Anonymous1: I think this pairing is cancer, raven needs someone to bring her out of her shell, not some angsty little bitch, who does things to try and make other people think he looks cool. Dick, Jason and BB would kick Damians ass.
Anonymous2: @Anonymous: "who does things to try and make other people think he looks cool." Does Damian intimidate you lmao. If that's what you take away from his actions then it seems that way. Don't be so mad they went with Damian over beast boy, the whole "opposites attract" thing to bring Raven "out of her shell" is such a one dimensional dynamic that fucks over her character development and props up beast boy.
appealus: Anon1 had a point, Anon2. Damian is generally disliked by comic fans for being Morrison’s irritating Gary-Stu / Self insert character. At least that’s how he was originally portrayed, it might be different nowadays with other writers saving him from being dull.
appealus: The pairing as far as the animated films is okay though. I think They made Raven even more interesting than her animated OG Teen Titans counterpart.
Anonymous3: anon 2 I agree with everything you just said. That's the solid truth right there, too bad will piss off all the beast bitch fantards.............which okay by me.
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