Anonymous5: The tentacle looks like it can hit someone's sweet spot and more without said-object even thrusting, yet the original looks more hot and hard tho.
carbonated_meat: i find that human dicks, especially as detailed as that, just look out of place on cartoon objects. nothing else about it is so complex and humanlike, why would the dick be? i do wish there was more experimentation with inhuman dicks that aren’t prehensile either tho. kinda like this one
Anonymous8: Tentacle. It makes sense for objects especially if it can be hidden in a sheath or slit until its ready to be 'used'. Imagine having a human dick that cant be hidden on objects that dont wear clothes. Seems funny though.
Mackii_boye: when i first started drawing this kind of stuff i drew human dicks at first, but it just doesn't look right to me on objects. So I prefer tentacle dicks.
Anonymous21: I prefer these non-human dicks for objects better than human dicks & tentadicks.
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