Anonymous4: Fuck you iron-eger mangina. His storylines are abysmal, his women are whores, his men are jerks, he is a gay womanhater, and you are probably too
Anonymous5: Why all the hate? He seems like a good artist and his adult stuff is, admitably, a little unbelievable. However I see no reason for someone to hate him that much *coughAnonymouss4cough
Anonymous15: @Aven-Druid: No, I hate him because he can't write anything except objectivist propaganda and bland, mary-sue characters. The only thing he has going for him is the art, if he stuck to just drawings and commissions I would be fine with him.
Anonymous19: The story line for red riding hood derailed so fast I was like ok traditional red riding hood and blah, then it went into tribunal then war then war against human babies then goddess fucking then...wheres the train!?! I think we derailed so hard we ended up all safetly in a orange bus on the way to the meat fest in Ireland, all you can eat...oh you were wanting porn? Nope this is a food court, court is now in session......that's exactly how I felt about the story, complete wtf x10
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