Anonymous1: Still wondering why she brought almost everyone from MK2 back except her. Even Erron and Skarlet who were never there in the first place and retroactively crammed in with everyone else. Or Raiden who she hates and has to know would work against her. I mean she already tried to get Nightwolf, Shang or Fujin to work with her but locked them up for not cooperating so how is literally anyone else who opposes her allowed to run around freely when she managed to imprison a god or “demigod” that is on par with Raiden and Nightwolf who has to be one of the strongest dudes because how the Sindel massacre went down. Why does she even bring back anyone that she knows won’t work for her for that matter? Why not bring back Goro in his prime and show him his terrible fate and say “Work with me to help prevent this crap from happening to you.” Probably anything is better than those worthless as shit revenants who could not win a fight to save their pathetic non-lives.
Maybe it’s just me but it seems like Kronika’s decisions, her powers and limitations are intentionally vague for the sake of convenience of what the writers want to happen and the story starts to fall apart once you start to think about it seriously or question it at all.
Anonymous4: @Anonymous: I think the charm of John Wick was that it wasn’t horribly complicated or convoluted and the action was very well done. MK11 at least does one of those right. Also I enjoyed Terminator 2, the Matrix, Kill Bill, Die Hard and so many other actions movies more than the story mode this time around but maybe that’s just me.
Anonymous5: @Anonymous: good for you now...stfu get on your kneel and start licking my feet boi then after that ball on the plate so the female goddess can suck on those balls.
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Maybe it’s just me but it seems like Kronika’s decisions, her powers and limitations are intentionally vague for the sake of convenience of what the writers want to happen and the story starts to fall apart once you start to think about it seriously or question it at all.
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