Cptn_xxx: Tentacle Adventure Part 3: Looks like Padme got caught trying to help Ahsoka. Now they share the experience together. Sorry for posting this pic one week late. I tried to leave out the border lines for this one. Looks good, but takes twice of the time.
Cptn_xxx: @Anonymous: Unfortunately i underestimated the drawing time of this picture. Therefore the Lee Char picture is delayed a bit. I hope to get it done around the next weekend.
Anonymous3(1): Cptn xxxx what if you do art like Friday and Saturday one time on Sunday so that you can have enough time for next week of the artwork:)
Cptn_xxx: @Anonymous: Bringing aayla into this scenario is an awsome idea. I didnt originally planned to do more pics for this scene, but maybe there will be a part 4 somewhere in the future ; )
And it be three in trouble then?