Anonymous8: anon 8^ he is on vacton in the tropics, sippin magritas, he sent me a funny picture, he was in this strip bar and a male stripper accidently stepped out because he thought it was wensday which is girls day out, no it was thrusday, guys night out, female strippers only, so the guy had no clue what to do, so he just ran like hell out of the building. heh, though he did get hit by a car, he was okay, just broke his leg that's hit, and another funny part is when one of the female medics knew who he was. arse, i wish i could have seen that. oh well. what were we talking about again?
Anonymous15: I'm not one to be politically correct, I mean I make race and gay jokes all the time. But this sort of thing really crosses the line. This is a people's faith you're making fun of, and that sort of thing should be off limits. Assholes.
Anonymous16: Anyone else notice that all the Jesus' palms are bleeding. I therefore deduce that there must be wooden crosses inside all the eggs as well.
CaptainAwesome: anon 16:oh it to be respected then?for what exactly?the violence,the murders,rape,mass-murder,genocide,incest,sadomasochism on children,gay hate,oppressing women,witch hunting,torture,the crusades,the Spanish inquisition,holding back science,reason and logic for centuries,hunting down thinkers who dared oppose or suggest anything other than the bible,lies,brainwashing and general prejudice of every sort all throughout history?is that what should be respected?anon16...go shove a razor covered dildo up your own ass and die.
Sonimon: Wow, the rod up Captain Awesome's ass is up there so far it's hit the RAGE center of his brain. Chill out dude, religion's not THAT bad. Also, Christianity isn't the ONLY religion out there. Why not hate on Muslims and Jews for a little, 'kay? You know, just to be fair.
R_A: CaptainAwesome, you just described a Conservative Christian. Most Christians I know aren't like that, but I have to agree with you on some of those points. [end discussion before a flame war starts]
DaveDShow: I have yet to meet any Christians who did even one of the things CaptainAwesome mentioned. The majority of the ones I've met have been compassionate people, so I tend to think that he exaggerates out of his own bias. Still, I might take him more seriously if he had not spewed some hate of his own. That pretty much killed any credibility he might have had.
CaptainAwesome: i did not say what i said because i hate Christians.most Christians nowadays are good people.but what pisses me of at a major scale is when they point to their bible and claim that they are morally superior to others and/or demand that their religion is to be respect when all the things i mentioned is promoted by "god" himself.
Anonymous25: CaptainAwesome: My thoughts exactly on all counts. Organized religion has been the provocation or excuse for a great majority of the bad things in the world.
Nonameknight: i agree with captain awesome. btw, he didnt mean modern day christians...ok, not all of them, but all of the ones in history. this is why i'm not a religious person
DaveDShow: Where are these Christians who claim that they are morally superior to others? One of the tenets of the Christian faith is humility. Demand that their religion be respected? I've never had a Christian get in my face and tell me I'd better respect him(or her) simply because they are Christians. Look, I only have to look at, say, the Crusades to know that there are people will do frightening things in the name of the God they worship. I could look at Islamofascism and say the same thing. But I don't believe that comes from God, because free will comes from Him. We're all responsible for our own actions. I honestly believe that forgiveness ultimately comes from God, and that's good, because Lord knows I need it. Anyway, if there are people who do harm in the name of God, it stands to reason that there are as many people--if not more--who are willing to help and extend their hands to others as Jesus did. Why you choose not to acknowledge them, I don't know. I can tell you from experience that there's often a "Bertha Better-Than-You" in some churches, but they're generally kept in check, and you'll find them in all walks of life, anyway. It's not like you'll escape them by shunning them. Simple common sense will tell you that. Maybe try to get to know some Christians. Find out what they're all about instead of viewing them through your own preconceived notions. And if you spend all your time holding on to grudges for the past, you'll never get anything accomplished today.
As far as organized religion being the cause of a majority of the bad things in the world, couldn't one say the same thing about, say, Progressivism? What about civilizations that ban any expression of faith or religion, and indeed, arrest their own people for doing so? I wouldn't want to live in a society like that.
You can't see me right now, and I'm sorry, I'm just kinda laughing at the fact that we're having this argument on a Rule 34 board. I guess we're illustrating absurdity by being absurd. Anyway, I was trying to check out some Mihoshi from "Tenchi Muyo", so that's where I'll be if you need me...(lol)
Lochcelious: Alright, a picture I uploaded got featured! (Note, I did none of the artwork, rather, I just added "Happy Easter!"). I love how DaveDShow refers to common sense while "believing" a feeling he got when people told him to open himself to Jesus is proof of such a man's existence... Also, these arguments take place ANYWHERE on the Internet and they always will, I suspect (though I've no proof, and without such, choose not to "believe" such an argument solely based on chance). Belief is a dangerous thing... Also, I am not sure how one would "need" you, and if you didn't want these arguments to continue, why you would let us know where you are so we can come find you. As a last note, I was born and raised protestant (quite possibly the worst kind of Christianity, see "mega churches") and was born again at 17. I am now Atheist and have been for 3 years now. I've never felt more free and intelligent. HAPPY EASTER ALL! (Its all about the bunnies and their overly-sweet Cadburry eggs...)
CaptainAwesome: and also,any atheist is just as capable as any Christians to do good deeds and give money to charitable events.who said it had to be done in the name of Jesus?why cant it just be done in a pure spirit of being nice for fuck sake?
a last thing i don't understand why Christians do(not really there is tons more) is why they always portrait Jesus as being white.if Jesus did walk this earth and he was the same Jesus the bible is talking about,he would most definitely be middle-eastern.
silverbullet: lord have mercy on your soul. because if u (PPL who dont believe in God, or ppl that find this funny)end up in hell then u would wish u were sorry for ur actions.
Lochcelious: Silverbullet has failed at using his own "god-given" brain to think for himself. If god were real, how big of an insult would it be to have given him blind, ignorant faith in return for all of the intelligence he has created in our brains? No, I will not regret anything when "in hell". Should I reach god in and be judged, I'll simply say, as a famous athiest once wrote "Sorry god, I made an honest mistake." How "forgiving" is he, should I choose to use reason, common sense, evidence and truth, than to just "believe" without thinking? I'm sure if I get there, he is real, and he is all-powerful, then he would say something along the lines of "at least you were using your brain I created, most of these goofballs just gathered together and sang my name until they died."
Krawczyk: retards, there is no such thing as Islamofascism, there is only Islam.
Or did the lack of efficiency, production, and cultural advancement not tip you off?
okay so your telling me that you(anon 18/24/24 and of course silver bullet) who all believe this is wrong will go onto a sight which has:lolicon,mutilation,old age sex,reverse gender and much much more and your telling me that an easter bunny shitting out di vinchi puzzles hatching jesus's heading towards a church is wrong and say we'll go to hell then what about you i bet you have never sinend in your life.
and here is where i will get flammed for many years by saying this supposedly a man and woman had a child(w/o sex) thousands of years ago he grew into a adult without sinning(i dont know the rest about what the jews did and so on) and he was called the son of god even though there was no bible or holy documents back then and he was sacrafised to "save us" then resurrected after being nailed to a a little non believing
and if god was so forgiving and loving why does bad stuff happen to about 1000 people everyday australia swine flu, drought and bush fires america i dont think i have to mention haiti and katrina so why do millions suffer for no reason surley if he was so loving of his religeon he would stop this message
and then why would he make us so weak at the begining and the end we are born and we live then we die there is no proof of afterlife there is no proof that we were made in gods image there is no proof of anything apart from us and everything else on earth
DaveDShow: "Just let it go...just let it go", the little voice inside me said. I just didn't want to be taken out of context by Lochcelious. If there are people out there you don't like, Christian or not, you can shun them, but you will still probably have to deal with them. That's what common sense should tell you, and that's what I was saying. See?(Actually, I'm one to talk; I came back for more when I could've just looked for hot pics, my usual purpose for coming here) As for exiting by saying, "Yeah, I'm going to go check some Mihoshi, so that's where I'll be if you need me", well, yeah, I could've just said, "'kay, I'm done, buh-bye", but I was really trying to keep a sense of humor, without ragging on anybody. I'm sorry if you didn't like that, or if you don't like people who don't share your views, but having said that, I'm not terribly worried about it. You're right, arguments will take place anywhere on the Net(except, it seems, on CaptainAwesome's forum; I visited that place last night and it was like an online ghost town--apparently, it's only been up for a little over a week, though, so that might explain it). Oh, CaptainAwesome, I forgot about you! Let me snswer you this way: Sure, people(including athiests) can do good deeds and help charities out, but if people choose to do so because they feel they are following the example that Christ set(just from reading those accounts in the Bible), why would you have a problem with it? It shouldn't offend you or hurt you inside if you really believe in doing things from a pure spirit of being nice. If people want to follow Jesus' example, let them. It's not like you're in a war or anything(are you?)
Oh, about YouTube: Yes, actually, I have used it, but I may not have been looking for the same things you were. Again, no need for you to take offense to that. Sure, I'm debating you, but hey, at least I didn't suggest that you do violence to yourself with a harmful instrument (to be fair, you didn't post that directly to me, but to someone else--but you did post that). And if someone thinks I'm taking offense to what guys liek CaptainAwesome and Lochcelious said, I don't think so; "Turn the other cheek" is all well and good, but I see it as defending people who, as far as I know, never knowingly did anything bad to you(except for not sharing your views). To sum it up, guys, Yes, I am a Christian(maybe a lapsed one, but that's still where my allegiances are), but I am also a libertarian(maybe not a registered one), so I believe in Christ, and I also believe in laissez-faire democracy--you had your say, I had mine, everything works out. Anyway, thanks; it was fun.
Religious people: Atheists don't care about God, or heaven or hell. Don't try to convert them, they HATE that.
Atheists: Religious people don't want you to tell them how much smarter you are because you don't believe in God. Don't try and convert them, they HATE that.
Neither side is "better," yet both sides feel superior. Why? Because humans just can't seem to have differing opinions without hating each other.
In closing: People are stupid, we all need to die.
Anonymous40: you know what? what if god IS real, but briught into existan r by collective power of belief and that all religion is different veiws of the same higher power? i will never return to this page so do not bother replying and i profusly appologize for my atrocious spelling ipod key pads are RUBBISH!!!!!
Anonymous43: Ok seriously people, a religious debate on a porn site?
Anyways my 2 cents are as follows Capt. And Loch, you guys are such hypocrits, (and this is where all athesists turn off their ears and say blah blah blah and then flame this) you guys are bitching about everything religious saying that they have no right to tell me what to think, but look at what your doing, your trying to tell religious people how to think. Yes, the Catholic church as done some messed up things over the years, but so has America and we still call it amazing and beautiful. America has disciminated, fucked people over, let child rapist run free, gone to war for illegitament reasons, and shit on the chance for small business. But we still call it great, and if you live in America your willing to fight for it. Its the same for people in the church. They wouldn't be there if they didn't want to believe. Faith isn't a bad thing, I'm not sure on my own belief in God, but faith has let people get out of tough times easier. Belief in something greater than yourself sometimes just allows you to let go and not worry so much. The feeling that someone is watching can really help some out.
I basically think that people don't have a right to say what others should believe or shouldn't. Faith is a personal choice. Atheists are just as bad as the very conservitive catholics, they firmly believe that they are right, will do anything to show it, and try to rally as many other people as they can. (And for the atheists who are saying, I don't try to rally people) every time you open your mouth to say that religion is a hoax and that you shouldn't believe, you are doing the same thing of saying I'm right you should join me if you wanna be right, and everyone likes being right.
If you want to believe, then believe, if you don't want to then don't. Don't tell others that they are wrong and should be on your side, because then your no better than the other. Its as simple as that.
Anonymous45: Atheists are retarded. how the hell did the universe get here retards, believe in something cause we're here and nothing scientific or otherwise can explain how we got here and don't say "we evolved from other life forms" cause that's not a legitimate answer, also what made those life forms?
Titanium: Anon43 - Conservative Catholics are not the worst. Protestants are. Also, the main thing we atheists bitch about is the seperation of church and state.
Anonymous46: I'm...Well, I'm a bit baffled that people are actually debating morality because of a hilariously ridiculous Easter-themed picture on a website containing artistic depictions of rape, sexualized torture/murder, etc, etc. Is this REALLY the most logical place to claim the higher moral ground?
Lochcelious: Titanium has stated fact. We ARE trying to get church out of schools. Belief has no place in a system trying to teach kids how to grow smart, live in todays society and be well off. All other beliefs must be learned on their own time. I like how you make assumptions about us Anon43, saying we atheists (ALL of us, you say) turn off our ears and ignore you and flame you. Now, we are not annoyed by religious people telling us how to think. Quite the opposite, we aren't even aware religious people ARE thinking (at least with common sense and fact) and that is where WE try to teach. We don't attack usually, we are usually attacked first, IN MY OPINION (make sure you take a note of that). Even when attacked, we generally do not attack back but rather humbly and with as much fact and truth (truth being based upon previous known experiences and records that can be tested with actual factual evidence) try to show you why we think religion is wrong, not YOU specifically. Several us DO think that faith is a bad thing (in several ways it can be, like having faith that a man on fire will suddenly become fire-proof [miracles...]). However, you are right about that faith does help weaker people through tough times. Did I say weaker? Yes, recent evidence is indicating (this does NOT make it known fact) that genetically, people may have adapted to believe in something in order to get through hard times (i.e., the middle ages). The same research indicates those who didn't believe already had strong enough wills to survive. Your argument that everyone should shut up is IN MY OPINION ignorant, as that many (perhaps most?) religious people do not think much, and do not care to. They just don't care. I am not saying they are the cause of global warming or limited resources, but it doesn't seem like many of them are using their brains to their fullest (ironically, I would think that god would want them to use everything he gave them, their brains, bodies, other planets to harvest for us to survive, etc. etc.) Mainly, I'd like to think you will all question at some point, hopefully at many and several points, your god and religious "facts" so that you may start seeing from our point of view. Want me to see from YOUR point of view? I already have. After being "de-converted", I've never been more happy and with my eyes more open. I hope that clears up some confusion for you, Anon43. Did I mention happy easter?
Krawczyk: Well Dave, let me confirm I do consider myself at war with them, my relations being equally divided between Odinism and pre-reformist Catholicism, it makes for a fun crusade either way. I personally fall within the Nord bracket, but either way, I see them as dangerous heretics that must be stopped at all costs. And when I have the means to do so, I shall move against them. Jus' call me the next grand inquisitor, baby! ;Þ
Anonymous54: If people kept their beliefs to themselves, the world would be a better place... that includes atheists, evolutionists etc etc, as they are also beliefs. It should be all about personal exploration, because we can see by the last few thousand years that we will never all believe in the same things, discussing them just seems to do more damage than good... so keep it to yourselves guys...
Anonymous55(54): Oh and LEEKOMG, could you be any more cliche... please go and die. I'm not taking sides, but that saying "how could there be a god when all this shit happens" is so extremely over used... it's simply answered by, "God was never a nice, Santa figure giving out candy... he brought fire down from heaven on two of his followers because they made altar incense wrong... wiped out entire nations because they defied him, what's stopping him from fucking up any of the nations, because immorality is so high pretty much everywhere now-days, its simply called divine judgement" (by the way I am not saying that is my belief, im just giving one of many Christian/Catholic/Jewish/Islamic... w/e answers to that very very annoying question of yours).
Anonymous56(54): and @ CaptainAwesome, those things were done in the name of a religion... it doesn't mean that it was literally the work of the religion, the same things have been done in the name of science... the holocaust was done in the name of Darwinism, pretty much every faction or belief group on the face of the earth has done a lot of those things... you should check out the things your own government has done... but the crime isn't done by the belief, its done by the people... I could simply say "in the name of atheism I slaughter the entire population of Canada" but does that mean that atheism killed them? and if I did, it would be of about the same level Christianity really had to do with the crusades.
Anonymous57(54): How is that ignorance... so your saying that everyone who doesn't believe what you believe is ignorant? Or did you just read it wrong?
Anonymous58(54): oh and btw I find the picture funny... The fact that Jesus is in it doesn't make the picture offensive at all, in what way is it paying him out?... really its just a picture integrating the different themes of Easter... :)
ChrisHansen: @ sonimon
if you say all humans need to die that applies the same rules to you
yes they differ in opinions but they can leave in peace (sometimes)with agreements
some people may be stupid but not all
CaptainAwesome: to anon56: in the name of Darwinism you say?well then i will have to tell you to FUCK OFF with your utter BULLSHIT because that is so far from the truth it gets.Hitler used CHRISTIANITY as an excuse to murder.he claimed to be of GOD so DO NOT come here with that horse-shit.(google nazi belt-buckles)
to anon54: evolution is NOT a is a FACT proven by the two hundred and five THOUSAND papers on the subject all in favor of evolution.and the fact that 99.98% of ALL scientists in THE WORLD acknowledges and accepts evolution to be fact.are you going to argue with the entire educated world?
fucking DOUCHEBAG.
to silverbullet:i believe in love,compassion,the human capacity for good and kindness is that not enough?
i do not need an oppressive dogma to keep me in check by saying that if you do not believe in god he will punish me with eternal damnation and torture of my soul forever while claiming to be a god of love.
to anon45:you Christians tend to point at the complex universe and say "no thing that complex can come from nothing"
you are wrong in to points in this statement:
1.) you can not explain a complex universe with a complex being.
2.) we never claimed it came from nothing.we do not know for sure.but the big bang theory is the closest and most reliable we have for now.
by the way YOU believe everything came from nothing.because you claim god just suddenly 'POOFED' everything into existence. and also where did god come from?who *POOFED' him into existence?
and lastly:
if the christian god was in fact real i would not want to follow him after all he has done to this earth.
CaptainAwesome: nope wasn't the last i had in me.
saying that evolution is "just" a theory is ignorant.because "theory" means proven beyond any conceivable doubt (at current time).first it an idea then you look for proof and study the subject you are trying to this point it is an hypothesis,then it goes through rigorous testing sometimes for several years and thorough every field of science that point IF the evidence have proven positive it is a theory.theory's are based on fact.its not the half finished work.its the complete one.
besides gravity is "just" a you want to argue with gravity?
and also:
science is always changing,learning and adapting to society.
religion does not seem to do that.
you just change whatever bullshit agenda you have to in order to keep the religion alive.
that is why it will fail and eventually disappear.
if you are a christian and you KNOW that when you die you come to heaven,why do you cry?you know they are going to a better place and that you will meet them again.
i call bullshit on that one.because deep down Christians KNOW "god" is bullshit and that this is the only life they will ever get.that is why they cry.
Anonymous61: in regards to the immense capacity for intelligence in humans,just blindly believing instead of using the highly developed brain human beings have would be a grave insult to any higher being.
if you read the bible cover to cover you will discover who the evil one really is:god
Satan did not kill one single person in the entire bible unless god himself gave him permission.and Satan is trying to take down gods reign of terror with his genocidal tendencies.if you ask me Satan is the hero and savior of the bible.don't take me wrong i do not believe in the bible,god or Satan but if the bible where to be true i would worship Satan rather than god.
and if god is all powerful,all knowing and all present i have these questions:
when adam and eve ate of the tree of knowledge,where was god?isn't he everywhere at all times?
if god is all knowing how come he didnt know that Lucifer would fall?and why did he not stop him?he clearly has the power.
now about praying:
if god has a plan,what makes you think that god will change that plan if you nag him with your petty problems?
the first commandment:
"thou shalt have no god before me"
if god know he is the only god and Christians know he is the only god,why is that a commandment?
commandments again:
"thou shalt not carve graven images"
then why is all the churches making good busniss by selling jesus dolls and croses and what not?
CaptainAwesome: anon63:i got a suggestion for you:why don't you go play on the freeway,while we:adults who have developed high enough brain capacity to actually cohere anything useful,talk.
some more:
thou shalt not covet.
no christian in existence has EVER been able to conform to this commandment.
everybody are jealous of other peoples stuff all the time.
and its a commandment for god sakes.isn't that direct rules from "god"?then why is it that none of you motherfuckers follow it?
CaptainAwesome: now let get REALLY into the bible and read a little about what it says and promotes:
Lot offers his two virgin daughters to a crowd of angel rapers. Gen.19:8
Lot gets drunk and impregnates his virgin daughters. Gen.19:32-36
Abraham was willing to offer his son to God as a burnt offering. Gen.22:1-2,10
rules for selling your daughter Ex.21:7
Any child that hits or curses his parents must be killed. Ex.21:15, 21:17; Lev.20:9, Mt.15:4
Jephthah offers his daughter as a burnt offering to God. Jg.11:29-39
Happiness is smashing your little children against the stones. Ps.137:9
If you love your children, then you will beat them with a rod. (Have you beat your child today?) Pr.13:24, 22:15, 23:13-14
Children who mock or disobey their parent will have their eyes eaten by ravens and eagles. Pr.30:17
A parent must hate his children or he cannot be Jesus' disciple. Lk.14:26
When Phinehas sees an interracial couple he throws a spear "through the man .. and the woman through her belly." This act pleases God so much that "the plague was stayed from the children of Israel." Num.25:6-9
wringing off the heads of pigeons for God Lev.5:8-9
Plagues sent by God:
God sends a plague on the Pharaoh and his household because the Pharaoh believed Abram's lie. Gen.12:17
The first plague on the Egyptians: water into blood Ex.7:18-21(The Egyptian magicians knew this one, too. Ex.7:22)
The second plague: frogs Ex.8:2-6(The magicians knew this one, too. Ex.8:7)
The third plague: lice Ex.8:17-19 (This is the first trick that the Egyptian magicians couldn't do. Ex.8:18)
The fourth plague: flies Ex.8:21
The fifth plague: all cattle die Ex.9:3-6
The sixth plague: boils on man and beast Ex.9:9-12
God sends plagues on people so that they can get to know him better. Ex.9:14
The seventh plague: hail on man and beast Ex.9:19
The eighth plague: locusts Ex.10:4-5
The ninth plague: three days darkness Ex.10:21-22
The tenth plague: God kills all firstborn
Egyptian children and animals Ex.12:29
If you don't follow God's laws, he'll send you terror, consumption, a disease that will consume your eyes, etc. Lev.26:16
Then, if that doesn't do it, he'll bring seven more plagues upon you! Lev.26:18, 21
When the Israelites complained about the lack of food, God sent quails to eat "until it came out their noses". But then, "while the flesh was still between their teeth,the Lord smote the people with a very great plague." Num.11:4-33
More plaguesand pestilence sent by God Num.14:35-37
Anonymous71: CaptainAwesome, Anon 64, and others; You wanna have a disscussion over the relative goods and evils of religion? DONT DO IT AS COMMENTS ON A FUCKING PORN SITE!!! Just sayin'
Anonymous78: @Anonymous: Just putting it out there. He never mentioned Christianity, he just said faith. While there are Christian things in this picture he didn't say that it was horrible because it disrespected Christianity specifically, just that things like this seem disrespectful to people who are religious and take their faith very seriously.
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Still, not porn. No sex, and was public all over the city. A weird city, but still.
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A:Does the Pope condone pedophiles?
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As far as organized religion being the cause of a majority of the bad things in the world, couldn't one say the same thing about, say, Progressivism? What about civilizations that ban any expression of faith or religion, and indeed, arrest their own people for doing so? I wouldn't want to live in a society like that.
You can't see me right now, and I'm sorry, I'm just kinda laughing at the fact that we're having this argument on a Rule 34 board. I guess we're illustrating absurdity by being absurd. Anyway, I was trying to check out some Mihoshi from "Tenchi Muyo", so that's where I'll be if you need me...(lol)
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a last thing i don't understand why Christians do(not really there is tons more) is why they always portrait Jesus as being white.if Jesus did walk this earth and he was the same Jesus the bible is talking about,he would most definitely be middle-eastern.
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This isn't even that offensive... geez. I hope you all trolling.
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Or did the lack of efficiency, production, and cultural advancement not tip you off?
okay so your telling me that you(anon 18/24/24 and of course silver bullet) who all believe this is wrong will go onto a sight which has:lolicon,mutilation,old age sex,reverse gender and much much more and your telling me that an easter bunny shitting out di vinchi puzzles hatching jesus's heading towards a church is wrong and say we'll go to hell then what about you i bet you have never sinend in your life.
and here is where i will get flammed for many years by saying this supposedly a man and woman had a child(w/o sex) thousands of years ago he grew into a adult without sinning(i dont know the rest about what the jews did and so on) and he was called the son of god even though there was no bible or holy documents back then and he was sacrafised to "save us" then resurrected after being nailed to a a little non believing
and if god was so forgiving and loving why does bad stuff happen to about 1000 people everyday australia swine flu, drought and bush fires america i dont think i have to mention haiti and katrina so why do millions suffer for no reason surley if he was so loving of his religeon he would stop this message
and then why would he make us so weak at the begining and the end we are born and we live then we die there is no proof of afterlife there is no proof that we were made in gods image there is no proof of anything apart from us and everything else on earth
Oh, about YouTube: Yes, actually, I have used it, but I may not have been looking for the same things you were. Again, no need for you to take offense to that. Sure, I'm debating you, but hey, at least I didn't suggest that you do violence to yourself with a harmful instrument (to be fair, you didn't post that directly to me, but to someone else--but you did post that). And if someone thinks I'm taking offense to what guys liek CaptainAwesome and Lochcelious said, I don't think so; "Turn the other cheek" is all well and good, but I see it as defending people who, as far as I know, never knowingly did anything bad to you(except for not sharing your views). To sum it up, guys, Yes, I am a Christian(maybe a lapsed one, but that's still where my allegiances are), but I am also a libertarian(maybe not a registered one), so I believe in Christ, and I also believe in laissez-faire democracy--you had your say, I had mine, everything works out. Anyway, thanks; it was fun.
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Religious people: Atheists don't care about God, or heaven or hell. Don't try to convert them, they HATE that.
Atheists: Religious people don't want you to tell them how much smarter you are because you don't believe in God. Don't try and convert them, they HATE that.
Neither side is "better," yet both sides feel superior. Why? Because humans just can't seem to have differing opinions without hating each other.
In closing: People are stupid, we all need to die.
such obvious samefaggotree
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Male voice: How 'bout eggs?!
Female voice: Well, w-what does that have to do with Jesus?
Male voice: Alright, we'll hide 'em.
Female voice: I don't...I don't follow your logic.
Male voice: Don't worry, there's a bunny.
"And now it all makes sense."
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Anyways my 2 cents are as follows Capt. And Loch, you guys are such hypocrits, (and this is where all athesists turn off their ears and say blah blah blah and then flame this) you guys are bitching about everything religious saying that they have no right to tell me what to think, but look at what your doing, your trying to tell religious people how to think. Yes, the Catholic church as done some messed up things over the years, but so has America and we still call it amazing and beautiful. America has disciminated, fucked people over, let child rapist run free, gone to war for illegitament reasons, and shit on the chance for small business. But we still call it great, and if you live in America your willing to fight for it. Its the same for people in the church. They wouldn't be there if they didn't want to believe. Faith isn't a bad thing, I'm not sure on my own belief in God, but faith has let people get out of tough times easier. Belief in something greater than yourself sometimes just allows you to let go and not worry so much. The feeling that someone is watching can really help some out.
I basically think that people don't have a right to say what others should believe or shouldn't. Faith is a personal choice. Atheists are just as bad as the very conservitive catholics, they firmly believe that they are right, will do anything to show it, and try to rally as many other people as they can. (And for the atheists who are saying, I don't try to rally people) every time you open your mouth to say that religion is a hoax and that you shouldn't believe, you are doing the same thing of saying I'm right you should join me if you wanna be right, and everyone likes being right.
If you want to believe, then believe, if you don't want to then don't. Don't tell others that they are wrong and should be on your side, because then your no better than the other. Its as simple as that.
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Anon45 - Nice try troll.
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Excuse me while I go THROW UP MY GUTS!!!!
We need moar trollz if we're going to beat him.
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pretty ggod, though... I think...
yeah, how about a "fuck you" ^ ^
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if you say all humans need to die that applies the same rules to you
yes they differ in opinions but they can leave in peace (sometimes)with agreements
some people may be stupid but not all
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silverbullet - this site is clearly not for you.
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to anon54: evolution is NOT a is a FACT proven by the two hundred and five THOUSAND papers on the subject all in favor of evolution.and the fact that 99.98% of ALL scientists in THE WORLD acknowledges and accepts evolution to be fact.are you going to argue with the entire educated world?
fucking DOUCHEBAG.
to silverbullet:i believe in love,compassion,the human capacity for good and kindness is that not enough?
i do not need an oppressive dogma to keep me in check by saying that if you do not believe in god he will punish me with eternal damnation and torture of my soul forever while claiming to be a god of love.
to anon45:you Christians tend to point at the complex universe and say "no thing that complex can come from nothing"
you are wrong in to points in this statement:
1.) you can not explain a complex universe with a complex being.
2.) we never claimed it came from nothing.we do not know for sure.but the big bang theory is the closest and most reliable we have for now.
by the way YOU believe everything came from nothing.because you claim god just suddenly 'POOFED' everything into existence. and also where did god come from?who *POOFED' him into existence?
and lastly:
if the christian god was in fact real i would not want to follow him after all he has done to this earth.
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saying that evolution is "just" a theory is ignorant.because "theory" means proven beyond any conceivable doubt (at current time).first it an idea then you look for proof and study the subject you are trying to this point it is an hypothesis,then it goes through rigorous testing sometimes for several years and thorough every field of science that point IF the evidence have proven positive it is a theory.theory's are based on fact.its not the half finished work.its the complete one.
besides gravity is "just" a you want to argue with gravity?
and also:
science is always changing,learning and adapting to society.
religion does not seem to do that.
you just change whatever bullshit agenda you have to in order to keep the religion alive.
that is why it will fail and eventually disappear.
if you are a christian and you KNOW that when you die you come to heaven,why do you cry?you know they are going to a better place and that you will meet them again.
i call bullshit on that one.because deep down Christians KNOW "god" is bullshit and that this is the only life they will ever get.that is why they cry.
if you read the bible cover to cover you will discover who the evil one really is:god
Satan did not kill one single person in the entire bible unless god himself gave him permission.and Satan is trying to take down gods reign of terror with his genocidal tendencies.if you ask me Satan is the hero and savior of the bible.don't take me wrong i do not believe in the bible,god or Satan but if the bible where to be true i would worship Satan rather than god.
and if god is all powerful,all knowing and all present i have these questions:
when adam and eve ate of the tree of knowledge,where was god?isn't he everywhere at all times?
if god is all knowing how come he didnt know that Lucifer would fall?and why did he not stop him?he clearly has the power.
now about praying:
if god has a plan,what makes you think that god will change that plan if you nag him with your petty problems?
the first commandment:
"thou shalt have no god before me"
if god know he is the only god and Christians know he is the only god,why is that a commandment?
commandments again:
"thou shalt not carve graven images"
then why is all the churches making good busniss by selling jesus dolls and croses and what not?
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99% of ALL people in prison are RELIGIOUS.
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some more:
thou shalt not covet.
no christian in existence has EVER been able to conform to this commandment.
everybody are jealous of other peoples stuff all the time.
and its a commandment for god sakes.isn't that direct rules from "god"?then why is it that none of you motherfuckers follow it?
(excuse the common vernacular nitpickers)
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Lot offers his two virgin daughters to a crowd of angel rapers. Gen.19:8
Lot gets drunk and impregnates his virgin daughters. Gen.19:32-36
Abraham was willing to offer his son to God as a burnt offering. Gen.22:1-2,10
rules for selling your daughter Ex.21:7
Any child that hits or curses his parents must be killed. Ex.21:15, 21:17; Lev.20:9, Mt.15:4
Jephthah offers his daughter as a burnt offering to God. Jg.11:29-39
Happiness is smashing your little children against the stones. Ps.137:9
If you love your children, then you will beat them with a rod. (Have you beat your child today?) Pr.13:24, 22:15, 23:13-14
Children who mock or disobey their parent will have their eyes eaten by ravens and eagles. Pr.30:17
A parent must hate his children or he cannot be Jesus' disciple. Lk.14:26
When Phinehas sees an interracial couple he throws a spear "through the man .. and the woman through her belly." This act pleases God so much that "the plague was stayed from the children of Israel." Num.25:6-9
wringing off the heads of pigeons for God Lev.5:8-9
Plagues sent by God:
God sends a plague on the Pharaoh and his household because the Pharaoh believed Abram's lie. Gen.12:17
The first plague on the Egyptians: water into blood Ex.7:18-21(The Egyptian magicians knew this one, too. Ex.7:22)
The second plague: frogs Ex.8:2-6(The magicians knew this one, too. Ex.8:7)
The third plague: lice Ex.8:17-19 (This is the first trick that the Egyptian magicians couldn't do. Ex.8:18)
The fourth plague: flies Ex.8:21
The fifth plague: all cattle die Ex.9:3-6
The sixth plague: boils on man and beast Ex.9:9-12
God sends plagues on people so that they can get to know him better. Ex.9:14
The seventh plague: hail on man and beast Ex.9:19
The eighth plague: locusts Ex.10:4-5
The ninth plague: three days darkness Ex.10:21-22
The tenth plague: God kills all firstborn
Egyptian children and animals Ex.12:29
If you don't follow God's laws, he'll send you terror, consumption, a disease that will consume your eyes, etc. Lev.26:16
Then, if that doesn't do it, he'll bring seven more plagues upon you! Lev.26:18, 21
When the Israelites complained about the lack of food, God sent quails to eat "until it came out their noses". But then, "while the flesh was still between their teeth,the Lord smote the people with a very great plague." Num.11:4-33
More plaguesand pestilence sent by God Num.14:35-37
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Idiots are idiots, zealotry knows no dogma.
yes i am hardcore
while atheism is still largely unaccepted it is not new.we have been here for a while now.
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I've seen this picture before actually...
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I seriously hope you guys don't do this.
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