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P4r4dise: Original image is in the source if anyone wants to upload it here. But I don't. And you'll immediately know why once you go to the source.
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P4r4dise: And you guys vote down why?
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AsiagoSandwich: @P4r4dise: because everything you do to other peoples' stuff is ruining it
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P4r4dise: @AsiagoSandwich: To you it is. That is why you have a damn blacklist. Just go to your profile and click the link at the top of your stats that says "Click here to select tags to blacklist from your search results". And blacklist my editor tag which is undeadponysoldier_(editor). Do that and you don't have to see my edits ever again unless you remove it from your blacklist.
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AsiagoSandwich: @P4r4dise: Nah, they're just objectively inferior, nothing matches up.
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P4r4dise: @AsiagoSandwich: Didn’t I tell you to blacklist my editor tag? Do it and leave my edits alone. Do you even realize how hard editing can be.
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AsiagoSandwich: @P4r4dise: Yes, I make stuff from scratch, I know how hard creating is. And editing is a LOT easier lmao
Don't tell me what to do, filthy editor
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P4r4dise: @AsiagoSandwich: Blacklist my damn editor tag or I will have to get the mods to deal with you.
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P4r4dise: @AsiagoSandwich: Also I make stuff from scratch too. And while making my own artwork is hard. Editing can be hard too. It’s very hard trying to make other images blend in with another images. I think it’s pretty clear that you are just an obvious troll. I’ve seen your list of downvotes and some of the images you’ve downvoted actually look really good and appealing to look at. And I’m not just talking about my edits. I’m also talking about images made by actual good and creative artists. I know everyone has their own opinions. But downvoting something that clearly doesn’t deserve it is just mean.

So stop being a troll and at least try to be a little nicer. Trolling is gonna get you nowhere.
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P4r4dise: @Anonymous: But you can vote however you want. But you don’t have to rub it in peoples faces.
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P4r4dise: @Anonymous: Sorry I replied to the wrong person. I obviously meant to reply to @AsiagoSandwich: .
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AsiagoSandwich: @P4r4dise: Most of the dislikes you were talking about are very likely the stuff that shouldn't be here in general. I only dislike pirated images and low quality edits.
I'm not trolling or 'rubbing it in,' I'm just saying this might not be the best use of your time.
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P4r4dise: @AsiagoSandwich: You also said editing is easier than making an image from scratch when editing can sometimes be just as hard as drawing an image. Also, the images you dislike should most certainly be here. As long as it has pornographic material and it doesn't feature OC's only and isn't from an artist on the DNP list only it's allowed. And how is it pirated? If you're saying that you dislike them just because they're uploaded by a different user instead of the original artist. Then that is a very pathetic excuse to dislike an image. Also if you're not being a troll. Then why are you refusing to use your blacklist like I've asked you twice so you don't have to see my edits again? That exactly what a troll would say.
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AsiagoSandwich: @P4r4dise: Pirated: adjective
(of a product or piece of artistic work) reproduced without permission, usually in contravention of patent or copyright.
If they aren't for the general public, and the general public has access to them, someone is pirating it. I don't give a shit who posts what as long as it's ACTUALLY been released.
I'll blacklist whatever I want, I don't need you to tell me lol
And no, editing is so much easier. I had my scummy days and I know how easy it was.
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P4r4dise: @AsiagoSandwich: Well you should blacklist my editor tag. You are really getting on my nerves. Also that is still a pathetic excuse dislike an artists work.
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P4r4dise: @AsiagoSandwich: And what other reason do you have to not blacklist my editor tag besides you not feeling like it.
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P4r4dise: @Anonymous: Dude, I literally blacklist the stuff I don't like and guess what. The stuff I've blacklisted are hidden from me now so I don't have to see them again. When I don't want to look at an image. That means I don't want to see it at all. Not even the thumbnail.
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Anonymous1: Oh, I'm into Spitfire's butt.

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