Anonymous1: a 10 minute video instead / Before ending up 10 miles away from equestria land rarity is walking with vignette to the building where the parade for equestria land is going to start vignette takes rarity to her office and tells her about the job she will be working as a costume designer but vignette will love for rarity to wear this dress / / with diamonds in her hair when rarity gets it on she looks at herself in the mirror she agrees to apply for the job and vignette is pleased for that but she needs to know rarity is perfect for the job so she ask her to go to the signal girls restroom and she Chang but rarity about b's porn b.y.b.b. But she'll tell her if she can see for herself rarity agrees and goes to the girls signal restroom but unknown to her that vignette is smiling in an evil way while that was happening rarity is in the restroom looking at herself in the mirror thinking of b's porn b.y.b.b. Thinking of the time she was naked and became a nudes but she have to proove herself to vignette she goes to the door to the toilet is but the is a sign saying room is sound sealed so no one can hear you and the light in this room will turn on when the door is shut. After reading the sign rarity decide to take the chanc and opens up the door to see how dark it is thinking how to impress vignette with her way after shutting the door the lights turn on when she noticed there is no toilet she is confuse with this and how can this be a restroom without a toilet a few seconds later a pipe pops out of the floor which confuse rarity even more lick this \ \ it starts to suck air strong enough to pull rarity to it and when she's close to the toilet she turns to try to get away but then the little tent on her head get pulled in the toilet her hair gets unrapped back to it's usual look at seeing this she gets to the door but finds another sign saying door will lock when someone is in this room rarity is upset but not in a bad way just disappoint remembering the time she had with her naked body just then the clothes get torn of rarity's body from the force of the wind lick this \ / leaving her in nude with her hot naked body like this \ \ with her breast this big \ \ and her body like that when she stands strate. She looks back to see the dress get sucked down the toilet and she loses her grip on the door and tries running like this \ \ while running rarity feels like that time she was streaking and she's doing it again and she's loving it while running rarity in groping her breast sucking and licking them and pinching twisting licking and sucking her nipples she fingers her clit and butthole she turns around to see she very close to the toilet she speeds up her running she keeps running though unaware that vignette is watching this with a camera hidden in the wall seeing rarity is almost to the door she speeds up the toilet sucking force rarity is almost poled in to the toilet rarity speeds up her running but still close to the toilet marking oh we on as sounds she turns her head again her beret is pulled out of her hair goes down the toilet while running her arms going back and forth get pulled back then she looks to see she's about to be pulled in her legs get left up and she's running in mid air but then rarity gets pulled into the toilet legs and arms first her head and body out but before being getting sucked into the toilet rarity feels frisky as the toilet tries pulling her in she pulls out her left arm licks her fingers puts them to her clit rubbing it cums after a few thrust into it licks her fingers again circles them around her butt and legs around the toilet then pulled in Some more with her neck and breast still out her then grabs one of her breast suck it then sucking her nipples next same with the ather licking her fingers again covering both her breast in her spit and then her left arm and breast are pulled in the toilet only her head out she smiles because she's loving this she makes a gaw sound before getting sucked completely into the toilet witch goes back into the floor. Watching from the camera on her phone vignette goes to view the pipe line from equestria land to the woods 10 miles away see rarity is heading there she's going throw twists and turns up and down and making it to the end of the pipe her feet come out first soon her legs then her belly later her hands and arms then her breast with only her head left witch soons comes out and falls face first she gets up she's right by a river her arm bands are still on her but not her 👡👡 but finds them on a rock on an island in the middile of the river she crosses the river and gets them on to look like this with c size breast / \ with c size breast like this \ \ but after putting the 👡👡 on vignette has made them to make rarity turned on she sees equestria land is 10 miles away she stands up bends down to pull up heals on her 👡👡 and starts running to equestria land jumping over things and you know the rest is George to she's rescue The fightscence / will rarity is on top of vignette office bunk in the building vignette is below saying that she wants rarity for he porn B.Y.B.B. Be yourself but bare then rarity tries t pounds on vignette but it's a hologram of vignette how is right behind rarity how falls in a pile of clothes vignette youses her phone to get her clothes off quickly and gives herself a dick and creates a clone of herself to grab rarity on the left and right sides of rarity carry her ramming her between two metal bares saying what George says then pulls out by the two vignettes and flip right side up and rammed again the two vignettes examen rarity's breast belly butt and pussey then rarity makes a mean face kicks both in the nuts when the two vignettes put there hands to there crouchs rarity gets out of the metal bares gets her arms around both vignettes but then one vignette punches rarity in the belly and the other does an uppercut sending rarity out of her 👡👡 and flies on to a pile of clothes upside down both vignettes go over to rarity and have one holds rarity with rarity's arms behind her back and her legs up with her hands while the other vignette twist rarity's nipples then both vignettes plunge there dicks into rarity one in the ass and one in her pussey then the vignette in front of rarity puts up her arm and her armpit to rarity's nose smelling how bad it is rarity flip down while standing on her legs getting a blowjob and a assjob at the same time and then flipped over with vignette lands with b's couch inside rarity's pussey then the other vignette plunges her couch in rarity's mouth then rarity is between both vignettes again the one behind her holding legs up with her hands and rarity's arms behind her back fucking her ass and the other pinching and twisting rarity's nipples fucks her pussey back and forth when they cum inside rarity they put her on the floor bend her over to her ass and she farts then the two vignettes being rarity on her feet still bent over the one behind her puts panties on her and gives rarity a weggey putting the back part of the panties over rarity's hend and then rarity is being helled with out the panties with one vignette holding her behind with rarity's legs up with her hands and rarity's arms behind her back with the other vignette pounding her pussey and the one behind rarity pounding her ass then the vignette in front of her poles her couch out of rarity's pussey then puts a dildoe in there after a few pumps in rarity she cums after that vignette's phone makes the vignette in front of rarity disappears the real vignette takes rarity to her office then the people who work for her gives rarity a good fucking like I the comic:enjoying the sunset and then strap her in a strap table like in this \ \ and carrying her to vignette proping her on the wall then they leave vignette to take to rarity of being her sex slave rarity says a speech to let vignette know she would be amazed by how wonderful it will be a nudes and vignette tells her she shouldn't be ashamed of being nude and beautiful rarity tells vignette she's in a band called the rainbooms when vignette finds that out she instead rarity to let her friends to come on opening day and rarity agress and she and vignette are going to have a great sexy time the end. This is the hole 10 minute video an idea equestria girls porn video This happen first
Anonymous5(1): @Anonymous: you are nothing but a little preschool child with a temper tatteram and anther thing stop it you're not going to change my mind and that's final.
Anonymous6(1): @Anonymous: you are not going to make me feel like I am the bad guy you are it's not stupid you are stupid go say that to your mother my mom doesn't care you need to be respectful and kind like me and that's final.
Anonymous7(1): @Anonymous: see you are not repectful to any other people you are selfish cold-hearted preschool child with a temper tatteram it's pruff you are not nice you need to go back to school to learn to be respectful to others and empty and otisum.
Anonymous8(1): mouth@Deserter06: I said I not taking to you watch your mouth I pouch you right in the face for saying that word and let it go with what should not happen it will happen.
Anonymous14(1): @Anonymous: I don't need to get them to work to let you know what I am saying. Shut up I'm not going to far all of you are now that's enough. Stop disagreeing with me.
Anonymous17(1): @Anonymous: you can go say that to your mother. I just asked for an sexy video and what answer do get bad laguagh and I'm not agree with any of you and I'm not taking no for an answer and that's final.
Anonymous18(1): I'm not mean I'm nice everyone will love this idea mine and it will make a lote of money as well now please stop it all of you guys it's very rude and mean to say things like that to others now respect them and their ideas.
Anonymous20(1): @Anonymous: believe you listen to yourself you are just a kid with a temper tantrum go scream and shout at your mother and she'll see the spoiled sausage you really are.
Anonymous24(1): @Anonymous: say something like that people like you will have someone to rip off your head for being very bad. And I won't do that but someone else will.
Anonymous27(1): @Anonymous: Stop pretending and go back to preschool you little sausage your not a adult your a kid with a temper now go away I don't want to hear what you have to say little sausage.
Anonymous34(1): @Anonymous: Ah go break your neck and see a doctor who make you pay too much to save your life you bad bad mean bully. And that last thing I said means you all are like little preschool kids.
Anonymous38(1): @Anonymous: I'm not mean you are . It is going to happen and you have no right to say won't everyone will love it and will make so much money.
Anonymous39(1): @Anonymous: watch that mouth of yours and I'm not going to fight you vileness solves nothing but you do people will see how mean you are and will be agenst you know go away it is happening stop being like this and respect everyone.
Anonymous41(1): @Anonymous: make you that's proff you are a little kid you spoiled sausage you made a threat first and everyone against you or not it's because they don't know where you and how you are forget it I wasn't talking to you and I never was now beat it and leave me alone.
Deserter06: You know, this was kinda annoying at first, but now it's like watching a really trashy TV drama; I fucking hate it, but I find it hilarious.
Anonymous45(1): @Deserter06: You are annoying and trash your hate and go find something else hilarious my idea isn't . you little sausage it's going to happen so you forget it.
Anonymous46(1): @Anonymous: You live on the streets now get off this website we never met so don't think of saying the same thing to me stop with the trash talk save it for garbage day street homeless man and that's final.
Anonymous50(1): @Anonymous: you are not that strong and you are weeker then a baby. You little baby you are a spoiled sausage I told you before I'm not taking to you now butt out .
Anonymous54(1): @Anonymous: it's you who is making me sick because you are sick you are suffering 🤢🤢🤢 of bad language you hear when you were a preschool child that's unappreciated language for someone of that age go see a doctor about your behavior problem.
Anonymous57(1): @Anonymous: if you are not see the spoiled sausage you are becoming then you need to move back with your mom . I understand you are becoming more moron then anyone . You are shitty and my idea isn't you need to get off your drugs.
Anonymous58(1): @Anonymous: if you are not see the spoiled sausage child you are becoming then you need to move back with your mom . I understand you are becoming more moron then anyone . You are shitty and my idea isn't you need to get off your drugs.
Cloppy_Hooves: Guys, quit wasting your time with this idiot.
I'm like 90% sure that this dude isn't even for real and is feigning stupidity to try and get a rise out of people. It was amusing for a short time but now this sperg has gotten far more attention than they deserve.
Even if they are serious, there's not a single thing on this Earth they could do to make me animate their retarded idea. Everybody move on and this shitkid can keep screaming in an empty room.
- Reply
It's not going to happen.
On our next segment, water is wet, and the sky is blue.
Could've fooled me.
- Reply
I'm like 90% sure that this dude isn't even for real and is feigning stupidity to try and get a rise out of people. It was amusing for a short time but now this sperg has gotten far more attention than they deserve.
Even if they are serious, there's not a single thing on this Earth they could do to make me animate their retarded idea. Everybody move on and this shitkid can keep screaming in an empty room.
1) this disscussion turned into hell debate.
2) there's 2 faces staring back at me dissapointingly who's located in sunsetshimmer's titties.