BobbyLuv: Firstly, I have no right to tell anybody to not post here. Secondly, I like your scenarios and that you're making attempts at creating them. I don't think your edits are horrible, they just could use a little more work. Thirdly, screw the critics; what have they made lately?
Anonymous7(5): - Brian): "By the way Tom, do you know where your co-anchor Diane is?
- Tom): "Err, no I don't? She was supose to be interviewing you earlier for this broadcast material."
- Brian): "She did, but is now recovering in her dressing room from her first mind numbing knoting experiance with me."
Kar2n_parodize: @BobbyLuv: You bring up salient points, but isn't it funny how these people could draw their way out of a paper bag, yet they're telling everyone else how to do things. If they don't like it, then why are they looking at it in the first place?
- Reply
- Tom): "Err, no I don't? She was supose to be interviewing you earlier for this broadcast material."
- Brian): "She did, but is now recovering in her dressing room from her first mind numbing knoting experiance with me."
- Reply
- Reply