dankwart: @shezari: Sorry if my art experimentation doesn't suit your taste.
As I stated in the original post, I was experimenting with a different style and painting techniques and ended up doing the whole pic.
Calling someone's personal training "shit" doesn't help in their improvement, but hey, who am I to complain about it...
You can obviously find someone who does it better.
Stay safe.
shezari: @dankwart: No, it's been like this for awhile, the deformed heads with oversized eyes that make you look like you're trying to copy Tailsrulz...and failing.
dankwart: @shezari: Hey man, It's ok to not like my art, but why are you so hostile?
And just out of curiosity, how do freckles look like?
Because I'm using a brush made specifically for freckles and I like the overall result.
Maybe you could draw something just to show me how it's done.
Have a nice one!
GoodPorn: @dankwart: He's hostile because he needs some way to validate himself in the virtual world because no one agrees or likes him in real life. Personally I love your Gwen stuff.
shezari: @GoodPorn: I'm hostile because I grew immeasurably tired of brain-dead mouthbreathers spouting off "great work!" and "looks awesome!" at every chickenscratch scribble people felt like wasting server space on.
shezari: @dankwart: don't use a brush for freckles. seriously don't. Real freckles are random in size and prominence as well as distribution. Using a brush just creates an unnaturally regular pattern which looks wholly alien. ESPECIALLY when you limit it to a small section under the eyes like some kind of bizarre makeup. If she had freckles at all (which not everyone does, even redheads), they'd be more widely spread over both face and body. My own are mostly on my face, arms and shoulders, and they're not that heavy in either volume or darkness. There are some that are rather noticeable but mostly they're only slightly darker than a medium tan.
Akadosan: @dankwart: Hey man, i used to be a Patreon of you and had to drop my sub (you did me bunch of Gwen Comissions including one of my favorite sets with her showing off in the school hall), while im glad i can see your Gwens from time to time this really wasn't your best Gwen, even compared to some previous ones that were somewhat iffy, the body is fine even tho i think she looks to plankish even for a person with those abs, the head really was too off compared to your previous works, im still happy i can see more Gwen from you while not being a Patreon anymore but yeah i would stick to some of your previous designs for the head and face.
hentai_kamen: Why can't there be more teen Gwen stuff? Why is like 98% of porn of her the kid version? I used to like kid Gwen porn but I gave it up because it was affecting my mental health. I wish there was a teen Gwen counterpart to every piece of kid Gwen porn out there.
dankwart: @Akadosan: Thanks for the support, I had to stop with Patreon due to my job.
It's been 3 years since I stopped drawing so it's natural for me to start experimenting now that I'm returning.
Thanks for the feedback also, I'll take into account you suggestions and try to improve. Constructive criticism is always welcome.
dankwart: @hentai_kamen: I try to balance things, I do adult, teen and loli Gwen but you see, people always ask me for loli Gwen. So the majority of my drawings will be with the loli version.
I can't promise to do more teen and adult Gwens but I'll try.
- Reply
As I stated in the original post, I was experimenting with a different style and painting techniques and ended up doing the whole pic.
Calling someone's personal training "shit" doesn't help in their improvement, but hey, who am I to complain about it...
You can obviously find someone who does it better.
Stay safe.
And just out of curiosity, how do freckles look like?
Because I'm using a brush made specifically for freckles and I like the overall result.
Maybe you could draw something just to show me how it's done.
Have a nice one!
- Reply
It's been 3 years since I stopped drawing so it's natural for me to start experimenting now that I'm returning.
Thanks for the feedback also, I'll take into account you suggestions and try to improve. Constructive criticism is always welcome.
I can't promise to do more teen and adult Gwens but I'll try.