Crimson-Snow: @Anonymous: He should be tormented to death imo. Gore is the worst along with rape and I don't care what anyone says if this is inside his mind and heart he either needs help and to change or to die. I'ts impossible to forever resist your urges and if he lusts for this cruelty and evil he has a great darkness in his heart.
Crimson-Snow: @Anonymous: Consensual sex with no coercion , trickery or cruelty is not abuse. This is cruel and evil and fetishizes murder and torture of women.
Crimson-Snow: @Anonymous: " A child can not consent " so let me get this straight if a girl comes on to a man and wants to experience sex and wants him without any doubt in her heart and body she still in your mind is incapable of consent? Guess what genius in Italy the age of consent is as young as 14.
Crimson-Snow: @Anonymous: Yeah whatever man whatever helps you sleep at night. You are pig headed and refuse to hear another side of the argument but meanwhile defend gore of all things.
Crimson-Snow: @Anonymous: HAHAHA!!! I would not touch a underage girl. The only reason is because I would fear she would perhaps regret it later in life even if she wanted it. If I was sure she would not i would indeed lay with her. If affection , tenderness and sex are wrong then I guess every person ever is guilty. Every man secretly has lusted for a tight young body around the age of 14 and it's very normal but at some point society decided to demonize it and act as if all cases were like the abusive ones. Listen asshole if you wanna continue to follow me around everywhere and comment on everything I comment on go right ahead but I will not pay attention any longer at this point. For you to continue now would only show your butthurt and hate and if you wish to waste that much energy following some man you don't even know around just to talk shit on every single thing he says be my guest. As the old saying goes a Tiger does not concern itself with whether or not flies respect it.
Anonymous4: friend and artist of this, I just want to tell you that you have exceeded levels and it should not be right, it is very fucking that something like this happens to someone in real life, I just ask you to stop please.
Anonymous5: I can't fap to this! wtf, internet? Wait.... let me give it a chance..... hmmmm.... Maybe I can, internet.... Maybe..... I ... can.
@Crimson-Snow: It's quite simple, people under a certain age cannot consent. You do not respect that. You are a pedo. We have read your "argument", which basically says, "it's not bad all of da time". So what?
Anonymous8: This is called Ero-guro you fucking pussies, this fucking nice, not to fap but to contemplate depravity and grotesque. You guys are so fucking fagots
eat shit and die.
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@Crimson-Snow: It's quite simple, people under a certain age cannot consent. You do not respect that. You are a pedo. We have read your "argument", which basically says, "it's not bad all of da time". So what?
Get your Own Gore/murder booru and let us R34 fans have our own
And nobody will listen.
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