The anon who always says pedophilia in OG Gwen posts is a furry who's mad that mostly everyone prefers OG Gwen over teen Gwen even if a artist draws her with a adult body. Also teen Gwen is 15-16 so he's speaking bs.
Anonymous3(2): @Anonymous: Bruh you write fucking essays length comments whining about cartoon porn and spew out crappy insults at people. Your the one taking this shit seriously in fact too seriously if i'm being honest. Also your the creep who said you show your loli gwen porn folder to your mom you fucking weirdo.
DieInAFire: @Anonymous: His brain has been taken over by crack rocks. he had to put the acid tab on his tongue and wait for the drawings to start talking to him. That's why he thinks it's real.
Anonymous7: Some things never change. Unless a certain someone starts giving a shit about other young characters or actually finds something better to do with their time, I guess Gwendolyn Tennyson is gonna be a cursed name on here for quite some time. Think I’ll look up Toph from Avatar for a bit. lol
The anon who always says pedophilia in OG Gwen posts is a furry who's mad that mostly everyone prefers OG Gwen over teen Gwen even if a artist draws her with a adult body. Also teen Gwen is 15-16 so he's speaking bs.
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