Anonymous9: No way can this be removed... its freedom of love at its artistic best! Look at their feet- that attention to the detail of their relationship is great!
Anonymous13: to anonymous 13: terk is a girl. her full name is Terkina. (didn't you see the movie? the part when they were babies, not children... babies)
The_Q: anon 15 is win. i agree completely. this is offensive?? what about the other pic in this set with tarzan walking in on jane fucking two gorillas? why is there no comment on that? remember, its not real and its about fucking time someone did a piece like this instead of some human girl getting fucked by every imaginable creature under the sun. it's ALL fantasy and there are more than one preference, but human male on xxxxx(enter creature/humanoid of your choice)is few and far between tho the fan base is huge. 'Does that seem right to you'?
Anonymous24: Awesome!
I'm surprised and glad that I found this, I had a sudden urge to see Terk and Tarzan going at at after watching the movie again, always love some human on non-human R34!
Anonymous26: It’s actually kind of expected that Tarzan would strip down and Terk probably got entranced by seeing a human penis for the first time. I wonder if Tarzan saw a vagina either. Or what he thought.
JustWatching27: @Anonymous: He still would be able to get a pleasurable feeling from rubbing down there. But yeah, he's probably not gonna have an orgasm.
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Big hairy apes - as he would live in Florida:)
I'm surprised and glad that I found this, I had a sudden urge to see Terk and Tarzan going at at after watching the movie again, always love some human on non-human R34!
Not a bad drawing still.
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