Anonymous1: Child torture?! But the person who posted this is really a fucking nutcase! Jerking off to torture is bad enough but to jerk off on suffering kids is really the last of the psychopathic assholes on earth! but for fuck's sake i hope that the competent authorities of your country will hunt you down like a dog, find you, and give you a fucking waterboarding session to make you think about your ignominy fucking spawn of the Devil go !!!!
Anonymous3: @Anonymous: I'm fucking with you on this during the series ikki and jinora were like 10 and 9 but in season 4 minors is 13 and kill is 12 and there not even legal age for rule 34 they need to have rules were the Characters need to be 18
Anonymous7: Lore wise this takes the story in a much darker place. Kidnap two of the only 4 living airbenders and torturously sterilize them to bring an end to the air nation.
Anonymous8: ..makes for an interesting story, considering then they could be sold as sex slaves without bringing other airbenders into the world.. sold to the highest bidder..
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And the 'difference' between fiction and Real is Not a Good enough excuse to silence this argument.
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