swinewrickter04: Hows about we all start a hentai lover million dollar money pool/fundraiser. For a quest to donate $$$ to, and get a trademark anime porn affiliation. Like [pixy] or [studio G-1 neo] & get them to like buy bleach serries or charictor copywrite infringemints so's they can do a short anime porn version of the bleach serries!!! for like 3or4 episodes huh??? MAN I bet that would sell like hot cakes it'd B like anime 18+ bleach serries with the main charictors havin casual and un casual sex.
Anonymous6: anon 4 is right ya know... making a hentai series on an already existing anime will change how we look at things... although im probably the only one who put any sort of seriousness into it...
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Yeah, I thought of the same thing when I saw this image, reminds me of Lucy's first appearance.