PeteWheat: @Anonymous: It's also fictional dude. How is it pedophilia if the character is fictional?
You sound like someone who isn't mature enough to be on this website
I just find it hilarious that you're getting all worked up over a picture of a fictional character in a cartoon. You could've used this time to actually help sexual abuse victims, but nah.. you chose to argue over "PORN BAD BECAUSE FICTIONAL CHARACTER >:( "
If it was illegal, then I'm sure this website would have been shut down a long time ago.
Anonymous4: Yoooooooooooooo00000000000000000000000000000000!!!!!!!!!! These comments are motherfucking hilarious this is got to be the funniest shit I have ever read in all my years on the goddamn earth holy fucking shit! attractive and successful African said show me the law if you know it so well hahahahahahaha! And we’re all still waiting and still no reply from that one Anon... hahahahahaha. They must still be looking for the law they know so well
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You sound like someone who isn't mature enough to be on this website
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You can't go to jail for looking at a porn drawing.
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I just find it hilarious that you're getting all worked up over a picture of a fictional character in a cartoon. You could've used this time to actually help sexual abuse victims, but nah.. you chose to argue over "PORN BAD BECAUSE FICTIONAL CHARACTER >:( "
If it was illegal, then I'm sure this website would have been shut down a long time ago.
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