Dr_Porn: @erebusblack: He seems new, I ended up finding him on a bullshit site looking up other sprites which cannot be linked, there even a smaller version of the other one.
Dr_Porn: @Anonymous: this site banned the link and the term, I cant say it with out this site changing it to "bullshit site" telling me "the term banned" but it rule34 and then xxx
erebusblack: @Dr_Porn: Well, I'd like to spread my support of artists who do pixel accurate work like this, so hopefully he comes out into a woodwork I can use to support them.
Tried looking up the artists name, didn't find anything except the two posts here on Rule 34.
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me: hey look asriel is sleeping :P
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asgore: *visible pleasure*
toriel: *doesnt notice a single thing*
artist: *frickin making an awesome fire animation*