Anonymous2: @Chef_Retardee: >implying the design is the result of "hYsTeRiCaL FeMiNaZiS" and not just corporate reassessing the necessity for a kid's cartoon to be so horny
Literally the only change was she has slightly smaller Booba and if that's all it takes to make your boner sad then you're objectively weak
Anonymous3: @Anonymous: You're seeing it the wrong way,it's even more insecure if whoever flattened Lola felt threatened by her very innocuous curve. USA puratinical roots are showing because we gave a medium to a bunch of hysterics busybodies.People said the 90s were the era of political correctness, the 90s had nothing on the 2010s
Anonymous4: @Anonymous: Stop this retarded rhetoric that its some good for the children bullshit. We live in a world where children get access to a black chick singing about her oceanic pussy and a guy giving satan a lapdance. No this is the same shit as always - sexy = bad because america lives in an era of weakness, perfectly personified by you saying ITS OKAY THE CORPORATIONS ARE THE GOOD GUYS.
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Literally the only change was she has slightly smaller Booba and if that's all it takes to make your boner sad then you're objectively weak
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