck your own women. Always feeling entitle to someone else's woman though. No honor and no loyalty. See you on the outside. Last time loser she's supposed to be celestial Chinese not Aryan. Aryans have platinum blond hair and blue eyes fucking retard. Lillie has green eyes and gold hair fucking miserable ingrate. Dumb dumb racist getting picked off. Hate knows no boundaries, no skin color. Disgraceful. If you're going to pick on somebody get your facts straight fucking idiot. Dumb fuck doesn't know what he's taking about, obviously.
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Anonymous18(17): Dumb fuck doesn't realize Nazis are being protected now because they're endangered species. Dumb negro should know all about going extinct. Can't pay another race to have a black man's baby. Black babies aborted at 8x the rate of every other race combined. That's pretty disgusting if you think about it. Then you have the gull to post some shit like this, targeting a race of people that are in the same predicament as you, and you shit on them at every opportunity. Would rather be Whitey's tool. You've betrayed your oppressed brothers and sisters. Repent in the lord's name and turn away from your obsession. The white race is not yours to decide what to do with. The white race has ties to every corner of the planet. America is more unified than ever and somehow garbage like this seems to always percolate to the top. The biggest perverts are invading popular culture in an effort to destroy whiteness. Even the thought of white people unifying as a collective people, is fucking terrifying to every negro. White people only watch each other's backs. You don't want to tell Whitey to keep it moving. When Whitey gets to stepping, it's in a March. Whitey taught black people how to march. Bite your masters hand and you will be neutralized. If not for the holy Jewish mother Johanna, and her kindness for animals, you'd all be gone already. I don't blame an animal for acting primal. But I can't stand when animals try to replicate art like it's in their own nature. Leave it to the real attractive and successful Africans. Leave it alone. We're protecting you from yourself. We're protecting the endangered species, Nazis included. Just remember you fucking dipshit, Lillie is meant to be Chinese not Aryan. You know Nazis are endangered, just like you, and you put out some slimy shit like this. You truly are incapable of cooperating with anyone.
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Anonymous19(17): The American black is most unholy. Not at all like his African counterparts. Slavery has left a bitter taste in his mouth. Even still, it seems the black has taken a liking to the taste. BDSM will always be considered degenerate as long as America is a Christian nation. Bear your cross blacko. Bear your cross like the rest of us. Shut up and bear your cross. Notice how the American black is obsessed with his own appearance. For the American black,no sensation is worth shunning. No decision worth rethinking. No endeavor great enough for him to stand up for. No. The American black must be fully independent. The American black must not accept help from anybody. The American black must attain total and self-servicing greatness. The American black is unprepared for spirituality. The American black has been unrealistic where before he was the voice of reason. Slavery has dampened his spirits. He is the rock that is ready to be washed away, but must never break. It's social stagnation. This behavior is predicated on social collapse. The American black is hoping to change the status quo. Bankrupt the states through endless welfare. Empower the federal watchdogs and control the perspective. I once heard someone claim Obama did nothing for black people. Bullshit. He gave more jobs to black people than all other races combined. He created new positions at the federal level so he could fill them with black benefactors. The attempted transfer of American wealth, thwarted ny the generous, oh so generous Chinese. They love America and it's whiteness. America is white. White ess is forever ingrained in American society. It's a Judeo-Christian nation. Soft genocide. The blacks think we aren't reading their intentions but we see their actions for what they are. They spread fear. That's all they're good for. Scaring people. That's all good until things get bad for white people. That's when Whitey gets to marching. White people are the most dangerous creatures on the planet. Black people, stop copying us you're pathetic. You make Christians look week. Ancient Christians were white and they killed anybody they didn't recognize without saying a word, no matter who they were. The white man is highly territorial. The white man's violent nature is predicated upon pre-existing agreements. Do this, get killed. Show up on my door, get killed. Invade my territory, get killed. White people are natural rapists. White people love killing and hurting people. Black people are predicated upon scaring people, but that doesn't work against white people anymore. Obama tried to hunt down all the secret Nazis from the Democratic party. They all changed sides and became Republicans. Now the Democratic party is coming to it's senses. The Nazis on the left were the only thing going good for the Democrats. Expert manipulators. Expert narrators. Expert strategists. Even Jews protecting Nazis now. Black people in big trouble
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Anonymous20(17): Black people want things in America to be decided by skin tone. No. Let things be decided by history. Once a slave, always with a slave mentality. You're compromised. You're mind is completely broken. Repent and love your colored brother and sisters. If there's less of a race left, they become more valuable. Know your worth. I don't hate you for being a slave, I pity you. Nobody should have to go through that. Some of you Uncle Tom's wear your slavery like it's a badge and you're the police. Think it gives you special privileges. No. What gives you special privileges is your circumstance. You're not a slave you're survivors. You're not special because you're slaves, that's nothing to be proud of. You're precious because you survived, just like your oppressed brothers and sisters of all colors. White man is vicious and cruel. Don't be like the white man, please. Go high. Do it right out in the open. Forget the naysayers. Forget Disney and it's aggressive posturing towards black people. Forget about what you were and figure out what you really are. It's about time. You can do this. Forget the NFL maiming people. Forget the Olympic athletes and their scandal explicitly targeting colored athletes. Forget about all the bad things in the world and focus on protecting yourselves instead of attacking others. You're some of the best defenders and it's a shame there aren't more black male lawyers representing people of all races. Black people make great deputies, better than sheriff's. Black people have sharp eyes and ears, good for watching people's backs. Black man isn't afraid to act under predefined circumstances. Knowledge is power. Whit man helped you to fight, you helped white man to aggregate. Stand down soldier. Stand down and pray with me so we can stand back up together. I'll be right there next to you, just protect yourselves because you can trust me. I want to save people from themselves. I want to teach them to hate themselves, not others. Hate your own mistakes. Hate your own prejudice. Hate your own people. Air your grievance using words not weapons. Black people too quiet. Hard for other races to interpret. Black and white have a special bond. Huge rivalry but also tremendous amounts of love. Yin and yang. Yin is peace. Yang is love.👍
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Anonymous21: @Anonymous: yes mostly,but sometimes it's mixed
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Anonymous22: The nazis don't exist in the Porkyman timeline, so this image makes no sense lore wise 0/10 doesn't fit the lore.
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Anonymous23: lol racist
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