Anonymous1: *shoots Anne and Marcy because they aren't sexy and then grabs Sasha and slams her on the floor and rips her amror off and rape the fuck of her pussy*
Anonymous3: @Anonymous: oh so you like Marcy and/or Anne then? How fucking original. bet your one of the retarded sheep who think Marcy is "so cute and adorkable" when in reality she probably smells like fucking onions and is impossible to have a conversation nwith. Fuck you, tasteless niger.
Anonymous9: Just dare to say anything bad about sasha or any of these magnificent girls you should be glad it's a work with big breasts because it's not every day we see this.
Anonymous10(3): @Anonymous: Well retard, what's your case for why the other girls are better than Sasha? all you've said is "sasha fags are degenerates" and "lmao you're average sasha fag here", so are you gonna make a fucking point or are you gonna waste everybodys time like the disgusting shitskin loving faggot you are?
Anonymous11: I came back on this site to tell this guy who just badmouthed me that what you just said is nothing but hypocrisy of mental imbecility I was wanting to see this picture again of aeolus so I end up coming across a piece of shit calling me toxic and disgusting can someone please ban this guy from here?
Anonymous13(11): I want to get marcy's breasts soaked and make a perfect paizuri with sasha and anne or even lifting marcy's hips with all my strength so that she would have a cum spill.
Anonymous15: Of all fandoms, I didn't expect to find racists in Amphibia's. Who am I fucking kidding, this is Rule34paheal this cult of outrage will complain about anything (main complaint being that people different from them (black/gay people) exist)
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