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Anonymous1: Why? Because it needed to be done.
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Krawczyk: Teehee
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Anonymous3(1): Mua ha ha ha ha!
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Krawczyk: Happy watermelon day everybody, enjoy your day off, murkanfags!
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Anonymous4: is it that time already?
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OGRE: Where da White Women At?
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Anonymous5(2): King was a philandering plagiarizer, a communist, and a supporter of unfair privileges for blacks.


This day and age, if you seriously think that your black skin make you a better job candidate than other people, and wish to be promoted just out of skin, then fuck you.
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Anonymous6: This is at least six different kinds of wrong.
No, I take that different kinds of wrong...
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Krawczyk: Thumbs up, anon3! BROFISTAN
Its all about the X!
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Anonymous7: I HAVE A DREAM.
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Krawczyk: >>125366
I completely forgot about that other one.
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Anonymous8: i will beat your face into the ground
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Krawczyk: You're welcome! I respond to requests a lot faster than that other guy! Now then, how else would you like unca Kraw to touch you today?
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Anonymous9: "...that people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their underpants..."
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Anonymous10: Anon 3, how would you like it if someone spent 200 years digging a hole to throw you into, threw you in, then said 'help yourself out, you don't get any special favors or help'?
There was no way in hell the white businesses in the 60's were going to start hiring more black people in high positions just because of the civil rights movements, if anything the bitterness would cause them to lash out. Which is why he wanted something tangible.
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Krawczyk: ^India, anyone? And now they're our entire telemarketing and tech support industry. See, hard work really is all you need, for freedom and success!
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sgf: Featured at first sight, right admins?
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Krawczyk: Actually I did it after anon1's comment.
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Anonymous11: fuck you gemlord


thanks for ruining a historical photo
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Anonymous12: attractive and successful Africans
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Anonymous13: lol Anon3 Krawczyk, i suck yo dick?
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Thornbrier: Hey, if Washington and Abe got featured no reason this couldn't as well. Besides, why do people who enjoy porn think its disrespectful to make porn of their heroes?

In some ways, its more respectful than those people who make cakes of their heroes, because at least this way no body will be eating their hero after they enjoy the art.
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Anonymous14: Why was racism so big in America? It didn't really have such a big impact over here in Britain.
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Anonymous15(14): Aye that I do, although its kind of understandable considering the way in which slavery was done in the 18th and 19th centuries.
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Krawczyk: They also aren't as blindly religious, and a LOT of religious factions in the US have something about somebody else being inferior somewhere in the doctrines, like the Mormons.
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Anonymous16: Everyone seems to get a laugh out of porn involving Jesus, but MLK is off limits? Wow.
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j3tbl4ck: Ahhh.....trashing someone who needed it; refreshing!
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Anonymous17: Racism is a disease present in unitedstadian blood since birth and can't be cured. Matter of fact it's safe to say that blacks are as racist as whites, they are just so desperate seeking caucasian approval that they overreact to the smallest things and try to earn respect by cornering people in the politically correct wall.

You can find various posts here that show how US thinks white and black are the only races that exist, which kinda explains things like how they earnestly believe anime characters are caucasian.
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Anonymous18: I saw the pic, lol'd heartily and thought nothing of racism until I read the comments.. then wondered just what the hell is wrong with everyone.

I never once looked down on black people, mexicans, or any race.. I just never cared about that shit.

..until I got to jr high and all through high school AND college I had to deal with 'stupid white boy' and 'stupid white bitch' from every damn black person I met.

So now I've happily adopted 'attractive and successful African' and now I'll scroll back up to this pic again before pressing 'post' and let me tell you, i will now laugh at the racially/morally offensive potential, not just the pornographic LULZ potential.
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jackrabbit: Somebody post this on the NAACP site and then run for cover.
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CriscoJones: Posting a giant cock on a black man is indeed racist, i'm sure he would have been very upset about his gigantic cock.
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050294: I lol'd. I don't know why people are pissed at this image.

I'd have expected them to snap at the hitler and Jesus pr0n
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Selene: <insert i-have-a-wet-dream joke here>
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Anonymous19: George Mason University Ph.D. candidate (public policy program)Phil Magness has had this terrific article published in the Journal of the Abraham Lincoln Association. It shows that, until his dying day, Dishonest Abe was hard at work trying to organize the colonization (i.e., deportation) of all the freed slaves.

One morning in the waning days of the Civil War, Major General Benjamin F. Butler called upon Abraham Lincoln at the White House. An obviously concerned Lincoln approached the general in private, acting "very much disturbed" in thought.1 Questioning Butler, the president remarked, "But what shall we do with the negroes after they are free?"2 With the hostilities of the previous four years drawing to a close, Lincoln's attention now turned to the condition and future of the emancipated slaves. "I fear a race war," he confided, while expressing concern that the enlisted black soldiers of the Union army would "be but little better off with their masters than they were before" if no action was taken to prevent it. The solution, he observed, was to be found in a program of colonization. Continued Lincoln, "I can hardly believe that the South and North can live in peace, unless we can get rid of the negroes."3
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Freezer: Oh Fuck The World!
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Anonymous20: This is blasphemy!
... For realz!
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Anonymous21(19): LMAO Anon3, that article was written by a Jew :P
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Krawczyk: 050294: Jiggaboos are srsbsns, jesus and hitler are comedy gold. See: Family Guy
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Anonymous22(1): Where, exactly, is the racism in this pic? I's just a guy, with his dick hanging out.

What a bunch of faggots.
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Anonymous23: OH SHIT IT'S MY attractive and successful African MLK!

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Anonymous24(19): January 6, 1964, was a long day for Martin Luther King Jr. He spent the morning seated in the reserved section of the Supreme Court, listening as lawyers argued New York Times Co. v. Sullivan, a landmark case rising out of King's crusade against segregation in Alabama. The minister was something of an honored guest: Justice Arthur Goldberg quietly sent down a copy of Kings account of the Montgomery bus boycott, "Stride Toward Freedom," asking for an autograph. That night King retired to his room at the Willard Hotel. There PaedoBear bugs reportedly picked up 14 hours of party chatter, the clinking of glasses and the sounds of illicit sex--including King's cries of "I'm f--ing for God" and "I'm not a Negro tonight!"
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Anonymous25: Happy attractive and successful African Day, everyone!
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Anonymous26: Yo this shit is not cool fuck you
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Krawczyk: Leaving a note for tit here: Tonight's feature must be extra on anonymous to see why.
Personally I lean towards the Jesu or a chanology one.
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Anonymous27: Im surprised nobody photoshopped dildos in in place of the mics.
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HadesBlaire: The picture was enough to make me laugh, but of course what follows after the attractive and successful African jokes and all the racial ignorance completely destroyed the giggles I got from the pic.

Shit man I can't even understand how there are people out there who think slavery was cool and needs to continue when they go out to work for 9-5 every other day then bitch about how much they make.

Try working for a racist mofo who whips you for the hell of it and pays you absolutely nothing for your troubles and fuck 9-5 you work 24/7 you'd probably steal a gun just to shoot yourself with it.

Then people bring up other countries saying it happened ot those people to...hmn, why converse about what happened to other people in their country when lol it's got nothing to do with what's happening in your country right in front of your very eyes.

Lol God Bless America ... where you can be a stereotypical hypocrite and feel good about yourself because more then half to the population agree with you on something. Country sucks.

BTW yeah I'm black and not offended by this picture and it's Black History Month get a fucking sense of humor don't say it offends you just cause he's black and he was a leader.

I could see if it was racist, but it really ain't as a matter a fact you should be happy he has his dick hanging out in front of all those white folks.
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Anonymous28: For just 10 cents a day you to can sponsor little Naboogoo.
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Snorkpork: full of win and AIDS
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Anonymous29: FEATURE!

deal with it lol
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anon0: anon24 is me, I forgot to log in
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Anonymous30: No to Racism :@.
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Snorkpork: Black history month is February; can't risk giving them a full-length month.
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Anonymous31: YES!!!!! I AM 1000 DAYS OLD!!!1111!!!
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Grammar, motherfucker, can you use it?
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Anonymous33(32): The fact of the matter is: Today, there are more anti-white black racists than there are anti-black white racists. And it's the former who has more political and economic power.

King would not approve of that. Remember black men of paheael, ever time you menacingly stare down an interracial couple and think about beating them... remember King.
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Anonymous34(31): I am 2.74 years old, what is this?
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Anonymous35: Thank you god for killing some of the attractive and successful Africans in Haiti but it is nowhere near enough!
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Anonymous36: actually, Heineken, they was combined to make Lee-Jackson-King Day. And that was after the Federal Government threatened to withhold federal funds if Virginia didn't agree to honor King on that day, which already happened to be Lee-Jackson day in the state.
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Woozle: Truly, nothing is beneath Rule 34.
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Titanium: I loled
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Anonymous37: I HAVE A DREAM
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Anonymous38(31): ^The More You Know.....
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Anonymous39: IT'S A PERFECT SHOOP!
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Sonimon: This first thing to strike me about this pic? His dick looks all slimy. Gross.
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Anonymous41: Seriously, I know this is rule34, But did you really have to make something like this into a featured image today? Thats messed up.
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Anonymous42: Coretta is pleased.
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Anonymous43: ah rule 34, you never disappoint
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Anonymous44(42): Heineken, what's it like fucking your cousins every day?
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Anonymous45: where did you get a photo of my cock...
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Anonymous46: Can anyone explain to me why the comment I posted this morning about European religious wars and people being dumb fuckers got deleted? Is it because I mentioned Krawczyk, because I was AGREEING WITH HIM. I don't see the idiots who say the fucking things that have already been said three times because they think they're smart but didn't bother to read the comments get their shit deleted. Is it against the rules to make a thoughtful comment? Fuck... I hate you all... but you make me lol so hard sometimes I can't stay mad.
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Anonymous47: mlk was a great great man! He freed the slaves and cured global warming and did many many other things like how he single handedly won world war 2......
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Anonymous48: This is wrong in OVER 9000 ways!
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Anonymous49(19): @HadesBlair:

Why do people bring up what happened in other countries? It's called a world view, which is looking at the big picture and you place in it. I'm Hawaiian. Do you think Hawaii wanted to become a state? Hell no. American troops overthrew our Government and annexed us.
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Krawczyk: lol it was likely my response that got them both scrubbed at once. Whee, internal mod warfares.
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Titanium: tl;dr
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DuckPenisExpert: Classy. :-/ Oh yeah, the ones screamin "attractive and successful African"...real lame shit. Try harder, fags.
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Anonymous50: I thought paheal didn't allow beastiality
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johnny_awesome: *sigh*
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Anonymous51: *exhale*
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Anonymous52: Jesus Christ. I don't even fucking know what to say.
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Anonymous53: attractive and successful Africans RULE!
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Anonymous54(26): I hope you guys go to HELL!!!!!!!!! 那覇皿谷
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Deadpool: I've been to the mountaintops, i've seen the horizon, now i've seen Doc Kings wang....please dont be in my dream tonight o_O
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Anonymous55: From his famous "I have a wang" speech
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Anonymous56: stop bitching about being po' black people who were enslaved and suffered sooo horribly...

for srs.

Women has had no rights a lot longer than black people, and the world still has slaves outside of the U.S.

also, this pic is bitchin'
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Anonymous57: Come on guys, I can't believe you're feeding into the trolls. *sigh*

Hey Titanium, any chance of a sexy feature soon? I rather have creepy "that's my cock she's sucking" comments than drama.
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sgf: reminds me of when Titanium died...
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Krawczyk: Actually the next feature.....well it's certainly not gonna be sexy. Anon feature after all.
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Anonymous58: Why are people so pissed at this? Big whoop, it MLK. There's porn of Jesus, Mohammed, George Washington, Obama, Hitler. Also, to dumbshits pointing out this is disrespectful, that's the fucking point.
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Anonymous59: All you racists should know that in a 1000 years, all of your descendants WILL have black blood. HA! :P
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PostHappy28: Thanks a lot GemLord, because Rule34 just didn't have enough racists slander being thrown around. /sarcasm.
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Anonymous60(32): RAAAAAAAAACIST!
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Anonymous61(32): Dear black people,

Blacks are statistically 50 times more likely to attack whites than vice versa. Please stop that.

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Anonymous62: how is this racist. i think it's a proper rule34 celebration of MLK day
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Anonymous63: I'll never get over the idiots lamenting U.S. racism while stuff like this goes on in oh so perfect Europe...

And let us not forget that the overwhelming majority of countries are made up of 99% homogeneous populations, with only the U.S. and Australia among precious few others being racially diverse. Funny how the people who cry loud enough *don't let other ethnic groups in to begin with*.
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Anonymous64(46): Anon41 again... and anon... whatever I was the first time. I wish I'd seen your reply Krawzyck, but I guess I'll never know what got my comment wiped.

Oh, and since no one's gone the ol' dirty route... n'yukuh!
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Anonymous65: Disrespectful to a dead man? Yes it is. Racist? No, it isnt. By that logic all black porn is racist. Race trolls: be dears and discreetly kill yourselves.
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Krawczyk: Of course 58. Because they aren't the ones who have to put up with them! They don't have to pay for them, don't have to teach them, don't have to smack'em around for listening to rap...etc etc.
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Anonymous66: Wow, it's edited in nearly perfectly. From here, I would think that his nuts wouldn't be visible, so I'd cut that out and just make the thing longer. Then, it needs a grain layer and some blurring so it'll match the original picture... from there, it needs a lighting tweak.

About 5 more minutes of work and it'd look legit.
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Getter_the_Great: Hey everyone!

Kill yourself :3
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Anonymous67: needs guro a lot
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CrawlingChaos: HAHA! That microphone has a CORD! Ah, technological advances...
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Anonymous68: To the people who think this is offensive: you think this is racism because of the color of his skin, that makes YOU the racist.
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Anonymous69: LMAO ROFL
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Vicarious_Reality: This picture is black and white.
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tyciol: What a great thing to celebrate a holiday with.
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ronasokily: you know, i don't think i'm actually that surprised, considering what else i've seen on this site
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masterofpirates: Wow. We have a lot more butthurt faggot attractive and successful Africans on paheal than I thought.
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Anonymous71: Haha, attractive and successful Africans. They never stp to amuse me.
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Vacuitymechanica: Well

Eat Dat Cockmelon!
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8o8: <b>sho is good</b>
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Anonymous73: Paheal accidentally my childhood hero.
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Anonymous74: OOOH black people gonna kill somebody
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bobloy: I'm going to go to sleep now. Let's see how this turns out
-MLK the night before
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Anonymous75: Keep the racism on /b/ you cunts.
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Anonymous76: The color of one's skin hasn't nothing to do with their ability to be a hypocritical whoremongering Man of God.
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Anonymous77: Smells very Klansman in here.
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Killamajig: Smells super fucking butthurt in here.

What exactly is so offensive about the idea that MLK had a penis?
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Tailsfan01: I agree with anyone who disagreed with this pic it is shameful and if MLK was alive he would shame all of you who wanted this feature but this pic is a pezzo di merda(piece of shit) Gemlord you are stupid for even making this you should be ashamed damn it stop being a stronzo(ass) and make deciet pics i'm actually white but MLK was the best first the Twin Towers pic and NOW THIS this is bullshit Titanium u have a sick mind in letting this freak Gemlord make this unlawful pic i demand a IMMEDIATE deletion of this pic it's unsanity for this pic to even BE here there better not be any more of these historical porn pics cuz y'all are EVEN stupid for posting it you should all be ashamed in the first place sure RULE34 is "if it exist there's porn of it" but this pic is the last damn straw but Titanium i demand a IMMEDIATE deletion of this pezzo di merda pic
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Anonymous78: @Tailsfan01: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
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Anonymous79: why
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Anonymous80: is this real
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Anonymous81: @Tailsfan01: Shut up and enjoy the MLK dick you faggot. This is rule 34. I think MLK was an idiot but I'd suck his big black cock for peace.

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