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Anonymous1: "Err...Skyguy? You weren't supposed to actually cum inside of me. It's the most dangerous time of the month for me and I'm not on any kind of birth control. Wait, you're okay with that? I mean the two of us, having a baby? Don't get me wrong Skyguy, our kids would be super-cute and amazing, its just I had no idea that you felt that way about me. Us. Oh, Anakin, I would have your baby in heartbeat, and of course I'll be your wife, your second one that is. I'm just so glad that Padme is okay with sharing you with me. I know she's so busy in the Senate, even more so than during the war, and she just doesn't have any time for you. But, I know she will always love you, no matter what comes in your way. So, since that's settled, let's work some more on growing your family, Skyguy."
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Anonymous2: @Anonymous: iOgnoring the fact they're two different species... anal sex doesn't cause pregnancies, dumbass.
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Anonymous3: @Anonymous²:True, but if it were vaginal, they could have children. Look at Cut and Suu.
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Anonymous4: Fuck off. They can’t have children. The EU states that the twileks and humans can’t have sex because they are a different species. Filoni’s dumbass retconned that for no reason
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Anonymous5: @Anonymous: How about you fuck off for talking bullshit. It's pretty much canon whether you like it or not that humans and few other humanoid species like Twilek can have children as it was confirmed multiple times in clone wars and rebels. Also fyi Ahsoka is a Togruta and NOT a Twilek but still humanoid enought to be get pregnant from a human dick.