Lochcelious: True. As a matter of fact, I just turned 23. Two hours ago. God I loved that show. I also had every game for the PC. Personally, In Time was my favorite. Great choice Titanium.
jockstrap_nutley: Oh man, I was just thinking of Double Trouble yesterday when I was trying to come up with lists of heroes with rogues galleries (don't ask).
Krawczyk: They were in maybe like three or four episodes...I presume because it was a pain in the ass to animate them doing stuff. (They weren't conjoined twins, but acted like they were)
ChaosInuYasha: Yeah like I said it was AGES since I saw this show. ALso I was more into Carmen herself and that hot sister main character (the redhead who's name escapes me)
Anonymous11(10): Also, why is there nothing for Patty Larceny, Sarah Nade, The Contessa and Eartha Brute? Do the creators just not know the show or what?!
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If you don't know who they are, you are too young.
Get off my lawn you whipper snappers!
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Of course, I never thought of them like this...
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Thief: You beat me to it damnit.
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Report by Lolggt: Please enter a reason
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Also: Slowtit is sloooooow
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any links to re-jog my memory
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Peeew peyow peyow, there it is!
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