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Anonymous1: Can you do anal with this Gwen?
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Anonymous2: Please more lolis no old hags
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Anonymous3: @Anonymous: no stupid, no more lolis. What did You saying is pedophilia. The teen gwen needs respect
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Anonymous4: @Anonymous: Just fap to your precious teen gwen you hypocritical pedo.
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Anonymous5(3): @Anonymous: @Anonymous: no, hypocritical ignorant pedo, just fap to your filthy precious young gwen. The only thing you like is raping her and make her something she's not. Just because you don't understand the growth in fictional characters doesn't mean you critize the teenager version that looks nothing like the original! This Is called growth and change in fictional characters.
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Anonymous6: Oh look who it is , if it isn't the 16 year old twat that is a hypocrite and has a fetish of teen gwen . Now fap to this picture till you die . Are you happy now ? You finally get your teen gwen . Also go fap to your equestria girls you sick fuck
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Anonymous7(6): "a hard-on for Alien Force Gwen who is also underage " you even agree your a hypocrite . Your times is up, now end this shit now. Underage= illegal you clown 🤡
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Anonymous8(6): Your the same thing though you hypocrite
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Anonymous9(6): A pedo
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Anonymous10: [@Anonymous: @Anonymous: You're wrong on this, you son of a bitch. there is a difference between the original gwen and teen gwen. The only one who is underage is the original, the teen gwen is older and mature. you even agree that you are a hypocrite. Your time is up, now finish your shit now. Minor = illegal clown and that meant the original gwen. Are you happy now fucker or do you want to die for your own madness? You finally get your report. sick shit.
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Anonymous11(10): @Anonymous: no, the real imbecible and pedo it's you.
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Anonymous12(4): @Anonymous: Shes still 16 that would still be illegal irl but since gwen is a cartoon legality means jack shit regardless of a characters age. You retards take cartoon porn too seriously. Buncha whack jobs.
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Anonymous13(4): Which is ironic cause loli gwen irl is 16 so shes almost legal if anything since "teen gwen" is like 12 or 13 irl so technically the engrish spewing douchebag is the real pedo. Quick clarification when I say loli gwen is 16 irl I mean its been 16 years since the original ben 10 first aired. There i've said my piece if anyone dosen't like what I've said well tough luck I don't give a shit. So please dont waste your time writting a book length diatribe against me. Please just for anyone reading the comments sakes.
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Pant: Sunnie, PLEASE do more Teen Gwen!
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Anonymous14(4): @Anonymous: Whatever asshole you wanna rub one out to the version of gwen the looks like ben in drag then you do you. No skin off my nose.
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Anonymous15(4): @Anonymous: And you keep being a retard you smug pompous jackass. And while you at it suck a cock. Also I feel since your parents CLEARLY forgot to tell you this but cartoons aren't real you holier than thou fuck.
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Anonymous16(4): @Anonymous: Whatever dude you called loli hentai kiddie porn like you think cartoon=real person which is the same bs that annoying engrish spewing asshole keeps spewing and iys getting old. And also you come off as smug, pompous, and douchey. Also I love how you arrogantly assume why I like loli gwen porn so ya know keep being a judgey asshole cause yeah that just makes people want to listen to what you have say and not want to punch you in the mouth.
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Anonymous17(4): Whatever asshole you and your engrish spewing boyfriend enjoy your ben in drag hentai. Oh wait I mean man faced gwen hentai im sorry its just very easy to get those confused. also check out the omniverse version she looks like gross feminist that should probably be up both of your alleys.
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Anonymous18: This is why I love the comment section, more drama then Broadway. Fuck insta comment fights, I want porn comment fighta
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Anonymous19: yall really need to leave the basement and go outside and it shows