Krawczyk: Dammit Rush, if only you had bought it! I was hoping I could do something for ya if you had the decency to start 2010 off right! Stupid bastard!
960018: Zollith: I believe you are right. Not knowing the dog beforehand probably would make the whole experience less interesting.
Luckily I already knew this dog from a long time ago, and as soon as I saw the thumbnail, I CAME!
Anonymous56(50): Let's talk politics. Who would win in a fight? Michael Jackson or Sarah Palin? Sarah Palin because Michael Jackson has no dick and he is burning in hell because he raped millions of little boys and then 9001 Weegee-fied Longcats came on him and smothered him in orange juice mixed with semen that had Rick Astly's PINGAS in it.
Anonymous75: I actually threw up in mouth when it loaded,
which tasted like uber shit because I was drinking, congrats 34. You are the first to ever make me sick off a visual image. Fuck you
It had to happen.
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*stands up and claps*
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Here's to another decade of 34!
For those of you who don't know about Sam,
Also, check out >>66289 for a more "related" image.
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That shit is nightmare fuel, bring back santa
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First thing I see on Rule 34 in the new year 2010 is THIS?!? Well, it's interesting, I suppose. Even ugly dogs need lovin'!
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courtisy of something
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specially for all pedos
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Luckily I already knew this dog from a long time ago, and as soon as I saw the thumbnail, I CAME!
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god damn that is funny
Sure they do, after all, we didn't get to see it fucking anyone yet!
My vote is for Sam the Ugliest Dog having sex with Chase No-Face.
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*proceeds to tag every Milhouse picture with MEME*
LOL no, I don't want to get banned
then I
'Head Explodes'
/34/ delivers. Hard.
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Uhh that only works if your underage.
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which tasted like uber shit because I was drinking, congrats 34. You are the first to ever make me sick off a visual image. Fuck you
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