Anonymous1: Title: The Royal Crystal family & their endless lovely subject,
9 days ago, the evil queen changeling Chrysalis & her subjects has taking over the Crystal Empire. They suck out of the crystal ponies' love out of all of them including Shining Armor' & Princess Cadence's love. She takes control of the 2 Rulers of the Crystal Empire & now Queen Chrysalis is now in charge then she have this feeling that no one or nopony is going to stop them now. So, they've taking over the Empire for 9 days. At day 9, is when I come in, I've came to the Crystal Empire for a visit & I noticed that the Empire looks deserted & empty. There's nopony else everywhere or somewhere in the Crystal Empire. So, when Chrysalis discovers that I arrived to the Empire, she sends Shining Armor & Princess Cadence to observing out of me & sent my love to her. They came up to me & staring at my eyes like nothing is going wrong, but this was freaking me out, so I run to one of the houses. I was fine inside, but when I turn around, freaky-ishly they were behind me inside then I was doomed with them.
Shining Armor & Princess Cadence:(They're in Chrysalis' control) (Demonic voices) Young man, you were sent here to give us your love & you will serve the queen changeling, Queen Chrysalis herself. Hand over your love for the easy way or we'll give you the hard way.
Me: Chrysalis? No way. I'll never grant her my love over to her. Shining Armor, Princess Cadence, snap out of it. This isn't the both of you.
Shining Armor & Princess Cadence: We'll give you on to count to 5 to hand it over your love now, then this is going to be the end of your human life with us & you'll get judged by Queen Chrysalis herself. 1............... 2.............. 3............... 4................F== (They've dog pile on me for 10 seconds then Princess Cadence sticks her cock machine into me, started pounding on me & Shining Armor is sucking my cock & nuts inside of his mouth) (While the both of them screwing me, they're using their magic to try to observing all of my love & faith out of me as the could)
Me: Sweet Jesus, help me, please.
To be continued...........
Anonymous2(1): Previously on the Royal Crystal family & their endless lovely subject,
Princess Cadence & Shining Armor themselves are still pounding on me & still sucking my cock & nuts & they are still in control by Chrysalis herself.
Me:(I'm still being pounding on Princess Cadence's cock machine into me & my cock & nuts are still getting sucked by Shining Armor' mouth) What is it with the both of you guys serving Queen Chrysalis herself? How long you were like this ever since?
Princess Cadence:(She's still in Chrysalis' control) (Demonic voice) It's been 9 days since Chrysalis & her minions has taking over the Crystal Empire.
Shining Armor:(He's still in Chrysalis' control) (Demonic voice) Now, you young man, pipe down so we can suck the love & your faith out of you & you'll serve your goddess.
Me: Goddess? You think that Chrysalis is your god?! And do you really think that there's no god to believe in? Think again, there is a true God himself. And he's the Ruler of the good souls of Heaven. There's only one god on Earth & everyone knows that. But, my opinion, Chrysalis is not my god, she's a devil of these matters & the both of you know that! Princess Cadence, don't you remember at your wedding when Chrysalis has took your place? And Shining Armor, remember that Chrysalis was controlling & manipulating you when you & her your sister's refuse to believed your own sister that Cadence was Chrysalis. And in the end, you discovered the truth. Please? Both of you, remember. Please. (Fainted voice) I have faith in........ the both...... of you. (Then my love turn into a heart shaped & the heart has freed Shining Armor & Princess Cadence from Chrysalis' control)
To be continued..............
Anonymous3(1): Previously on the Royal Crystal family & their endless lovely subject,
Shining Armor & Princess Cadence are out of Chrysalis' control.
Princess Cadence:(Normal voice) Oh. What's happe== (Gasp) Ohhh! (She gets off of me) Sorry, I'm so sorry. (Gasp) Eww, Shining Armor, what are you doing?
Me: This is not his fault. It's Chrysalis doing. She got controlled of the both of you.
Shining Armor:(Normal voice) Mmm?! (He spits out my cock & nuts out of his mouth) Bleh! Bleh! What just happened?
Princess Cadence:(I looked at her like should i tell him or not) You don't want to know.
Me: But, right now, you have a bigger problem now & somepony taking over your kingdom. And that is the queen changeling herself, Queen Chrysalis.
Shining Armor: No problem. We know how to get rid of her & her minion changelings.
Princess Cadence: Heck yeah, Shining. Stay here, young one, me & Shining Armor got this. (She kissed me in my cheek then I blushed for 8 seconds) Thank you for having faith in us.
Shining Armor: Yeah. Thank you, young one.
Me: No problem. Now, go take care of your last problem.
They ran back to the Crystal Throne room & they did their powerful loving spell to blasted away Chrysalis & her subjects back to the changeling kingdom. After that, the Crystal Empire was restored. The Crystal ponies got their love & faith back. All of the citizens of the Crystal Empire has giving me their gratitude to me for helping & saving them all from Chrysalis' control & command. They offer me a new nickname: The Boy who never gives up hope. After that, I left the Crystal Empire to return home back to Manehattan.
9 days ago, the evil queen changeling Chrysalis & her subjects has taking over the Crystal Empire. They suck out of the crystal ponies' love out of all of them including Shining Armor' & Princess Cadence's love. She takes control of the 2 Rulers of the Crystal Empire & now Queen Chrysalis is now in charge then she have this feeling that no one or nopony is going to stop them now. So, they've taking over the Empire for 9 days. At day 9, is when I come in, I've came to the Crystal Empire for a visit & I noticed that the Empire looks deserted & empty. There's nopony else everywhere or somewhere in the Crystal Empire. So, when Chrysalis discovers that I arrived to the Empire, she sends Shining Armor & Princess Cadence to observing out of me & sent my love to her. They came up to me & staring at my eyes like nothing is going wrong, but this was freaking me out, so I run to one of the houses. I was fine inside, but when I turn around, freaky-ishly they were behind me inside then I was doomed with them.
Shining Armor & Princess Cadence:(They're in Chrysalis' control) (Demonic voices) Young man, you were sent here to give us your love & you will serve the queen changeling, Queen Chrysalis herself. Hand over your love for the easy way or we'll give you the hard way.
Me: Chrysalis? No way. I'll never grant her my love over to her. Shining Armor, Princess Cadence, snap out of it. This isn't the both of you.
Shining Armor & Princess Cadence: We'll give you on to count to 5 to hand it over your love now, then this is going to be the end of your human life with us & you'll get judged by Queen Chrysalis herself. 1............... 2.............. 3............... 4................F== (They've dog pile on me for 10 seconds then Princess Cadence sticks her cock machine into me, started pounding on me & Shining Armor is sucking my cock & nuts inside of his mouth) (While the both of them screwing me, they're using their magic to try to observing all of my love & faith out of me as the could)
Me: Sweet Jesus, help me, please.
To be continued...........
Princess Cadence & Shining Armor themselves are still pounding on me & still sucking my cock & nuts & they are still in control by Chrysalis herself.
Me:(I'm still being pounding on Princess Cadence's cock machine into me & my cock & nuts are still getting sucked by Shining Armor' mouth) What is it with the both of you guys serving Queen Chrysalis herself? How long you were like this ever since?
Princess Cadence:(She's still in Chrysalis' control) (Demonic voice) It's been 9 days since Chrysalis & her minions has taking over the Crystal Empire.
Shining Armor:(He's still in Chrysalis' control) (Demonic voice) Now, you young man, pipe down so we can suck the love & your faith out of you & you'll serve your goddess.
Me: Goddess? You think that Chrysalis is your god?! And do you really think that there's no god to believe in? Think again, there is a true God himself. And he's the Ruler of the good souls of Heaven. There's only one god on Earth & everyone knows that. But, my opinion, Chrysalis is not my god, she's a devil of these matters & the both of you know that! Princess Cadence, don't you remember at your wedding when Chrysalis has took your place? And Shining Armor, remember that Chrysalis was controlling & manipulating you when you & her your sister's refuse to believed your own sister that Cadence was Chrysalis. And in the end, you discovered the truth. Please? Both of you, remember. Please. (Fainted voice) I have faith in........ the both...... of you. (Then my love turn into a heart shaped & the heart has freed Shining Armor & Princess Cadence from Chrysalis' control)
To be continued..............
Shining Armor & Princess Cadence are out of Chrysalis' control.
Princess Cadence:(Normal voice) Oh. What's happe== (Gasp) Ohhh! (She gets off of me) Sorry, I'm so sorry. (Gasp) Eww, Shining Armor, what are you doing?
Me: This is not his fault. It's Chrysalis doing. She got controlled of the both of you.
Shining Armor:(Normal voice) Mmm?! (He spits out my cock & nuts out of his mouth) Bleh! Bleh! What just happened?
Princess Cadence:(I looked at her like should i tell him or not) You don't want to know.
Me: But, right now, you have a bigger problem now & somepony taking over your kingdom. And that is the queen changeling herself, Queen Chrysalis.
Shining Armor: No problem. We know how to get rid of her & her minion changelings.
Princess Cadence: Heck yeah, Shining. Stay here, young one, me & Shining Armor got this. (She kissed me in my cheek then I blushed for 8 seconds) Thank you for having faith in us.
Shining Armor: Yeah. Thank you, young one.
Me: No problem. Now, go take care of your last problem.
They ran back to the Crystal Throne room & they did their powerful loving spell to blasted away Chrysalis & her subjects back to the changeling kingdom. After that, the Crystal Empire was restored. The Crystal ponies got their love & faith back. All of the citizens of the Crystal Empire has giving me their gratitude to me for helping & saving them all from Chrysalis' control & command. They offer me a new nickname: The Boy who never gives up hope. After that, I left the Crystal Empire to return home back to Manehattan.