Anonymous1: Big Women KNOW how to fuck! Can't WAIT until this game comes out and we get some webm of this Big Ass Momma! Her Big Body makes me wanna FUCK!
Anonymous8: @Anonymous: dude why are so pressed, are fat women just banned from porn now? how is making her more fat anymore disrespectful than making her more curvy? and the pic came from twitter you idiot
Anonymous9: This is the good shit. This is the good shit. Right here!!! This post!!! This single-handedly ended my depression, this shit is SO GOOD!!!! 👌👌👌 Hell Yes!!! Hell to the yes!!! All of the hell yes’s in the world!!! And if y’all aren’t gonna treat her like the QUEEN that she is, then I, anonymous 9, WILL!!! Anyway fuck out of here, anon 2, this shit is a fucking masterpiece. Get well soon lmao
Unfortunately, you misread the prompt, BIG lady meant something else.
Good job redistributing her defining characteristic into her flab, very respectful to the character.
Respect women by shitting on women, tumblrites personified.