Anonymous2(1): @Co-lord44: You're right, she said "Co-Lord44, you need help. You're a misogynistic pig going around claiming all these female characters as yours and you're delusional since if you see a drawing of a character doing something you don't like you claim that it's a fake version of them."
Guess what DickLord44, unless the original creator says "yep, the character would do that" they're all "fake" so you going around trying to say your version is real is pathetic since you didn't create Krystal, Loona or any other female characters you've professed to loving/marrying to. Inserting an avatar of yourself doesn't change that since the only character you made is your avatar and not them. All you're doing is looking like a mentally or emotionally sick person who can't understand why they can't arbitrarily draw an avatar of themself in a picture with a character they don't own and claim it as the "real" one. Go talk to a psychiatrist or something, let them know how you feel.
Anonymous3: @Anonymous: Wow such a heartless mean person. Here's a guy trying to enjoy a character he loves very much yet the internet can't leet him. Looking at your response I doubt to very much Loona would say that. Just saying calling off someone like that of their own thoughts and wants means there is something wrong with you. Especially when there are truly some sick twisted people like those doing Loli.
Anonymous4(1): @Anonymous: He literally just goes from site to site claiming whatever female strikes his fancy as his own, sometimes even tracing over other's work and inserting an avatar as his then claiming that it's canon and the other's are clever fakes. Hard not to be heartless when he acts like an ass everywhere he goes then tries to play the victim after getting caught tracing other's stuff without permission or shit posting because he doesn't like the pairing.
Anonymous5(3): @Anonymous: @Anonymous: And so what if he doesn't like stuff? Apparently his opinion doesn't matter. Why is it only fair that everyone else but him gets to voice what they like, dislike, and want? It seems to me he's a huge fan of Loona, loves her, and clearly most don't know what that's like. Try looking at it from his perspective instead of criticizing which is the cheap, easy, lazy way out. Why stunt him and try to deny who he is? I don't think he's going to change so instead of wasting time trying to make him maybe others need to.
Anonymous6(1): @Anonymous: It's not his opinion that's the problem but how he expressed it. Hell, he went to 3 different sites just to post the same exact post of "Sick. Disgusting. Wrong. Fake."
If he had said something like "I prefer Krystal only with Fox" or "Krystal should only be with Fox" although people would likely still downvote it at least it would be way less rude. Basically, he's treated like trash because people have tried to be kind and or help him (art tips and tricks) but he didn't seem to apply them at all and then goes "woe is me, people don't like my art of the one true Krystal whom I'm married to", shit posts on other's art and then traces it but with slight differences like himself inserted instead of a character like Wolf.
Honestly, if he were to stop the tracing and claiming it's 100% original new art ( so he's not citing the source of the trace so plagiarizing other's work) as well as claiming or insinuating to be married to certain fictional characters most everyone would only find him as a slightly annoying person one could find on the internet and ignore him. He hasn't though, he continues to plagiarize other's work (and hasn't admitted to it on the one's he's been caught doing it) and claim his as the only real truth and that he is somehow married to the character.
Nobody wants him dead and or to be silent, just that he's like a thorn or splinter that one could ignore and chooses to but that unexpectedly it causes pain again since something agitated it. I for one would have absolutely no problem with him postinh his opinion and fondness of characters so long as they aren't the same rude crap he has been doing or claiming to be their owner/spouse.
Just look at his above posts, " my Hellhound ready for a pounding and loving only I can give her and make her truly orgasm and squirt while filling her up." "That's not what she said in our bed last night"
Either he needs real psychiatric help since he can't distinguish between real life and fantasy or he deliberately is being as annoying as possible is how it appears to me.
So, treat others like trash and be as annoying as possible and expect the same in return.
Anonymous7(3): @Anonymous: It really doesn't seem like it. And it would seem we're just going around in circles. So I will continue to support him my way. And I guess if you don't well then, I guess that's that.
Anonymous8(1): @Anonymous: I'll offer the first olive branch then. Co-Lord44, sorry for calling you DickLord44 I'm just tired of you claiming to be married to fictional characters and trying to insert yourself into or change their canon to suit your tastes. If you'd refrain from that I promise to not shit post on anything you draw (suspect trace or otherwise). Saying, "I'd really like fuck her" or "Wow, she's beautiful and I'd love to marry her if she were real" or similar things would not cross the line for me. Saying "only I can truely please her" or "fake version" on other's art or "this is the true -character-" on only your stuff would cross it.
You don't like being mocked and others don't care for your self inserting when they just wanted a picture to jack off to. If you refrain from that hopefully less people will make your life miserable. I, for one, will hold up my end of the bargain.
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Guess what DickLord44, unless the original creator says "yep, the character would do that" they're all "fake" so you going around trying to say your version is real is pathetic since you didn't create Krystal, Loona or any other female characters you've professed to loving/marrying to. Inserting an avatar of yourself doesn't change that since the only character you made is your avatar and not them. All you're doing is looking like a mentally or emotionally sick person who can't understand why they can't arbitrarily draw an avatar of themself in a picture with a character they don't own and claim it as the "real" one. Go talk to a psychiatrist or something, let them know how you feel.
If he had said something like "I prefer Krystal only with Fox" or "Krystal should only be with Fox" although people would likely still downvote it at least it would be way less rude. Basically, he's treated like trash because people have tried to be kind and or help him (art tips and tricks) but he didn't seem to apply them at all and then goes "woe is me, people don't like my art of the one true Krystal whom I'm married to", shit posts on other's art and then traces it but with slight differences like himself inserted instead of a character like Wolf.
Honestly, if he were to stop the tracing and claiming it's 100% original new art ( so he's not citing the source of the trace so plagiarizing other's work) as well as claiming or insinuating to be married to certain fictional characters most everyone would only find him as a slightly annoying person one could find on the internet and ignore him. He hasn't though, he continues to plagiarize other's work (and hasn't admitted to it on the one's he's been caught doing it) and claim his as the only real truth and that he is somehow married to the character.
Nobody wants him dead and or to be silent, just that he's like a thorn or splinter that one could ignore and chooses to but that unexpectedly it causes pain again since something agitated it. I for one would have absolutely no problem with him postinh his opinion and fondness of characters so long as they aren't the same rude crap he has been doing or claiming to be their owner/spouse.
Just look at his above posts, " my Hellhound ready for a pounding and loving only I can give her and make her truly orgasm and squirt while filling her up." "That's not what she said in our bed last night"
Either he needs real psychiatric help since he can't distinguish between real life and fantasy or he deliberately is being as annoying as possible is how it appears to me.
So, treat others like trash and be as annoying as possible and expect the same in return.
You don't like being mocked and others don't care for your self inserting when they just wanted a picture to jack off to. If you refrain from that hopefully less people will make your life miserable. I, for one, will hold up my end of the bargain.