Anonymous4(1): @Anonymous: I 'm anon 1 and 2. No one said anything bad about another ethnic group.Stop crying for nothing.... Only in search of visual variety ... don't injure me, please.
PD:pedo?...go to F***
Anonymous8: @Anonymous: @Anonymous: @Anonymous:
Cry because you're both poor and can't make art. Cry because people can be attracted to white people and not find POC attractive. Cry because that's all you'll ever be good for. The fact that you're getting offended and try3to insert politics into pornography proves so. When you realize your stupidity, go wash your faces, kiddos.
PD:pedo?...go to F***
Cry because you're both poor and can't make art. Cry because people can be attracted to white people and not find POC attractive. Cry because that's all you'll ever be good for. The fact that you're getting offended and try3to insert politics into pornography proves so. When you realize your stupidity, go wash your faces, kiddos.