Danielakiiki: Tags are correct, neither character was given a last name in the series, and the series tag here is 'Boondocks'. Unless anon1 means that the artist tag is missing.
Anonymous4(3): Reverse image search done! Artist is Robaato. (Ah that's a somewhat different way of spelling it.) http://robaato.deviantart.com/art/Feathered-Beatdown-146964673
shetni64: Pretty sure the chick from The Itis had a name, although I think we only heard it once when Huey was doing a voice-over, and I don't remember what it was.
Anonymous12: Because bitch is a gold digger that needs to learn respect from the master A Pimp Named Slick Back and remember you say the who thing attractive and successful African!!
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Also, could use the hot chick from Itis, but I don't think she has a name.
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