Anonymous1: I fucking hate her! Back on January 6th at the Capitol, I wish a group of at least 4 or 5 of the protesters were able to get her in a locked room and teach her a God damn lesson, by running a train on her!
It's what she deserves for being an arrogant, know-it-all cunt, but is as dumb as a bag of hammers.
That smelly bitch needs to get her ass out of America, by hopping back on the same raft she used to illegally get into our great country and go back to her shithole country, and fucking stay there until she dies.
Or if she wants, she can sneak back in and be welcomed with a bullet to her ugly brown face!!!
johnny-topside: How nice for me to just be able to enjoy this without all the incel hate baggage just because I think she's attractive. I'll bet everytime Anon1 jerks off to this he feels conflicted
Anonymous8: @Anonymous: by "go back to her own shithole country" do you mean the us? shes literally puerto rican which is a us territory, meaning shes as much of an immigrant as someone who moved from texas to new york
Anonymous10: @Anonymous: AOC fucking Ann coulter in the ass, and foots the anus of Ivanka Trump
while Kamala fucks S.E. Cupps who fist the wife of GlennBeck (hottie!)
and Michelle Obama rams her arms in the holes of Sarah Palin
while Palin who fistfucks Hillary with a hand and Melania the other
Chelsea Clinton and Bristol Palin ass to ass with a double cockhead donley/elephant dick dildo
Anonymous11: When USA white men finally have a smart politician from the working class, they cry because she's a latina woman and that makes them feel insecure. Pathetic. Your country gonna fall soon.
Anonymous13: You don't have to engage with retarded white supremacists on a porn website, they're obviously mentally unstable plus they have had the wrinkles in their brains ironed out by all the Nazis propaganda they consume.
The fact that they hate brown people, are attracted to them and also want black men to have sex with all the white women is intentionally rotting their brain to justify their retard hate boner.
These type of guys save videos of black and brown people beating people up and interracial porn so they can hate-jerk off and cry.
Anonymous16: Again Right wing Neanderthal scum putting forward their delusions to obtain some semblance of self importance in their pathetic lives. Please dont open your disgusting mouths. Your presence alone is significantly lowering the IQ level in this comments section. Go get some education you disgraces to human intellect
Anonymous17: Sorry White guys, you are all going to be sent to force feminisation camps and turned into femboys.
Also we (illegal immigrants) are going to run your country and gay marry all your white women, so they won't be able to breed white people any more, than we will abolish capitalism and establish communism, create limitless Gender identities and make nuclear families illegal.
Anonymous20(19): I fucking love her! Back on January 6th at the Capitol, I wish a group of at least 4 or 5 of the protesters were able to get her in a sex with me and teach her a God damn lesson, by her riding on my dick!~🥰
It's what she deserves for being an arrogant, know-it-all cunt, but is as dumb as a bag of hammers.
That sexy bitch needs to get her ass out of America, by hopping on my dick back on the same raft she used to illegally get into our great country and go back to her sexy ass, and fucking stay there until she cums.
Or if she wants, she can sneak back in and be welcomed with a black cock to her hot ass face!!! Cum with me baby~ with my black dick~
Anonymous21: @Anonymous1 I agree but she is from puerto rico so she's technically a US citizen, rven if she doesn't act nor look like one. I'm not saying this because she's ugly and brown but because the way she behaves makes it seem as if she came from a third world country as a tourist and everyone loved her for it.
Anonymous23: @HurtSmooch601: Stupidity. These losers can't even jerk off without having an aneurism about politics. Just crank your yank and move on; they aren't worth your attention.
Anonymous24: Imagine grandstanding on rule34. Wow, just wow. I'm sure your based ancestors are smiling on you for degrading a woman on a porn website while you jerk off to a fake of her. Top class chad right there, truly the superior human being XD
Mr_Lolicon: All of you AOC simps are fucking retards. Regardless of your politics, you've come here to fap to AOC because you want to objectify her. This is the dumbest possible place to attempt to white knight for her. Just admit that see her as jack-off material and nothing else. If you really looked up to her as an intelligent and respectable person, you wouldn't be here.
Anonymous26: Funny thing is publicly she'd be horrified of the post, site and most comments made and condemn everyone and everything surrounding this, but privately... that would be a different matter all together.
Anonymous27: @Mr_Lolicon: Yeah, as a liberal, I would have to agree. At this point, id why there are still others who try to call you right-wing guys gross on this. I find it super fucking hot!
It's what she deserves for being an arrogant, know-it-all cunt, but is as dumb as a bag of hammers.
That smelly bitch needs to get her ass out of America, by hopping back on the same raft she used to illegally get into our great country and go back to her shithole country, and fucking stay there until she dies.
Or if she wants, she can sneak back in and be welcomed with a bullet to her ugly brown face!!!
while Kamala fucks S.E. Cupps who fist the wife of GlennBeck (hottie!)
and Michelle Obama rams her arms in the holes of Sarah Palin
while Palin who fistfucks Hillary with a hand and Melania the other
Chelsea Clinton and Bristol Palin ass to ass with a double cockhead donley/elephant dick dildo
The fact that they hate brown people, are attracted to them and also want black men to have sex with all the white women is intentionally rotting their brain to justify their retard hate boner.
These type of guys save videos of black and brown people beating people up and interracial porn so they can hate-jerk off and cry.
have you ever, ever interacted with society?
Also we (illegal immigrants) are going to run your country and gay marry all your white women, so they won't be able to breed white people any more, than we will abolish capitalism and establish communism, create limitless Gender identities and make nuclear families illegal.
It's what she deserves for being an arrogant, know-it-all cunt, but is as dumb as a bag of hammers.
That sexy bitch needs to get her ass out of America, by hopping on my dick back on the same raft she used to illegally get into our great country and go back to her sexy ass, and fucking stay there until she cums.
Or if she wants, she can sneak back in and be welcomed with a black cock to her hot ass face!!! Cum with me baby~ with my black dick~
- Reply
(i do NOT support jan 6 insurrection)