"If there is under two full pages of "real" porn of a character, then "soft" porn is allowed until there is enough "real" porn. By "soft", I mean ecchi, topless men, lots of cleavage, etc. "
Anonymous13: I think this has to be the worst cross-over picture in terms why would character 'A' fondle, kiss, fuck, suck, ect Character 'B'.
There is almost no conceivable association between these two characters beyond this. I've looking for something this random but can't help but feel there is something I've yet to see.
jubilation_t_cornpone: Didn't say it was the weirdest ever. Just haven't seen anything weirder lately and it was time to change. Relax, it's not going to be here for a month.
champofgalacticretards: These are Joker (real name is Krawczyk aka Red Hood) and jubilation_t_cornpone the reptar! BatCulby and Robin-Sintime will save Anongrats after we finish 24-hours food and playing video games first!
Miles_Edgeworth: I hope that someone posts one of those pictures Involving Reptar with 5000 edits showing the semen moved a centimeter to the right to boost the pictures above 2 pictures.
Anonymous21: To Anon 6 I'm pretty sure, (assuming 1 on 1 crossovers) that it makes the shear amount much bigger. You would have to take every person living or ever to have lived, and all characters ever created, then take that number and multiply it by the factorial of that number. n * !n
It's a very very large number, it's calculable and so, theoretically possible. No need to stop.
Rule 34 of the Internet, a meme stating that "If it exists, there is porn of it. No exceptions."[2][3][4]
Titanium (Rule 34), one of greatest administators who managed Rule 34 and left for another website, Rule 34. He became a mascot of Paheal Rule 34 site.
jubilation_t_cornpone is one of Rule 34 paheal administartion that manage the site. He is also known as what he is called "Anti-Cculber007". If you want to learn about Cculber007, see Cculber007
jubilation_t_cornpone: @CaptQuirk: I don't think turnover has EVER been that quick, except in the cases where current events caused an early feature change.
champofgalacticretards: @PinkBallons: true, in fact, he was here where President Lincoln was becoming President again in the second term. You can see him in the picture of U.S. Captoil next to John Wikes Booth. He has been in USA for 400 years. http://i155.photobucket.com/albums/s319/cavalier159/LincolnInauguration.jpg?t=1201388771
champofgalacticretards: @Anonymous: In alternate universe, Titanium never leave his position and Cculber007 became the admin; the rule's name is Rule 38 instead of Rule 34; and toddler images are legally posting and some of DNP artists are not DNP so what you do? Leaving this?
PinkBallons: @Anonymous: Implying that Friendship is Magic isn't a "real show," and that your idea of what is sexy actually applies to anyone other than yourself.
Anonymous43(25): @PinkBallons: NO BUT SINTIME WOULD MAKE A GOOD ADMIN TOO!
PinkBallons: @Anonymous: They're clearly adults in the show. They live on their own, one runs a library and takes care of a baby dragon, another a farm, another runs a dressmaking shop...Need I go on?
Silent_Witness: @PinkBallons: Don't bother. There's a difference between not understanding, and refusing to understand. Our friend here is, unfortunately, the latter.
Anonymous47(25): @PinkBallons: bullshit. every children's show is like that, they are not adults because there are older characters on the show like their ruler, quit trying to justify your sickness.
Silent_Witness: @Anonymous: I like how you are directly saying that someone is defective just because somebody doesn't share your opinion on something.
PinkBallons: @Cculber007: I haven't watched enough old generation to do so, as it is incredibly boring.
@Anonymous: So you're saying that because my dad is older than me, that makes me not an adult?
Anonymous49(25): @PinkBallons: are you fully matured as one? As the other ponys are not. they have little girl voices and smaller features. you cannot prove they arent children
champofgalacticretards: @PinkBallons: I was here when they started 1980s My Little Pony and I was here when Nixon was still a President. I am older than you. 1980s My little pony series were best that I have since Arnold was best actor in action movies like Terminator and Commando.
Silent_Witness: @Cculber007: Ad hominem attacks. A sure sign that someone's losing their argument.
@Anonymous: And who says it's a fact? You, shitstain?
champofgalacticretards: @Anonymous: they are not babies, maybe beteen teenagers to 20. I am sure that your mother won't allow you to watch because My Little Pony Friendship is Magic is too violent for you. you need to watch Disney's Baby Einstein.
PinkBallons: @Anonymous: Have you watched the show? The ponies that have children look exactly the same as the members of the mane six. There's the obvious children (Applebloom), the adults (The mane six/the vast majority of the ponies in the show), and then there's very old ones (Granny Smith). Do you have any proof that they aren't adults? At all?
Anonymous52(25): @Silent_Witness: What is not a fact? That you get hard over a children's depiction of an fictional animal, with a children's voice and personality? it is called pedofilia and beastiality also known as furfag and ponnyfag
Anonymous53(25): @PinkBallons: Yes I have watched the show thay are children because they talk like retarded otherwise, do you know adults who talk and act like those ponys? Princess celestia and Nightmar moon represend the adults becuse they are smart (even twilight is smart but only childish intelligent.)
Anonymous54(25): @Cculber007: Babby einstein is a better show because at least it has more characters and you learn something other than how to fuck animals.
champofgalacticretards: @Anonymous: well, it is for adults, teenagers, cats, dogs, admins of rule 34, and President of the United States more than just kiddies cuz they are very hot Ponies so you can see them on calendar wearing bikins.
Anonymous55(25): @Anonymous: She is not serverly introverted, that is Fluttershy. And being that shy as an adult is a mental disorer. that is why she is a child because a lot grow out of it
champofgalacticretards: @Anonymous: Fluttershy was appeared in Playboy so she is November 2012. nice legs, nice ass, nice vagina, nice breasts, and nice face. maybe we should marry horses then we have centuars
PinkBallons: @Anonymous:
-pedophilia: "A psychiatric disorder in adults or late adolescents (persons age 16 or older) typically characterized by a primary or exclusive sexual interest in prepubescent children (generally age 13 years or younger, though onset of puberty may vary). The prepubescent child must be at least five years younger than the adolescent before the attraction can be diagnosed as pedophilia.
-bestiality: "Sexual intercourse between a person and an animal."
I have never mated with an animal before, nor am I sexually attracted primarily, let alone exclusively, to people who are underage.
champofgalacticretards: @Anonymous: Yeah, I did fuck televison so hard when my favorite shows are on. I fucked Acree, I fucked Fluttershy, I fucked Smurfette, I fucked newswoman, I fucked Penny, and I fucked every female characters.
Anonymous59(25): @Cculber007: that is messed up bro, you see that is called rape. because a shy girl doesnot want to have sex that much easily. I dont understand if you like the characters so much they why do you like to see them get raped all the time
champofgalacticretards: @Anonymous: Innocent? I donot think so!!!!! Maybe jubilation_t_cornpone is innocent but the cold fact is no one in the world is innocent which means including some of you.
champofgalacticretards: @Anonymous: Raping the television is okay because there is no law against that. Raping ballon-women? maybe the law banned anons do that. Raping is by me not applying if shy lady turned into wild crazy lady wanted to rape me first.
Anonymous66(25): @Cculber007: alright, I will admit. I wouldn't have so much a problem with it, if there was like 10000 of images uploaded daily spamming the front page
PinkBallons: @Anonymous: If you find it, link me to it.
@Anonymous: Just because someone is having sex with Fluttershy, or any of the characters for that matter, doesn't automatically mean it's rape, you know. Very little MLP porn is rape.
PinkBallons: @Anonymous: Severe overestimation, but I get where you're coming from. Luckily I just hang out in the MLP tag section so I don't have to deal with that.
Anonymous71(25): Yes she is real, she just doesn't exist. She could be animated by Lauren Faust and Voiced by Tara storng or whoever it is, to say "Please, fuck me ! Rape me! Make a million porn of me!"
jubilation_t_cornpone: These semantics are pointless. She does exist---as a cartoon character. "If it exists, there is porn of it". Remember? She just doesn't exist in the real world, except as ink on paper or pixels on a screen.
champofgalacticretards: @Anonymous: the nuthouse is waiting for your mind but keep your penis on. give them your brain and let your penis acts as a brain.
Silent_Witness: @Anonymous: Considering that they are perfectly capable of using and understanding human speech, calling them "animals" seems a little degrading.
PinkBallons: @Anonymous: Turning off caps lock would help you sound a little less insane. And considering the show is called "Friendship is Magic," is it really so out of the question that a human could make it to Equestria?
champofgalacticretards: @Anonymous: oh you are confused about real horses and fictional characters. it is legal to marry a real horse.
champofgalacticretards: @Anonymous: Naw, I fell in a love with Fluttershy so what I do? take her for a date, we have a restaurant in Equestria then watch a movie "Anons attack Rule 34" in my hometown then make a love-sex so she will have a best time with a big heart.
champofgalacticretards: @Anonymous: Sorry...I am a straight cat. right, I am not a human, I am really a real cat. I have 100/10 in my eyes so I can see you better than humans. Meow! excuse me.
PinkBallons: @Anonymous:
art: "The expression or application of human creative skill and imagination."
I see no mention of the website Deviantart in that definition.
champofgalacticretards: @Anonymous: I am a cat, I love cats, dogs, rats, horses, and humans so Gadget, Callie, Fluttershy, Dawn of Porkyman, Minvera Mink, and Smutrfette are very very very hot so I became crazy cat
Silent_Witness: @Farfegnugen: I've been having problems with some of the site's images all day, but I figured it was just me. Glad to find out I'm not alone.
Anonymous93: @Farfegnugen: Yeah, I'm getting that too. It keeps pulling up "503 Error" or something like that. 'Tis a shame, really, I'm sure it was working fine just the other day.
Anonymous94(93): @Anonymous: Actually, I think it may be more than one server. Though a few of the images work fine, I've seen images with totally different ID numbers have problems. I don't know, it might just be what I'm searching having the bad luck or something.
champofgalacticretards: @Silent_Witness: that is wrong prize. it is for anon who won. I am Cculber007 so my prize is http://xxxhorror.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/nikkisexxdressedasanunmasturbating.jpg
PinkBallons: @Anonymous: To be fair, have you read some of the comments made by anons in this thread? It's amazing how high a percentage of them are either brimming with hate or stupidity.
Mole: 1]Best Trollfest I've ever seen!
2]Looks like it's my turn to have trouble with images: Thumbs load fine, and some pics, but ~70% don't load - ??
Anonymous103(25): 1. This batman movie was crap. JAck nicolson is the real joker and those batman movies was better, not this gay hippie crap, even adam west batman was a lot better.
2. This is some anime fag reptar. and rugrats was allso a gay ass show. The creator was a jew pedofile who kiled himself.
3. They only did it because they are memes, Old memes at that, fail.
Anonymous104(25): Also I am not even kidding he was a pedofile, he got fired for making a story board of Drew pickals raping angela, so he killed himself
BimboBeans: Relating to the 'is it wrong to fap to MLP FiM' guys remember they're fictional characters in a fantasy show. Its not real. Its perfectly harmless. Now bring your arguements to some actual discussions of traditional lolicon/shotacon and see your results there too.
Its just drawings, because I bet if you actually encountered a real pony dressed up like i.e. Rainbowdash the majority of you wouldn't want to stick your dick inside that fly-infested horse vagina.
Krawczyk: I like this blabbery ragey anon 28 chap. He can go and fuck my sister.
Also there are too many of you damn summerfags on. We got hammered so hard yesterday I couldn't even read fucking PMs! I'm gonna petition the US to have year-round school years like the jappos do, then we'll see which of you underageb&s are laughing then! In the meantime I'll also petition Japan to let their brats out for 3 months because 3 months of me, my camera, and out-of-work kogals? Fuck yea, move the hell over Vladmodels I'm gettin' paaaaaiiiid!
>>source: KnowYourMeme
what the fuck even that article.
I wonder what they would say to someone whose grandfather got him into it. Of course, unlike those other twats, it didn't override of modify my primary interest in the least nor did I fall in love with that shitty bronymusic called dubstep (Fuck you Vinyl!) I'm still the same ol' hateful fascist guro-lovin' metalhead ya'll have come to enjoy since the inception of paheal :@
It just meant instead of fapping to pictures of dead children and burned and tortured women, I fap to pictures of mutilated, eye-gouged, intestinally displayed pastel ponies instead. You know on Fight Club when he was all "I wanted to destroy something beautiful today?" That's me erryday, all day.
>>Its just drawings, because I bet if you actually encountered a real pony dressed up like i.e. Rainbowdash the majority of you wouldn't want to stick your dick inside that fly-infested horse vagina.
...... ;D
But then, again, guro interest trumps everything. You have no idea the seething hatred I have for joggers n hunters n shit who come across murder victims and turn them into police. They won't do nothing but throw that sexy bitch's corpse in the ground! What a waste!!! I would nab that shit, clean it up, put it on ice, and build a Lucy:DotD-esque meat-puppet girlfriend from the remains, more holes the better, then feed her to my pigs and carnivorous bunnies when finished with her. So yeah, both me and ol' George Carlin, we gots this thing about wasting a good vag yea? It's just I'm not above making my own outta the useless bitches like feminists, HR, and PeTArds should there be a need to 'thin the herd' or a state-sponsored culling! Heck if so many PeTArds weren't homeless hippies and guilt-bombing housewives of rapacious businessmen I could be outstripping Bad-Dragon in sales, SHOOOO NUFF
@Anonymous: Yea, I guess I'll never be a real brony because I have seen nothing but improvement after they kicked her to the curb and like Jayson and the others take over. The only bad eps of Season 2 were MMDW and the finale, and I reckon the finale only sucked because some marketing 'genius' said HEY DISNEY SELLS LOTS OF TOYS, THEREFORE LETS TURN THIS SHIT INTO DISNEY. How about lolnofuckyou. I was less offended by Tori Spelling than Shining. Some cap'n of the guard you turned out to be bucko. He should be demoted and take a reality TV-esque walk of shame with Tori and Joan Rivers calling out catty remarks the whole time.
Also I liked Cadence's concept and colouration and everything up until the finale so they made me hate a character I was jazzed for which just doubled my raeg output.
And Mare-do-well, less said about it the better.
Season 2 would be perfect with the finales swapped and Bird-in-hoof swapped with Hurricane Fluttershy, and Over a Barrel with MMDW, and then you swap MMDW again with Stare Master, you have a nearly coherent unbroken line of increasing quality (because Rainbow as a prideful oaf is a lot easier to buy if she's just pulled off her second rainboom, not her 50th, plus by having been placed in the earlier season there would have been more time to drop callbacks here and there instead of having a giant BigLipAlligatorEpisode as TVT would call it blotting up a nearly progression-centric season).
Anonymous109(25): Karwackzy is more senseless than CCulber LOL freaking drunken inbred Slavs. Btw the fuck you calling a summerfag? Pinkballons, jewby-cornponyfag and all the other horse fuckers are the ones youre talking about.
Anonymous112: @jubilation_t_cornpone:
Naw I'm not the guy who think's they are real, I just saw someone call you "Jewby-cornponyfag" and I think it's the perfect name for the likes of your faggotry
champofgalacticretards: @Anonymous: I do believe cartoon characters are exisiting in the real world. incomprehensible gibberish? that was you, not me. By way, you said you left the rules in a jar by the door, you mean you left your penis too in a jar? no wonder why you are not horny anymore.
Anonymous118(114): Cloppers = Fully converted members of the bronyism
Ppl who call themselves brony but just watch the show = Half converted bronies
Anti-bronyfags/humanfags/Bronyism immunity = little girls,women,Homosexuals,People that dont want to believe that they die in the 2012 war
deathstriker: The only moderator that actually SPEAKS to and UNDERSTANDS the users (mostly the uploaders) without an intetion to start a troll war and we are starting "berate" him.
Maybe you would be more satisfied if jubilation was just another mod, like the lot.
korblborp: well, Titanium dropped by, then here was a TLDR shitstorm about pedophilia, bestiality, and ponies, and I'm still not sure the new guys understand how featured images are supposed to work...
korblborp: maybe on a bad day the Tit-man would. maybe there just isn't enough really strange, topical, stuff left on here.
herp-derp yourself, you sound WAY new.
The_Elder_Troll: Wanna know how I got these scars? My father was...a drinker. And a fiend. And one night he goes off crazier than usual. Mommy gets the kitchen knife to defend herself; he doesn't like that. Not...one...bit. So, me watching, he takes the knife to her, laughing while he does it. He turns to me, and says..."Why so serious?" He comes at me with the knife, "Why so serious?!" He sticks the blade in my mouth, "Let's put a smile on that face!"
DragonShade44: The problem with this feature is not only that it's not_porn and gay as hell, but also because rule 8 doesn't even apply. A) Reptar is always "naked," and B) the context of this picture is provocative at best. I'm surprised the picture even fits the criteria for an image on this site, let alone has been featured.
jubilation_t_cornpone: @DragonShade44: Rule 8 isn't just bare chested males and cleavage, it is also ecchi. It is the pics with nothing sexual at all that don't qualify for rule 8. Two girls just standing there smiling would be deleted. Two girls kissing would not, unless it was on the cheek.
Krawczyk: @Farfegnugen: Can't be helped, too many summerfags drainin' da site. I have to make sure I get it all in one shot cuz I might not make it back! @_@
Too much F5-hammerin' lately, both here and on ponibooru.
If anyone is curious as to WHY that place sucks so bad it appears they are on our old host btw, you know, the one that used to threaten us every other month, have no bandwidth at all, have balls-ass-slow loading, and randomly drop the site for a week or two. Yeah that's right, I finally got PO'ed and whois'd, and they're on Dreamhost. I lulz'd.
wtfbomb there IS a gay 34. We just don't care enough to put filters on either. :3
I think I love this feature more each time I reread the comments. This would be nothing without ugaiz, thx muchly!
@PinkBallons: But that's what being an anon is all about :{
It's been that way ever since Portal of Evil days, and by gummit, I shall wash this staining pony influence from anon's mind and get them back on track! Trolling and doxing is to an anon what a jug of moonshine and a rumcake is to an old bearded redneck! They shant survive without it!
So all ya'll anons, quit with the toleratin' and get with the trollin'! I expect you to flood Arizona's courts with so many butthurt victims they have to stop persecuting even wandering mexicans!
Anonymous127(25): fuck yuo dumbshits saying for anons to get a name, durr ok it takes 5 seconds to mkae a stupid ass name, why the fuck does that make things any different? you're still just as anonymous as anyone. im getting tired of registering just to be banned instantly for it. juck you jew cornponyfag
champofgalacticretards: @Anonymous: Creating many user accounts is against the rules so I am afraid that jubilation_t_cornpone is coorect. You would not be banned if you follow the rules and stick with this. Believe me, barking at admins doesn't solve the problem, it made a worst problem. I have been here for three years without any problem.
Sintime: @Cculber007: He does? I've fooled it's like he has no grasp of how the site has operated and just makes up things instead of admitting he's wrong.
Sintime: Hmm actually that Anon that was speaking was making some good points, he was just saying there are some things he doesn't want to see, yet you seem nonchalant about it, claiming she's imaginary, and they aren't "real", cartoon character etc, etc, but the moment you see Guro, or something else, you become devastated and cry a waterfall of tears ...
You have this weird mindset that "if it is currently on the site, it was intentionally allowed". What it actually means is that AN ADMIN HASN'T SEEN IT. Dupes are constantly being reported, many of which date back to the early days of the site. Do you take that to mean that dupes are allowed? Using your logic, you should think that.
jubilation_t_cornpone: @Sintime: Are you talking to me? The reason I don't like guro is not because I think someone is actually being hurt. It's because I find it visually gross.
Just like the scat pics. The cartoon shit does not have bacteria and does not stink. But it is still visually gross because my mind connects it with the bacteria and stink.
Sintime: @jubilation_t_cornpone: You realize that Titanium allowed pics like the Vanilla the rabbit one to stay right? Also I remember telling you that-was-the-artist-style-of-drawing-nipples.
jubilation_t_cornpone: Uh, censorship? There are a large number of guro and scat pics on this site. Including a large number uploaded by you. And yes, I have seen them and not deleted them.
jubilation_t_cornpone: So what if it's the artist's style of drawing nipples? That doesn't make it porn. As I said earlier, what exactly is the difference between nipple OUTLINES visible through fur and nipple OUTLINES visible through a shirt?
Sintime: @jubilation_t_cornpone: Because you have say so of another persons artwork to draw the definition of what's porn and what's not porn, even if the artist implies the definition in their creation ....
Sintime: @jubilation_t_cornpone: What's the differnce? The same difference when there is bareass shot of a furry character and it's still counted as porn, but the same picture of a human character wearing clothes DOES NOT count.
PinkBallons: @Sintime: You should really learn to take a few seconds to make sure you typed everything correctly before you post things, Sintime. It really isn't impressive that you generally respond in a minute, especially when you end up typing things like "you have say so" and consistently @ to the wrong person.
jubilation_t_cornpone: @Sintime: So what? Half the people on here are continually saying "delete this" or "delete that". If they don't actually get deleted, it is not relevant.
Sintime: @jubilation_t_cornpone: It's very relevant to the issue at hand, when you yourself verbally say something like "I would delete this if I could", which is not a good sign.
Sintime: @jubilation_t_cornpone: Even the anons can see that you are, it's painfully obivious, I don't see why you're lying/making excuses still even up to this point.
jubilation_t_cornpone: @Sintime: On the other hand, many artists draw fur in such a way that it looks like skin. And there are far more artists that draw actual nipples on furry characters.
Besides, there are few pics where a bare ass is the only porn element.
Sintime: @jubilation_t_cornpone: Once again instead of admitting you're wrong you make up things that don't make sense, it's not how many artists do this, each artists has their own expression of style, and forcing your opinions onto what they create and claiming "This isn't this, because I don't think so is faulty logic", even Titanium made it clear no matter how different a character may look from their official design, they are STILL that character if the artist says so, this conversation falls within that category.
jubilation_t_cornpone: @Sintime: If I was really into MLP at brony level, don't you think I would POST some? If you do a search of my pics for MLP (user_id=12308 My_Little_Pony), you will find a total of SIX images. Out of 2580. Some brony.
Sintime: @jubilation_t_cornpone: Oh, going by what's posted isn't much of a indicator either, there's many people posting MLP, maybe you can't find pics to post, or you don't have the time, one could make many assumptions, but your actions in the category and comments imply you aren't just someone with no interest at all in it. Or I could be wrong ... but not likely.
On another note, I don't think this conversation is going anywhere, I've made several points and you're avoiding them or trying to re-direct you seem too self-opinionated to listen to anything I say.
Sintime: There really needs to be some set definition of porn regarding some characters and clear general consensus ammong all the admins, not just what 1 person makes up on the spot in order to avoid confusion.
jubilation_t_cornpone: What "actions in the category"? Deleting of the Rule 30 pics? As I told you, if you ever upload a rule 30 pic in ANOTHER category I will merrily delete that too. But of course you would never do that. Since YOU chose "the category".
jubilation_t_cornpone: @Sintime: How do you know whether there is consensus or not? What are you basing your assumptions on? An admin who isn't even here any more and is therefore no longer part of the consensus?
champofgalacticretards: Triple Match: jubilation_t_cornpone a.k.a. "I am an admin, you must worship me!" VS Sintime "My heart is belong to someone's love" VS PinkBallons "I born in a horse farm."!
PinkBallons: @Cculber007: Look, just because I watch a cartoon with ponies in it doesn't mean I believe I am a pony. If you want to think of yourself as a cat, good for you, but I'm a person and nothing is going to change that.
PinkBallons: @Silent_Witness: True, but that does not make them the same thing. Ponies differ from horses in phenotype. While all ponies may be horses, all horses are not ponies.
Anonymous134(25): And Sintime got the point I was trying to make (Well I forgot to make it) all you stupid ponyfags go crying whenever there is Guro, scat etc. but how is that any less offensive than your own fetish of fucking children's horses. It's all relative to your opinion. At least scat and guro is more creative than all the stupid shit any of you pony fuckers can come up with, and that's not an opinion, because it actually does take a lot more effort to draw scat and guro than the same old ponys licking eachother or taking dicks in the ass or w/e.
PinkBallons: @Anonymous: I am a fan of Friendship is Magic, not one of the old generations of My Little Pony that have been on television, as he was implying.
PinkBallons: @Anonymous: "The same old ponies," are you aware of how many different ponies there are in the show? Granted, the majority of the MLP pics are of the mane six and the differences in looks only go as far as eyes, eye color, mane/tail style/colors, coat colors, and cutie marks. But the thing is, most artists create their own unique styles, and there are many different ways to draw the ponies themselves, be it trying to look like the show, anthro, humanization, etc. With guro/scat, there's no need to get the personalities involved, you could have any given character in a guro/scat picture and it wouldn't make any difference in the end.
My point in all this is that both sides have good reasons to support their arguments. Everyone has their own personal fetishes, and unfortunately that means there's going to be a lot of things different people do or do not like to see.
If you truly can't stand seeing MLP porn, simply search using the "-" command.
For example:
Porkyman -MLP
Not getting mad at anons. Just you. Multiple accounts was not your only offense. There was also the tag vandalism, report abuse, ascii spam, the list goes on and on. You were permabanned, so simply showing up here is ban evasion, an offense in itself. So yeah, you aren't allowed to have a name.
jubilation_t_cornpone: And you know what? Ban evasion isn't going to work any more. We have a new tool called "Delete comments by IP". Since comments are all you can do without an account, that effectively erases you from the site.
champofgalacticretards: @funfair: I agreed with GingerAle, I am not an admin. You too, not an admin. jubilation_t_cornpone is real admin and he can demote you to world's lowest anon with only watching (banned typing).
champofgalacticretards: @Cculber007: Wow, I never see that user keep coming on and never giving up after you banned him many many times. I wonder if he has broken world's record yet? lol
PinkBallons: @Cculber007: By the way, that's not going to happen. I've seen at least a full episode from each of the previous generations, and I'm not watching any more than I already have.
PurpleHelmetWarrior: SET THE 4TH WALL ALARM !! it appears someone ignored the "DO NOT CROSS" sign posted last week. THIS CANNOT CONTINUE !! but ill allow it on grounds of 100 people ignoring a big ass dinosaur and a crazy homicidal clown making out.
Anonymous146: The amount of trolls trolling themselves on this feature is... beyond any possible short mathematical measure. Not to mention some site members either have WAY too much free time, or need to get a life (or both).
And this is a regular (non-disturbing) feature. Just imagine for the rest what they may say. Some people need to put a shutdown button on their internet source, be it wired or wireless. Too many valuable HOURS spent on comments that, anyway, no one remembers by the end of the day.
Anonymous147(146): Edit for the above: Then again, it may be true that most anonymous users are the ones who post the most stupid comments of all, so... who knows. Perhaps simply disabling anonymous comments for featured images would solve the "problem".
PinkBallons: It's not it's the job of the entire Paheal staff to manage upkeep on the site. Pretty sure one of them could give us a new feature to distract us from all this frustration.
PinkBallons: @Sintime: >Implies that I lack intelligence
>Says he isn't doing anything
Anywhoo, if you're doing something productive get right back to it man.
Sintime: @PinkBallons: You're implying that you don't lack intelligence, and I wasn't even talking to you ... now go take your pre-teen frustration somewhere else.
The_Elder_Troll: I can't believe this is still going on, aren't you all like, old friends, or at least knowing each other for a long while, what's with the arguments. It's always going to end with somebody disagreeing and starting a new argument ten fucking minutes later.
The_Elder_Troll: @Sintime: Really mature, I try to help out and just stop an argument, but yet you insist on trying to make more of them. For jubilation, you are just as fucking bad as a 16 year old, too stubborn too give up until you find a way to succeed:
The_Elder_Troll: @Sintime: They don't escape because I tend to use them a lot but there is always a time to just shut the fuck up and let everything be. This is a good time.
Sintime: @The_Elder_Troll: The problem with you guys is ... you take everything too serious 100 percent of the time, while being able to take anything 99 percent of the time.
The_Elder_Troll: @Sintime: Hey I am just saying even though I take a lot of things seriously, I dont create 80 fucking thousand arguments, you can do what you want but the constant arguments on almost every feature are getting annoying.
The_Elder_Troll: True, it does but that doesn't mean you have to work with that person to keep it going, so I might as well stop posting on he subject, otherwise this will never end.
PinkBallons: I think I'm just going to try to avoid commenting on features from now on. It never seems to end well for me, and even when I "win" an argument, it never really feels like I accomplished anything because, well, this is the internet.
/abandon ship
jubilation_t_cornpone: @Sintime: Yes, thank you for the image reports. Don't recall you ever doing one before, but in the last few hours you were doing them nonstop. Lost count of how many, but it had to be over a hundred. And nearly all of them were even valid and the pics were deleted.
Of course it was all done out of spite rather than for betterment of the site, given that all images reported were from the Fandom That Shall Not Be Named. You intended to piss me off, still thinking I care more about MLP than other fandoms, but I thought it was fucking marvelous. I didn't say a word until you stopped because I didn't want you to stop. I didn't know there were that many pics in violation and now I don't have to hunt for them.
Really, everybody should scan the pics of fandoms and users they hate, reporting pics that violate the rules. As long as they are valid reports, it helps the site.
Sintime: @jubilation_t_cornpone: Believe it or not, I do have a life, and I had other things to do from time to time, I'm just near a computer frequently.
Sintime: And Jubilation, the reason I stopped doing image reports was because of your 'excellent' admin attitude ... you banned several months ago for using the "delete _me" tag in the image report feature because I forgot it was no longer used.
I don't get the logic behind banning people contributing to/or actually doing something on the site.
jubilation_t_cornpone: You're making temp bans sound like a big deal. It's nothing more than an attention getter. Many people don't read their PMs, so a ban is the only way to get through to them in a timely fashion. I've had people take weeks to respond to a PM. Some people don't ever log off, so if they don't go to their user screen for some reason they never know they have PMs.
It's different now, since there is notification, but you're talking about then.
Sintime: @jubilation_t_cornpone: Well since the pm's are different this entire conversation could have been pm's instead of here, to cause drama and incite other others:
[i]Of course it was all done out of spite rather than for betterment of the site, given that all images reported were from the Fandom That Shall Not Be Named. You intended to piss me off, still thinking I care more about MLP than other fandoms[i/]
You said you weren't going to name it, but you directly named it afterwards? I'm not doing anything towards you, nor plan too, I don't care enough to, you've really got some delusional overlook about this, there's nothing between us, I'm simply applying the rules of the site.
If memory serves me correctly, you didn't ban me to get my attention if you were, you would have left it in the ban message, which you didn't. (Fusion Warrior did a ban before and directly stated he banned to get my attention) That's the only time I've seen an admin do that, it seems like you were just doing to to be spiteful.
champofgalacticretards: @Sintime: warrior banned me (for ten days) for harrassing him after he lost a temper but Titanium told him that I am one of good guys and I haven't cause a trouble. He asked me to apologize to warrior which I did so warrior "unban" me after 20 minutes then I have not been banned but jubilation t cornpone knows I have made a mistake. I have used the image report for DNP, non-porn, not 34, etc. Computer life made me lazy, painful eyes, and bad habit for junk food.
Sintime: @Cculber007: Cculber007, where have you been? Yeah I believe Warrior would do that, but I don't think people should ban you for no reason or make up excuses to do so, if they there aren't any rules being broken.
What exactly did you do to Warrior?
champofgalacticretards: @Cculber007: I used comment box, PM, and e-mail addressed to warrior about fussing over Porkyman issues including Gold should be Ethan. he lost a temper and banned me.
Why shouldn't it be out in the open? You repeatedly claim that you are not at war with the bronies, but your selective reporting proves that to be a lie. This was all over furry characters, and there are thousands of furry pics on the site that are in violation of the rules. Why did you pick ONE SET of furries?
Sintime: @jubilation_t_cornpone: Now it's a joke, 'sure' it is, and one set of furries? Last I recall MLP is furry ... YOu're always stating the fandom are fanatics and you seem to be worried about inciting them, so the logical thing would be to take it to pms. I still don't know how or why you are a admin, seriously like the guy above me said you're like 16.
jubilation_t_cornpone: @Cculber007: CCulber, yes, you make mistakes, mainly dupes that are not actually dupes. And since you always make a comment as well, I can't just dismiss the report, I have to also correct you ("It's not a dupe.") so that SOMEONE ELSE doesn't come along and report the same pic again. It's not a case of rubbing your nose in it.
I've never done any admin action against you. The most I ever did was simply ignore the endless PMs, until you finally stopped sending them.
Sintime: @Cculber007: Some are more huma noid or animalis tic than others physic ally but:
If some thing can talk, has a mirror ed human culture that's called Anthro pomorphi sm the entire idea behind furry basically.
jubilation_t_cornpone: @Sintime: Actually, since you insist on having this war, it actually makes sense to take advantage of it.
We always want people to report pics that are in violation.
If you are going to scan the MLP pics for pics to delete, simply because it is MLP, why can't the bronies do the same thing with the pics you uploaded and the fandoms you like?
It is still "contributing to/or actually doing something on the site" which you say is your only goal.
It's not as if anything will get deleted that shouldn't be. The admins still control that. If people report things that shouldn't be, the standard procedures still apply, including dismissing invalid reports and dealing with report abuse if it gets excessive.
@Cculber007: Of course, pokemons are furries, as are digimons, Star Fox, and many others. But he didn't report any of those, which is the point.
champofgalacticretards: @jubilation_t_cornpone: Yes, no one is perfect. tell me a truth, do you have a wish to ban me? seriously? I just am curious about your feeling about me.
champofgalacticretards: @Sintime: My Little Pony is great but like jubilation_t_cornpone said Of course, pokemons are furries, as are digimons, Star Fox, and many others. But "you" didn't report any of those, which is the point. Maybe you give other furries chance by developing to like Porkyman, digimons, etc? You know Minvera Mink is a hottest furry?
Sintime: @jubilation_t_cornpone: No one is having a war except whatever internal perceptions are going on inside your head, now what would be a good idea, is to scan these things yourself, if you are so worried about them instead of commenting here. My eyes are strained out for the day and I'm not getting paid to do this.
Sintime: @Cculber007: All the non_porn and rule_8 of those sections are already cleared out, I've looked there a long time ago, the thing is NO ONE else would reported the images from MLP to begin, instead they would leave comments saying it's not porn, and not do anything about it. I haven't even gotten halfway through looking at the images, people just upload whatever into the section and it doesn't get deleted, I know these images aren't invisible and I'm the only one that can see them.
champofgalacticretards: @Sintime: when you are done with MLP, check Porkyman if you do not mind. I am playing Avengers Alliance on Facebook to beat up Hammerhead and Sandman with She-Hulk and Invisble Woman for a while.
Sintime: @Cculber007: I was only checking for non porn and (non porn images edited to be porn) there's tons of dupes there as well, and I'm no where near halfway done. Plus I'm sure I missed some as well
champofgalacticretards: @Sintime: Oh, I am looking for replacement images to replace images with watermark said aesddories.com before admins delete them because watermark was banned so I found few in old section where they didn't see so check for these too. Images are great that is why I look for replacement images to replace these images with watermark (aderisores.com)
Maybe admins need bots like Wikipedia has bots who care of the issues.
@jubilation_t_cornpone: You hate me, don't you? The idea? I just ask you for a truth, that is all. I know I am not a nice guy but Brony2012 was pain in your neck right?
jubilation_t_cornpone: @Cculber007: Again, where did you get that idea? Honestly, what makes you think I hate you? True, I did stop responding to PMs, due to sheer exhaustion, but I didn't do anything to you for sending them.
I recognize that you do a lot of reports. You make mistakes in reporting, but so do other people. Sometimes admins make mistakes in handling the report, such as deleting the wrong pic, or accidentally dismissing the report.
I recognize that you really want to help with the site. People who deliberately fuck with the site, such as Brony2012, stopme, BigBob, etc., are the ones to hate.
champofgalacticretards: @jubilation_t_cornpone: You never say thank to me like other admins did when I do for Rule 34. You speak a negative comment about me in other sites so I think you hate my guts. Do you want me to continue the reporting of Dupe, DNP, non-porn, not 34, and illegal images? I did because Titanium asked me for a help 2 years ago. I don't hate you, I admire you as a great man.
jubilation_t_cornpone: 1. I would have thought that thanks were implied, for all people who report. Sure, we ought to say so more often, but the reporting system doesn't lend itself to that. The reporter can communicate with us, but we can't say anything to him without going into the thread or doing a PM. With the number of reporters, that would be a lot of PMs. Usually when I thank people it is because I am communicating with them by PM for some other reason, such as they are doing the report wrong. So if I never thanked you, I am sorry. Thank you. Thank everyone who reports, even those who screw up.
2. Hate is a strong word. I already said I merely find you annoying. I don't know what sites you are talking about, since the other toon porn sites I go to wouldn't know who you are. But I wouldn't have said anything different.
3. Seriously, you have to be ASKED to do reports? Everyone else just does it. Yes, continue with the reports if you want to. You get most of them right. It's the people who totally screw up that we ask to stop. Like the rash of people who were reporting EVERYTHING underage, not just the stuff prohibited in the rules.
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"If there is under two full pages of "real" porn of a character, then "soft" porn is allowed until there is enough "real" porn. By "soft", I mean ecchi, topless men, lots of cleavage, etc. "
Deal with it.
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I can't breathe too funny
There is almost no conceivable association between these two characters beyond this. I've looking for something this random but can't help but feel there is something I've yet to see.
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@Anonymous: lol, guess I can't put that on my resume.
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It's a very very large number, it's calculable and so, theoretically possible. No need to stop.
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Rule 34 of the Internet, a meme stating that "If it exists, there is porn of it. No exceptions."[2][3][4]
Titanium (Rule 34), one of greatest administators who managed Rule 34 and left for another website, Rule 34. He became a mascot of Paheal Rule 34 site.
jubilation_t_cornpone is one of Rule 34 paheal administartion that manage the site. He is also known as what he is called "Anti-Cculber007". If you want to learn about Cculber007, see Cculber007
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Maybe I'm mistaken, probably saw it way back on something else and just imagined it being on here.
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2. that is not reptar it is some animed version
3. this is your idea of ''edgy'' you shallow fuck
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"PinkBallons is important" TROLOLOLO
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CCulber would make a better admin than all the ones they have now.
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@Anonymous: So you're saying that because my dad is older than me, that makes me not an adult?
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@Anonymous: And who says it's a fact? You, shitstain?
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-pedophilia: "A psychiatric disorder in adults or late adolescents (persons age 16 or older) typically characterized by a primary or exclusive sexual interest in prepubescent children (generally age 13 years or younger, though onset of puberty may vary). The prepubescent child must be at least five years younger than the adolescent before the attraction can be diagnosed as pedophilia.
-bestiality: "Sexual intercourse between a person and an animal."
I have never mated with an animal before, nor am I sexually attracted primarily, let alone exclusively, to people who are underage.
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How did the rappers get into this? You mean like gangsta rap?
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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mx1EMt_16bo 1:07 specifically.
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@Anonymous: Just because someone is having sex with Fluttershy, or any of the characters for that matter, doesn't automatically mean it's rape, you know. Very little MLP porn is rape.
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Do you honestly not see anything wrong with that statement?
try to think a little more deeply
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@Anonymous: Whoa we got a badass all up in here.
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art: "The expression or application of human creative skill and imagination."
I see no mention of the website Deviantart in that definition.
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2]Looks like it's my turn to have trouble with images: Thumbs load fine, and some pics, but ~70% don't load - ??
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2. This is some anime fag reptar. and rugrats was allso a gay ass show. The creator was a jew pedofile who kiled himself.
3. They only did it because they are memes, Old memes at that, fail.
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Its just drawings, because I bet if you actually encountered a real pony dressed up like i.e. Rainbowdash the majority of you wouldn't want to stick your dick inside that fly-infested horse vagina.
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Also there are too many of you damn summerfags on. We got hammered so hard yesterday I couldn't even read fucking PMs! I'm gonna petition the US to have year-round school years like the jappos do, then we'll see which of you underageb&s are laughing then! In the meantime I'll also petition Japan to let their brats out for 3 months because 3 months of me, my camera, and out-of-work kogals? Fuck yea, move the hell over Vladmodels I'm gettin' paaaaaiiiid!
>>source: KnowYourMeme
what the fuck even that article.
I wonder what they would say to someone whose grandfather got him into it. Of course, unlike those other twats, it didn't override of modify my primary interest in the least nor did I fall in love with that shitty bronymusic called dubstep (Fuck you Vinyl!) I'm still the same ol' hateful fascist guro-lovin' metalhead ya'll have come to enjoy since the inception of paheal :@
It just meant instead of fapping to pictures of dead children and burned and tortured women, I fap to pictures of mutilated, eye-gouged, intestinally displayed pastel ponies instead. You know on Fight Club when he was all "I wanted to destroy something beautiful today?" That's me erryday, all day.
>>Its just drawings, because I bet if you actually encountered a real pony dressed up like i.e. Rainbowdash the majority of you wouldn't want to stick your dick inside that fly-infested horse vagina.
...... ;D
But then, again, guro interest trumps everything. You have no idea the seething hatred I have for joggers n hunters n shit who come across murder victims and turn them into police. They won't do nothing but throw that sexy bitch's corpse in the ground! What a waste!!! I would nab that shit, clean it up, put it on ice, and build a Lucy:DotD-esque meat-puppet girlfriend from the remains, more holes the better, then feed her to my pigs and carnivorous bunnies when finished with her. So yeah, both me and ol' George Carlin, we gots this thing about wasting a good vag yea? It's just I'm not above making my own outta the useless bitches like feminists, HR, and PeTArds should there be a need to 'thin the herd' or a state-sponsored culling! Heck if so many PeTArds weren't homeless hippies and guilt-bombing housewives of rapacious businessmen I could be outstripping Bad-Dragon in sales, SHOOOO NUFF
@Anonymous: Yea, I guess I'll never be a real brony because I have seen nothing but improvement after they kicked her to the curb and like Jayson and the others take over. The only bad eps of Season 2 were MMDW and the finale, and I reckon the finale only sucked because some marketing 'genius' said HEY DISNEY SELLS LOTS OF TOYS, THEREFORE LETS TURN THIS SHIT INTO DISNEY. How about lolnofuckyou. I was less offended by Tori Spelling than Shining. Some cap'n of the guard you turned out to be bucko. He should be demoted and take a reality TV-esque walk of shame with Tori and Joan Rivers calling out catty remarks the whole time.
Also I liked Cadence's concept and colouration and everything up until the finale so they made me hate a character I was jazzed for which just doubled my raeg output.
And Mare-do-well, less said about it the better.
Season 2 would be perfect with the finales swapped and Bird-in-hoof swapped with Hurricane Fluttershy, and Over a Barrel with MMDW, and then you swap MMDW again with Stare Master, you have a nearly coherent unbroken line of increasing quality (because Rainbow as a prideful oaf is a lot easier to buy if she's just pulled off her second rainboom, not her 50th, plus by having been placed in the earlier season there would have been more time to drop callbacks here and there instead of having a giant BigLipAlligatorEpisode as TVT would call it blotting up a nearly progression-centric season).
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BTW: Date-001 is acting up again. It works about half the time.
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To respond in kind: I keep my rules in a jar by the door, the same place Eleanor Rigby keeps her face.
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Naw I'm not the guy who think's they are real, I just saw someone call you "Jewby-cornponyfag" and I think it's the perfect name for the likes of your faggotry
They just dont learn it...
This is why I love this place.
ye you are right. its real porn since its the same as topless women. no difference. end
Ppl who call themselves brony but just watch the show = Half converted bronies
Anti-bronyfags/humanfags/Bronyism immunity = little girls,women,Homosexuals,People that dont want to believe that they die in the 2012 war
And now... GTFO PAHEAL
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Maybe you would be more satisfied if jubilation was just another mod, like the lot.
Yeah makes a lot of sense, I suppose.
Yet I don't see how that would make a difference.
Oh well!
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stfu korblborp, herp derp, I'm Rule34d I'll suck your cooooock
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herp-derp yourself, you sound WAY new.
•jubilationia_t_cornpona - Admin
•Krawczykia - Admin
•Decantettia - Admin
•Zollithia - Admin
•Oniontrainia - Admin
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Too much F5-hammerin' lately, both here and on ponibooru.
If anyone is curious as to WHY that place sucks so bad it appears they are on our old host btw, you know, the one that used to threaten us every other month, have no bandwidth at all, have balls-ass-slow loading, and randomly drop the site for a week or two. Yeah that's right, I finally got PO'ed and whois'd, and they're on Dreamhost. I lulz'd.
wtfbomb there IS a gay 34. We just don't care enough to put filters on either. :3
I think I love this feature more each time I reread the comments. This would be nothing without ugaiz, thx muchly!
@PinkBallons: But that's what being an anon is all about :{
It's been that way ever since Portal of Evil days, and by gummit, I shall wash this staining pony influence from anon's mind and get them back on track! Trolling and doxing is to an anon what a jug of moonshine and a rumcake is to an old bearded redneck! They shant survive without it!
So all ya'll anons, quit with the toleratin' and get with the trollin'! I expect you to flood Arizona's courts with so many butthurt victims they have to stop persecuting even wandering mexicans!
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I guess our pointless rage, ponies, rants, ponies, and silliness does make for a good read.
...and ponies
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get on the floor everybody do the dinosaur.
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'Error 503 Service Unavailable
Service Unavailable
Guru Meditation:
XID: 329486165
Varnish Server Cache'
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You have this weird mindset that "if it is currently on the site, it was intentionally allowed". What it actually means is that AN ADMIN HASN'T SEEN IT. Dupes are constantly being reported, many of which date back to the early days of the site. Do you take that to mean that dupes are allowed? Using your logic, you should think that.
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Just like the scat pics. The cartoon shit does not have bacteria and does not stink. But it is still visually gross because my mind connects it with the bacteria and stink.
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Besides, there are few pics where a bare ass is the only porn element.
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On another note, I don't think this conversation is going anywhere, I've made several points and you're avoiding them or trying to re-direct you seem too self-opinionated to listen to anything I say.
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PinkBallons = a horse
jubilatio t compone = a horse
Sintime = a bat
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My point in all this is that both sides have good reasons to support their arguments. Everyone has their own personal fetishes, and unfortunately that means there's going to be a lot of things different people do or do not like to see.
If you truly can't stand seeing MLP porn, simply search using the "-" command.
For example:
Porkyman -MLP
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Not getting mad at anons. Just you. Multiple accounts was not your only offense. There was also the tag vandalism, report abuse, ascii spam, the list goes on and on. You were permabanned, so simply showing up here is ban evasion, an offense in itself. So yeah, you aren't allowed to have a name.
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@Sintime: sometimes redshirts make the best points, sometimes they don't. Sometimes they are users redshirting.
@jubilation_t_cornpone: If he did then it will be Starfleetterminated redshirts and Kirk and his team are in very trouble.
@Witchan: That is Bizzaro Cculber007. Opposite of me.
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And this is a regular (non-disturbing) feature. Just imagine for the rest what they may say. Some people need to put a shutdown button on their internet source, be it wired or wireless. Too many valuable HOURS spent on comments that, anyway, no one remembers by the end of the day.
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Lol derp.
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>Says he isn't doing anything
Anywhoo, if you're doing something productive get right back to it man.
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/abandon ship
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Of course it was all done out of spite rather than for betterment of the site, given that all images reported were from the Fandom That Shall Not Be Named. You intended to piss me off, still thinking I care more about MLP than other fandoms, but I thought it was fucking marvelous. I didn't say a word until you stopped because I didn't want you to stop. I didn't know there were that many pics in violation and now I don't have to hunt for them.
Really, everybody should scan the pics of fandoms and users they hate, reporting pics that violate the rules. As long as they are valid reports, it helps the site.
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I don't get the logic behind banning people contributing to/or actually doing something on the site.
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It's different now, since there is notification, but you're talking about then.
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[i]Of course it was all done out of spite rather than for betterment of the site, given that all images reported were from the Fandom That Shall Not Be Named. You intended to piss me off, still thinking I care more about MLP than other fandoms[i/]
You said you weren't going to name it, but you directly named it afterwards? I'm not doing anything towards you, nor plan too, I don't care enough to, you've really got some delusional overlook about this, there's nothing between us, I'm simply applying the rules of the site.
If memory serves me correctly, you didn't ban me to get my attention if you were, you would have left it in the ban message, which you didn't. (Fusion Warrior did a ban before and directly stated he banned to get my attention) That's the only time I've seen an admin do that, it seems like you were just doing to to be spiteful.
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What exactly did you do to Warrior?
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Why shouldn't it be out in the open? You repeatedly claim that you are not at war with the bronies, but your selective reporting proves that to be a lie. This was all over furry characters, and there are thousands of furry pics on the site that are in violation of the rules. Why did you pick ONE SET of furries?
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I've never done any admin action against you. The most I ever did was simply ignore the endless PMs, until you finally stopped sending them.
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If some thing can talk, has a mirror ed human culture that's called Anthro pomorphi sm the entire idea behind furry basically.
comment contains banned terms what?
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We always want people to report pics that are in violation.
If you are going to scan the MLP pics for pics to delete, simply because it is MLP, why can't the bronies do the same thing with the pics you uploaded and the fandoms you like?
It is still "contributing to/or actually doing something on the site" which you say is your only goal.
It's not as if anything will get deleted that shouldn't be. The admins still control that. If people report things that shouldn't be, the standard procedures still apply, including dismissing invalid reports and dealing with report abuse if it gets excessive.
@Cculber007: Of course, pokemons are furries, as are digimons, Star Fox, and many others. But he didn't report any of those, which is the point.
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Maybe admins need bots like Wikipedia has bots who care of the issues.
@jubilation_t_cornpone: You hate me, don't you? The idea? I just ask you for a truth, that is all. I know I am not a nice guy but Brony2012 was pain in your neck right?
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I recognize that you do a lot of reports. You make mistakes in reporting, but so do other people. Sometimes admins make mistakes in handling the report, such as deleting the wrong pic, or accidentally dismissing the report.
I recognize that you really want to help with the site. People who deliberately fuck with the site, such as Brony2012, stopme, BigBob, etc., are the ones to hate.
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2. Hate is a strong word. I already said I merely find you annoying. I don't know what sites you are talking about, since the other toon porn sites I go to wouldn't know who you are. But I wouldn't have said anything different.
3. Seriously, you have to be ASKED to do reports? Everyone else just does it. Yes, continue with the reports if you want to. You get most of them right. It's the people who totally screw up that we ask to stop. Like the rash of people who were reporting EVERYTHING underage, not just the stuff prohibited in the rules.
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