@Anonymous: Judging purely from the original series, yes Sakura sucks and her only value comes from beeing a potential cumdump.
If you include shippuden you could actually argue for her beeing a useful character.
Hinata on the other hand was, at the very least, consistently a good person.
Anonymous4: @Anonymous: @Rule34ist4ever: idgaf about who's a better person or got better potential in the series, just looks is enough for me, did you forget this is Rule34?
Anonymous5(3): @Anonymous: Fapping to characters you like is a lot better than just going for looks alone.
Unless of course you actually hate a character and there are rape pics...
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So stuckup and bitchy.
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Hinata is defiantly a better person.
@Anonymous: Judging purely from the original series, yes Sakura sucks and her only value comes from beeing a potential cumdump.
If you include shippuden you could actually argue for her beeing a useful character.
Hinata on the other hand was, at the very least, consistently a good person.
Unless of course you actually hate a character and there are rape pics...
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