Anonymous1: I have several doubts about this, Lucena is Dominican, and the chimichurri is something typical of Argentina. what sense does it make, surely you did not know this. regards
Please North American people get us into this, this offends me in many ways, many many ways.
kellymarra: Chimichurri burger is a part Dominican/Dominican-American cuisine. You can get them in trucks in NYC. Other cultures can adopt and adapt parts of other cultures too.
cheezburger: anon1 smells like a troll and a SJW.
People are allowed to eat whatever the fuck they want you little wank. It doesn't mean they're "appropriating" or mislabeled just because they do something from a different place from where they are. Grow the fuck up.
Anonymous4: @Anonymous: Betting you're the same faggot going about telling people to "stop making porn of peridot because she's asexual" or whatever the fuck. Go fucking kill yourself retard nobody finna listen to your pussy ass, fuck off back to twitter where everything is "racism" and "misgendering"
Anonymous6: Don’t ask how I got here but regarding this dude talking about the person getting offended is a faggot..? Yet he’s seen peridot hentai comments.. which means he’s seen peridot hentai.. Oh boy
Please North American people get us into this, this offends me in many ways, many many ways.
it's like drawing uncle sam eating a taco
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People are allowed to eat whatever the fuck they want you little wank. It doesn't mean they're "appropriating" or mislabeled just because they do something from a different place from where they are. Grow the fuck up.
I've seen Uncle Sam eating tacos. That doesn't offend me, especially since Tacos are an AMERICAN invention.
Also, you're an overly sensitive, piece-of-shit little faggot who should KYS now and stop wasting the air and space the rest of us need to live.