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Anonymous1: It's beautiful because it's true
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Anonymous2: NAH attractive and successful African
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Anonymous3: funny, the dude in the animation isn't even black.. the author used a white male and just the lighting made him slightly dark...
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Anonymous4: Imagine getting jealous over animated dicks.
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Anonymous5: @Anonymous: You're right dude. It's so fucking sad how many retards think that if your skin isn't sheet of paper white, you are black. That's a average tan white skin tone in shadow, while DVA is a cartoon asian white tone. No blacks in this picture.
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Anonymous6: @Anonymous: SHITTED porn only makes blacks look pathetic, they crave the jealousy of others because they have no sense of self worth
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Anonymous7: Racists are so retarded lmao
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Anonymous8: @Anonymous: Both kinds of racist
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Anonymous9: @Anonymous: only one kind of racist mate.
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Anonymous10: Left video post/view/4207672#search=D%5EdVa%20animated
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Anonymous11(10): Rigth video /post/view/4207672#search=D%5EdVa%20animated
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Anonymous12: @Anonymous10 SHITTED is racist because race players enjoy genocide. Have you not seen it.