Anonymous2: @Anonymous: If they are underaged call the police so they can save them. Oh wait, it's just a bunch of lines and pixels made on Photoshop? Damn, well, maybe next time
DarkAtHeart: @Anonymous: Jesus I think you're right. Someone call the Cyber police. Let's bring these people to cyber jail. Does anyone know where the Cyber judge is?
BerserkGorilla: @Anonymous: Are you the same autist that commented on those Connie pics? Well she is in this one as well so I would not be surprised.
Get it through your thick skull asswipe, they are NOT REAL, they are just drawings. YOU are the one that brings to the table the underage part, yet you still watch the fucking images, either stop watching them or admit you are a pedo, cuz by projecting this much you are raisin a bunch of red flags, you autistic fuck!
Anonymous3: It's objectively not wrong to draw them, they don't even look like humans, just goofy cartoon designs that could be used to represent either teenager or adult characters. Connie looks like some sort of owl thing and Anne looks like a walking palm tree. Criticize people for finding cartoons attractive but don't conflate that with them being pedos.
Anonymous4: can i just say who is the harem fetish faggot that keeps commissioning this stuff like seriously its getting pretty fucking annoying seeing the same setup over and over again
Anonymous6: What's so bad about that? Let him live his dream and waste his money. We're all going to die sooner or later in our lives, might as well make the most of it.
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Get it through your thick skull asswipe, they are NOT REAL, they are just drawings. YOU are the one that brings to the table the underage part, yet you still watch the fucking images, either stop watching them or admit you are a pedo, cuz by projecting this much you are raisin a bunch of red flags, you autistic fuck!