Jackofhearts69: @FreakyFantasy: And your likes and dislikes are the only things that anyone else should have? Get real, because there are probably things that YOU like, that would turn someone else's stomach. I'm not into bestiality, myself, either, but I'm aware that my likes and dislikes are not shared with everyone else, and I accept it. As long as it is allowed on this site, then you need to just accept it, and if you don't like it, then don't click on the thumbnail to begin with.
Anonymous2: @Jackofhearts69: or you know, have common sense that bestiality is gross and animals cannot consent. Fiction or not somebody shouldn’t be attracted to the idea of raping an animal lmao
Anonymous3(2): @Jackofhearts69: you have a point that people are going to draw whatever they want and there’s nothing we can do to stop them but that doesn’t mean we should condone people drawing fucked up shit
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